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Know What Is In Your Medicine!!!!


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Why race if you have flu (unless you were going for the win?)

Bakwena's weather was dismal. If you had flu' date=' you should've stayed in bed. Your flu could've changed to pneumonia.

But you still ave. 43km/h on the race regardless of your flu ridden body?



ClapFlu can change to pneumonia possibly yah,

but the reason we do not exercise while sick is the great risk of developing miocarditis.  This leads to dilated cardio myopathy [google these topics to see how bad it is].

A view questions to ask yourself before exercising/competing:

Are your symptoms limited to your upper airway?

Do you have muscle pain?

Do you have a fever?

Is your resting heart rate >10bpm than normal.

As far as I know ephedrine does not improve performance in sport, but it does increase your resting metabolic rate and fat metabolism (its a stimulant) - thus it is rather a dangerous agent and I thought that is the reason why it is banned. 


You do however experience a delayed onset of the fatige sensation, but I don't have anything for it to make a net contribution to the physiological mechanisims which support perfomance.


Can anyone please shed some scientific evidence on the effects of ephedrine in sport?
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No the guy was from WADA, an independent person that they randomly selected ((from their pool of people) to come do the test.  I had to go give a statement in which I had to, in writing state, that the rider was aware that he had to go for dope control and that I as (then) manager did do what I had to and that the rider knowingly left the race. I stood by the guy during the 3 and half hours while he and I were trying to get hold of Eben. Babbelkous2009-01-16 23:10:57

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ok guys I train With George (the other guy banned) and in the month coming up to the satelite challenge george was sick he was consistantly blowing chunks till all early hours of the morning so he didnt train as hard as he normally would




now not only do i train with he guy but i ride away from him so now am i also a doper?????





Um, no, you're like half his age...


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smiley21.gif Strange looks like the guy is sick all year round.... At the 2008 Jock Classic we were racing past Kaap Muiden on our way to Baberton and you all know how warm it is there, well then someone also had the goosebumps....my manager in the car behind could even see the goosebumps.... I said " Geez Eben its cold today hey....while wiping the sweat off of my face in the blistering sun!!!!! smiley7.gif
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smiley21.gif Strange looks like the guy is sick all year round.... At the 2008 Jock Classic we were racing past Kaap Muiden on our way to Baberton and you all know how warm it is there' date=' well then someone also had the goosebumps....my manager in the car behind could even see the goosebumps.... I said " Geez Eben its cold today hey....while wiping the sweat off of my face in the blistering sun!!!!! smiley7.gif [/quote']


Let me quote what Turboman said in a previous post:


Quote "

Goosebumps even on a warm day

Suddenly a rider being able to ride away from climbers on hills.

Guys shivering at the start and having to Pe.e.e like 4 times in 10minutes." Unquote.


Seems like there are several people that saw what you saw.
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Eben' date=' I hope I never race against you ever again.


GR - Think you are being a bit harsh on the hubbers, up to your post no one was sympathising with him.


Sounds like you might have it in for him or TCS ?


One interesting point is that Eben posted his thread about 10 minutes after you posted the original question "Who are these SA Dopers"


One wonders if Eben would have started this thread if the question was not asked?






The hubbers who always have something to say about everything, was very obvious in their absence.

I don't know Gary nor Eben.

Some riders do their best to stay clean. I can understand that clean riders don't want to be associated with the likes of dopers. (no matter the circumstance). It's their right. And after reading Babbelkous' testimony and very interesting questions, I have my doubts.
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Always wondered what TCS stood for. Now I know - Testosterone' date=' Cortizone & Steroids Wink


or Perhaps team Coughing Syrup LOLLOLLOL (sorry guys just had to say that...)
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No the guy was from WADA' date=' an independent person that they randomly selected ((from their pool of people) to come do the test.  I had to go give a statement in which I had to, in writing state, that the rider was aware that he had to go for dope control and that I as (then) manager did do what I had to and that the rider knowingly left the race. I stood by the guy during the 3 and half hours while he and I were trying to get hold of Eben. [/quote']


Sounds to me that Eben knew what was going to come down??


Okay so Eben got caught is serving his 6 months now; try to justify his actions with a flu medicine ... should we not just move forward?


Some hubbers claim they (Eben and George) are good guys ... suppose Ivan Basso and Frank Schleck are also good guys; in fact Ivan was not even caught with doping but had to serve a 2 year ban .... life is tough .... I would rather go with ignorance is no excuse ....
KlapperKnop2009-01-17 02:04:41
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or Perhaps team Coughing Syrup LOLLOLLOL (sorry guys just had to say that...)


So r u saying you are also using team Cough Syrup ??? Just joking Babbelkous ...
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or Perhaps team Coughing Syrup LOLLOLLOL (sorry guys just had to say that...)


So r u saying you are also using team Cough Syrup ??? Just joking Babbelkous ...


Well, if you look closely (at my avatar) I am no longer associated with tCS IN NO WAY. Since last year end November. So....Embarrassed
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or Perhaps team Coughing Syrup LOLLOLLOL?(sorry guys just had to say that...)




So r u saying you are also using team Cough Syrup ??? Just joking Babbelkous ...




Well' date=' if you look closely (at my avatar)?I am no longer associated with tCS IN NO WAY. Since last year end November. So....Embarrassed
[/quote'] smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif smiley32.gif lets not spill the beans yet smiley2.gif
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Well' date=' if you look closely (at my avatar) I am no longer associated with tCS IN NO WAY. Since last year end November. So....Embarrassed


My apologies Babbelkous .... so r u riding for the "flower" squad now?
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Well' date=' if you look closely (at my avatar) I am no longer associated with tCS IN NO WAY. Since last year end November. So....Embarrassed


My apologies Babbelkous .... so r u riding for the "flower" squad now?


Time reveals all.....
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The common flu and diet medicines you get,contain pseudo-ephedrine or nor-epinephrine usually in combination with an anti-histamine or paracetamol or codein to make in an over the counter schedule 2 medicine at pharmacies.  Ephedrine is usually available as a powder but it is schedule 6 now and not available without a prescription. I phoned the drug free people last yr about these combinations of pseudo-ephedrine in flu tabs and they were not fussed about it. I have a feeling that you have to take pure ephedrine to get high levels in your blood. Will confirm this with drug-free organisation on Monday.

I would like to know what product Eben took.


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