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CSA fining members for riding choc mtb


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Is this one of those "unless you volunteer you cant have a voice" posts?

More a case of let's have a little empathy for people working for free to try fix a *** situation...


Throwing mud at people giving up their own time freely is in poor taste in my books.


I posted many pages back that the nice thing about CSA having little money, is that most of the rats would have left the ship. As you can see from the massive salary bill, nobodies getting stinking rich anytime soon and the finances are at least heading in the right direction.

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Yes, we must 'fire' all the volunteers... 


As pointed out, there is nobody else putting their hands up to help. Hence the disastrous situation.

It was not the lack of volunteers that stopped CSA from paying our insurance.


The mismanagement of funds cannot be blamed on the lack of volunteers. CSA is yet to take responsibility for this.


Maybe if they do, and you stop blaming the people who's money was wasted, there would be more interest to volunteer to help them. 

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More a case of let's have a little empathy for people working for free to try fix a *** situation...


Throwing mud at people giving up their own time freely is in poor taste in my books.


I posted many pages back that the nice thing about CSA having little money, is that most of the rats would have left the ship. As you can see from the massive salary bill, nobodies getting stinking rich anytime soon and the finances are at least heading in the right direction.


I cannot wait for Mr Joffe's book.

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See post earlier by Patch and posts on other CSA thread by Frosty where hands have been put up and ignored by CSA.... your argument does not hold water.

I did get those points earlier... but who volunteered, and for what positions?

I'm only asking because I've seen cases where people want to go straight to the top without earning their stripes...


Rolling Stone, what positions are available in CGC for starters?

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I did get those points earlier... but who volunteered, and for what positions?

I'm only asking because I've seen cases where people want to go straight to the top without earning their stripes...


Rolling Stone, what positions are available in CGC for starters?

Why, are you going to volunteer?

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I did get those points earlier... but who volunteered, and for what positions?

I'm only asking because I've seen cases where people want to go straight to the top without earning their stripes...


Rolling Stone, what positions are available in CGC for starters?


So you know of people who offered to volunteer too?

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For the first 5 years that we hosted the Believe MTB we duly paid CSA their funds to sanction our event. CSA however never once attended the event and supplied the commissaries (which you are then also charged for even though you have to have one and they say they supply them???)

Anyone who attended the start of year 2 in the thunderstorm, where we didn't know if we should actually proceed with the event can attest to the fact we were left without support for this crucial and many other crucial decisions.

After years of complaining that we were paying for a service that we didn't receive and simply charging riders more for their entry (day licences) and handing over less to our charity, CSA did arrive for year 6.

The commissaries (very nice gentleman and a lady) arrived in time for the start (definitely not 2 hours before as per their guidelines), smiled and that was about it.  no route check, inspections of dangerous area etc etc

I can 100% guarantee you if the CSA had done anything they would have noticed that we used to give free shooters on the water tables, some questions may have been asked and I doubt they would have sanctioned us...  Definitely sure it wouldnt have been covered under their insurance policy, which i never actually saw a copy of in all those years. (we took out our own additional event and medical insurance for riders)


So this would mean CSA/CGC/Comms whoever feels its their duty to enforce a UCI ruling and fine riders in a race for which they previously have not done what they paid to.  I wonder what the UCI who they claim to represent would think of this. 


Also did the official's who were meant to attend claim expenses. If so then this is fraud. 

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"a leopard can’t change its spots" - Let's not forget that CSA wanted to kill off PPA to get their grubby hands on the lucrative Cycle Tour. 

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"a leopard can’t change its spots" - Let's not forget that CSA wanted to kill off PPA to get their grubby hands on the lucrative Cycle Tour. 

Thank god they didnt have more volunteers.

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The only fact I have stated is that if anyone bitches, then you suggest they volunteer.... yet, you do not volunteer yourself !!


Glad we are of the same understanding with the CSA EXCO and MANCO and will be interested to see how you feel new people will be put in place when the current EXCO ignore offers from new volunteers and when the existing EXCO found to be fraudulent and mismanaging, tried to cover it up by saying they would investigate and then re-appointed themselves in an almost closed shop AGM that lasted all of less than 30mins?


I agree with you that one of the problems is those that vote the EXCO on... but the bigger problem is the majority of cyclist lack of knowledge of the failings of CSA to which highlighting (or bitching in your words) this does on such a thread.



How do you know I've not volunteered??!! LOL.. Holy smokes you just keeping digging that hole.


It is the complete mismanagement of the finances that is EXACTLY the reason the EXCO must go.

At a MANCO level there are god people there and they should be in line to step up.

But the structure needs to be fed with good people from the bottom. Yes a good Chairman is absolutely necessary and here we can bring in someone that does not have the baggage of the past mismanaging EXCO.

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How do you know I've not volunteered??!! LOL.. Holy smokes you just keeping digging that hole.


It is the complete mismanagement of the finances that is EXACTLY the reason the EXCO must go.

At a MANCO level there are god people there and they should be in line to step up.

But the structure needs to be fed with good people from the bottom. Yes a good Chairman is absolutely necessary and here we can bring in someone that does not have the baggage of the past mismanaging EXCO.


You have previously made it very clear that you have no affiliation with them. Has this changed?

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You have previously made it very clear that you have no affiliation with them. Has this changed?

Could not have said it better myself... love the way he twist things to serve his own opinion and agenda!

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You have previously made it very clear that you have no affiliation with them. Has this changed?



ah your favourite trick of twisting words. you must be a lawyer. I said I'm not part of the CSA EXCO or MANCO. I didn't say I am not a member, or not affiliated through my region and or club.

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ah your favourite trick of twisting words. you must be a lawyer. I said I'm not part of the CSA EXCO or MANCO. I didn't say I am not a member, or not affiliated through my region and or club.

Well then clarify?


Do you volunteer?

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Is Gotty Hansen still alive? He ruled CSA(and whatever it was called then) for many years. Many people moaned about him then and what was happening then.



I bet those people wish he was back. Compared to what is happening now, CSA was like a well oiled machine then.

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