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Heart Rate monitor doesn't work properly.

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I honestly don't know what to do anymore. Nothing I do seems to work with my heart rate monitor.

I have tried wetting it.

I have tried using salt water.

I have tried ECG gel that I bought specially.

I have tried loosening it

I have tried tightening it.

I have tried different straps.

I have tried different sensors. Sigma R1, Wahoo Tickr, Polar Wearlink and Wearlink+ and T31.

Eventually I resorted to buying a new Wahoo Tickr sensor. But STILL I get flat spots and erratic readings! What else can I do! The issue seems to be especially prevalent in windy weather.

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I had this issue with my wahoo tickr - what solved it was tightening the strap and now perfect readings hours on end.


Hope you come right. 

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Considered that the issue may be the receiver rather than the transmitter.?

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Maybe it's not the monitor but your head unit?

I honestly don't know what to do anymore. Nothing I do seems to work with my heart rate monitor.

I have tried wetting it.

I have tried using salt water.

I have tried ECG gel that I bought specially.

I have tried loosening it

I have tried tightening it.

I have tried different straps.

I have tried different sensors. Sigma R1, Wahoo Tickr, Polar Wearlink and Wearlink+ and T31.

Eventually I resorted to buying a new Wahoo Tickr sensor. But STILL I get flat spots and erratic readings! What else can I do! The issue seems to be especially prevalent in windy weather.

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Try your wahoo with the wahoo fitness app on your phone and go for a ride and see if it could maybe be your actual monitor 

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On the back of the strap the rubber pads which contact with your skin that are connected to the points where the transmitter mounts onto. Check that those are not damaged. On some belts that are stretched too much the rubber snaps and you can only see the break if you stretch the belt.


too fix you can get that tension/stretch rubber seal tape from Builders and use some puncture solution to glue a small piece over the break line.

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What head unit do you have, and have you tried a factory reset?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Have you tried washing the strap? Its an important part of HR strap upkeep.. 

Battery check, although you mention you have done that.


Try a good wash, rinse and dry 

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Have you tried washing the strap? Its an important part of HR strap upkeep.. 

Battery check, although you mention you have done that.


Try a good wash, rinse and dry


Rinse for at least a minute under running water, after each use. Decent wash after 3 to 4 sessions.
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Normally its your tops zipper that flaps in wind causing false readings


Try putting the sensor part of strap on your back(not chest) or make sure your zipper dont flap/touch the belt.

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Too many to quote so I'll just reply to everybody just all in here.


I can rule out my computer. Its a Sigma Rox10.


I ruled it out today because thanks to the Tickrs LEDs I could see how it was picking up the heart beat and it was definitely erattic. Besides it worked 100% fine for 100 Cycle Challenge.


How tight is tight enough? Because I mean this thing is tight enough that it leaves marks on me.


I am starting to think that maybe it is the cycling jersey causing the issues. But I mean surely with nearly 40 years of technological progression under our belts (my father got his first polar HRM back in the late 80's if I remember right) we should of seriously been able to think up a way where HRMs are not effected by wind or flappy jerseys or silly things like this? I mean static wicks or something it surely can't be that hard. So bloody irritating. /endrant


Surely turning the strap around so it's on my back surely won't work will it?

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I am starting to think that maybe it is the cycling jersey causing the issues. But I mean surely with nearly 40 years of technological progression under our belts (my father got his first polar HRM back in the late 80's if I remember right) we should of seriously been able to think up a way where HRMs are not effected by wind or flappy jerseys or silly things like this? I mean static wicks or something it surely can't be that hard. So bloody irritating. /endrant


Surely turning the strap around so it's on my back surely won't work will it?


Tech has not changed much for HRM .. Polar said there latest version (H10) has new algorithms to prevent false readings, but who really knows.


Your heart is in the middle of your chest...  Mine worked fine on my back.

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Surely turning the strap around so it's on my back surely won't work will it?



Apparently it does work, I heard this same advice from a Polar rep at a polar exhibition.


Just try another cycling top without a zip and that is tight enough to not flap in the wind.

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I had this issue with my wahoo tickr - what solved it was tightening the strap and now perfect readings hours on end.


Hope you come right. 

^^^^ THIS... lost weight and had issues with my HR strap. cinched it up and all's good

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