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What is the PPA doing?


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A letter from the CEO

It has been a terrible start to 2017 for cycling, with three cyclists that we know of, killed in January:

  • Delene Boonzaaier
  • Andrew Bradford
  • Gregory Basson

Our heartfelt condolences to the families and friends of the deceased and we also wish the cyclists injured in these crashes, a speedy and full recovery. 

All three cyclists were hit from behind, with two of the drivers fleeing the scene. The driver involved in the crash on Bottelary Rd this past weekend was alleged to have been drunk and denied that he was driving when he was apprehended by the police. From what we have heard, the driver involved in the crash with Andrew Bradford might also have been driving under the influence.

It’s just crazy! Who is allowing his or her inebriated friend to get behind the wheel, in the knowledge that it is illegal? What do the people sharing a home with the drunk driver say when they see the car parked in the driveway and the driver nursing a bad hangover? Is it solely the responsibility of the state to educate its citizens about the morals of the society they live in?

What can be done to shift people’s behaviour?

How do we and other organisations that are trying to make the roads safer, get into the minds of drivers and encourage them to do only one thing - the “right” thing - and to obey the rules of the road? All the rules, not just a selective few?

We have become a lawless society. That’s what it feels like when I'm cycling on the road. We have some of the best laws in the world, but they are worthless if they are not enforced, or the legal system lets the victims down. 

We are quick to learn that, mostly, jumping a red light or stop street has no legal consequences and it soon becomes entrenched behaviour. 

We have the ‘1m passing law’ in the Western Cape. It gets broken countless times, every single day and sometimes with fatal consequences. 

I have requested a meeting with the MEC for Transport & Public Works. I’d like him to understand how fed-up we are as cyclists at being ignored on the road and with some drivers  prepared to injure or even kill, just because they don’t see us as legitimate road users.

To these drivers, cyclists seem to be “inconveniences” on the road; annoying obstacles like a pothole or a red light that interrupts a motorist’s journey. Some cyclists do break the rules, but many don’t. 

The City of Cape Town wants to become a cycling city. We want to increase commuters to 8% by 2030. We want to get our kids to cycle to work, instead of spending hours walking. How will we ever achieve that, if the roads are not safe?

To create a completely separated network of cycle lanes is near impossible and not practical. Somewhere, cars and bicycles will have to share the same space. If the roads are unsafe, how do you encourage the uptake of utility cycling?

I don’t have the answers, but I am trying hard to find them. I look overseas at campaigns that have worked in Australia, UK, Germany and elsewhere, just to get some ideas. It all comes back to one thing: The individual making a conscious decision to change his or her behaviour, and doing the right thing.

Stricter laws look good on paper. It sounds great when an official says “We will take a zero-tolerance approach”. We have heard it all before and it seems to make no difference to the carnage on our roads. 

What might make sense are some of the following:

  1. Questions with cyclist scenarios in the K53 Learner License test
  2. Compulsory 3rd Party Insurance before a motor vehicle is licensed
  3. In any crash involving pedestrians or cyclists, the motorist to be presumed guilty until proven innocent
  4. Driver’s License re-tests every 5 year when a new license is issued. The eye test alone is almost meaningless

Road fatalities (including pedestrians) were up by 5% in December 2016. Almost two people killed per hour every day in December. Road safety awareness campaigns were run over the holidays by various authorities, but seem to have had little impact.

If we are honest with ourselves, we have all broken a rule of the road at one time or another. We can justify it in our own minds, but that doesn’t make it right. Especially not if the result – however unanticipated – injures or even kills someone else.

We demand safe roads. 

We demand justice for cyclists knocked down on our roads. 

  • The City has compiled a Draft Cycling Strategy, which is a component of the broader Non-motorised Transport Strategy.  The Draft Cycling Strategy for Cape Town is now available for public comment. It is important that we all read this document and give input. The strategy was developed by cyclists and they will get what you’re saying. Comments close on 21 February 2017.

Yours in cycling

Robert Vogel 

CEO, Pedal Power

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I do find thebubs relationship with PPA very schizophrenic -  every time around subs renewal time we hear hubbers complain about how PPA membership is not worth it and how they don't do events anymore etc so they are lapsing their membership.


but everytime there is an accident one of the first posts read "Get the PPA involved!!! They should do something about this!!!"

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I do find thebubs relationship with PPA very schizophrenic -  every time around subs renewal time we hear hubbers complain about how PPA membership is not worth it and how they don't do events anymore etc so they are lapsing their membership.


but everytime there is an accident one of the first posts read "Get the PPA involved!!! They should do something about this!!!"



I have asked this before, several times, and nobody seems to be able to answer or actually discuss it constructively.


What does the PPA use all that money for?

Surely our current situation justifies dipping into their vast reserves to expedite some action? 

Soon cyclists will be asking Gerrie Nel and AfriForum for help..... 

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So of the current 9 listed projects, exactly ZERO have to do with cyclist safety?

I thought we wanted the PPA to host more road races? That way more riding in controlled safer environment?


Remember they dumped a lot of cash on the stay wider of the rider campaign. 


I dont think we even know what we want. We are about as fickle as my toddler and his toys.

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I thought we wanted the PPA to host more road races? That way more riding in controlled safer environment?


Remember they dumped a lot of cash on the stay wider of the rider campaign. 


I dont think we even know what we want. We are about as fickle as my toddler and his toys.

Yes we do want more road races. But that isn't happening either.


We do know what we want, we want safer riding conditions, stricter laws and more consequence for reckless drivers.... we want to stop being killed.


Just because we can't always agree on EXACTLY what needs to be done, doesn't mean nothing should be done.

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maybe they could dip into their vast funds and hire a private investigator and some lawyers and hunt down and prosecute some of these motorized murders, instead of writing careful not to really offend any stakeholders letters of outrage .... :whistling:

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Yes we do want more road races. But that isn't happening either.


We do know what we want, we want safer riding conditions, stricter laws and more consequence for reckless drivers.... we want to stop being killed.


Just because we can't always agree on EXACTLY what needs to be done, doesn't mean nothing should be done.


I am sure they are doing stuff. At the AGM they did mention they helped fund lawyers to prosecute drunk drivers. 


They are doing stuff, maybe not enough but not nothing. They have organised week day track days for members so dont have to train on the road. They were on Chappies this weekend handing out powerades and had massive signs enlightening motorists about the 1m passing law.


Just because its not on the internet does not mean it does not happen. 


They probably hire the Savage PR team to help their PR image.

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So of the current 9 listed projects, exactly ZERO have to do with cyclist safety?

Excuse the quality. Of the R3 million for projects, just more than half went to "Safe Cycling".



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I also feel that they are not doing enough, but like pure savage is saying, at least some things are happening. 


I also agree that i would like safer riding environments and more road races. 


in the end we all want the same thing. our methods would just be different. 

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Since this is a PPA thread, would I get some support from the hubbers if I start analyzing the PPA, their objectives, financials, etcetera? I could even try to get voted to their committee later this year, if you want.

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I think if they systematically go about erecting Warning / Caution signs on all the major routes used for training, it will help create an even better awareness of our presence on these routes.


A sign similar to this every Kilometer or so, will go a long way in creating the necessary awareness among the motorists.





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Were handing out high-viz velcro band thingies on Chappies on Sunday morning

Was a great idea

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just waiting for


carbon29er and icycling, then this is going to get fun








I trust you wanted a comment from me?


Isn't it the Table mountain bike cycling club formally known as PPA? The money is now been reassigned to salaries / overhead - so all services to cyclist will be reduce.

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