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campy chorus 11 speed shifting


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I am bamboozled 

I purchased a bianci and it came with full campy chorus 11 speed 

here is the strange thing when I shift up to the easy cog there is an extra click past the last cog. likewise when I down shift i have to click twice to get it to go to the next smaller cog. I can just ignore and just single click up to the largest cog then it's single click back down but it's driving me mad. it's the shifters faulty

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I have Campy Chorus and it is faultless shifting.  You should take this back to the LBS you bought this from for a look.  Another clip past the bottom cog seems to be a indexing/cable tension issue?

Finish Line Cycles in Kempton sells Bianchi's with Campag so they should be able to help.

Otherwise @JMK1 will be able to assist.



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I presume you are referring to the rear cassette (cog). If it was the front then the extra click is the trim. @JMK1 would be the man in the know and be able to sort the bike for you.

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This sounds like a stop limit and indexing issue. Local bike shop will be able to sort it out quickly. Stupid question, but are you sure there is an 11 speed cassette fitted? If it is indeed an 11 speed cassette, then there should be a "double shift" happening somewhere at the smaller cogs as well.

If set up correctly, campy chorus  should shift perfectly.

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3 hours ago, W@nted said:

This sounds like a stop limit and indexing issue. Local bike shop will be able to sort it out quickly. Stupid question, but are you sure there is an 11 speed cassette fitted? If it is indeed an 11 speed cassette, then there should be a "double shift" happening somewhere at the smaller cogs as well.

If set up correctly, campy chorus  should shift perfectly.

Snap...My 1st reaction was 11spd shifter with 10spd cassette....

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