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The Munga - The Toughest Race On Earth


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Dot_spotting... my wife just shook her head...

My lady has given up an gone to her sister because of the dots. It's really sad. Who's going to drink all these Guinness?

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Shame one more thing on anniversaries..


My eldest spent the weekend working at his dad's business..


Yip digging trenches cutting big ass cable, doing some welding and grinding etc... working really hard..(he'll be 15 at the end of the year) he got his first "paycheck" and I had to take him to the shops whe he got home from work and he bought us some chocolates.


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My lady has given up an gone to her sister because of the dots. It's really sad. Who's going to drink all these Guinness?

[emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23]


It'll have to be you.

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My lady has given up an gone to her sister because of the dots. It's really sad. Who's going to drink all these Guinness?

sounds like a tick in the 'win' column to me. Perhaps a Wilderer Gin and Tonic is in order here.
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Isn't he just..


I meant he spent the week not weekend [emoji85] auto correct

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sounds like a tick in the 'win' column to me. Perhaps a Wilderer Gin and Tonic is in order here.

With the heat a G'n'T would go down a treat. Might just need to shuffle over to the cabinet for an Inverroche.

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This race is far from over! 7 riders within 50km of each other. 2 1/2 hours roughly in gap. My cat nap the other morning was longer that that!! Too much of excitement :-)



I live by the BDF cycling pledge. One day. Every day. #9Rules

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Jissie wish the dots would update, they are dropping off the escarpment and I am nervous for them[emoji85]

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They about to drop off the cliff face... Should still be light there

Yup, I think the plan was to "fly" down the cliff whilst there's still light...

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Yup, I think the plan was to "fly" down the cliff whilst there's still light...

JD has updated..



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I humbly apologize for my ignorance. 

Did not know about this sadness. (poor style on my side)(sorry to all)


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Just over 200km left.... Over many ups and downs... Night time.. Fatigue.... Now the real race begins...


What do you guys reckon...9am tomorrow?

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remember there is a huge kicker to this course, which (if not tomorrow) in years too come could be the scene of epic battles..Bainskloof pass is right at the end. top that and you're five pedal strokes from home, so it really is a summit finish (unless you wanna try some froomedawg descending).



I humbly apologize for my ignorance. 

Did not know about this sadness. (poor style on my side)(sorry to all)


honest mistake...maybe all those who quoted you can edit theirs too?!

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remember there is a huge kicker to this course, which (if not tomorrow) in years too come could be the scene of epic battles..Bainskloof pass is right at the end. top that and you're five pedal strokes from home, so it really is a summit finish (unless you wanna try some froomedawg descending).



honest mistake...maybe all those who quoted you can edit theirs too?!

They do go up and over Bainskloof .. ja.. that will probably be where it happens hey
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