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Apparently we deserve to be knocked over

Daniel XTR

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Say' date=' waht do you cal a car forum member who has two brain cells.


Answer: rocket scientist/ genius.


I was equally appalledby the lack of inteligent debate on thet thread.


I'm looking forwar to picking a fight with the fooligans, or would that just be a battle of wits wth unarmed "people"?.
[/quote']You may want to get your spelling and grammar sorted out before you try and debate with people so far below your intellect.


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Right Slick' date=' sorry then,




But then a question?




which is better ///M3 or C63? ;)




hijack off war back on
[/quote']RS 4 Big%20smileHat -> Coat -> Door




No need for the coat, you have support. I'd take an Audi over the other 2 any day. That new R8's quite a beast too...




EDIT: @ Hog - don't forget the big stick-on exhaust tailpiece with flashing lights...


.... and spinner hubs with flashing leds Big%20smile


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Mmmm' date=' I beg to differ. Cycling back to my home after the race yesterday, a mere 10km from the venue, it wasn't a taxi, sunday cruisers or 'fat people'(as you refer to them) who nearly scraped me off my bike. They were cyclists behind the wheel of their double cab bakkies also on their way back home after the race.

(yeah, and we did ride single file, stopped at every robot etc.). Intolerance runs over the whole spectrum of society.


Shocked  Porky tried to kill you after yesterday's race?


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I ride MTB now, firstly I think it's more fun (I'll get my coat after this), and secondly I'd rather argue with a root or a rock garden than a 2 ton missile with wheels. Even riding the 2km or so to the trailhead, on back roads no less, I quite often come waaaay too close to tangling with some clown who doesn't have mirrors or indicators and turns across my path.




I have a road bike, and ride it occasionally to train for the Argus, but always at 6am, and always with the brightest light I own (the same one I use for night MTB rides).




But I'm still scared sh!tless every time. And it's not the maniacs that scare me, most of them still have a degree of sense. It's the moronically unaware - the type that when you clip them trying to avoid a prang, crap themselves because they had absolutely no idea that a bike was even there, 700 lumen flasher notwithstanding.

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It doesn't matter if you are in the right or the wrong' date=' when you get hit by a car / taxi / truck / super bike you loose!  



Precisely the point Cervelo and I make, If you kill someone whilst operating a two ton odd piece of machinery, you are a murderer... Especially when all it would have taken to avoid the incident is patience.


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I ride MTB now' date=' firstly I think it's more fun (I'll get my coat after this), and secondly I'd rather argue with a root or a rock garden than a 2 ton missile with wheels. Even riding the 2km or so to the trailhead, on back roads no less, I quite often come waaaay too close to tangling with some clown who doesn't have mirrors or indicators and turns across my path.




I have a road bike, and ride it occasionally to train for the Argus, but always at 6am, and always with the brightest light I own (the same one I use for night MTB rides).




But I'm still scared sh!tless every time. And it's not the maniacs that scare me, most of them still have a degree of sense. It's the moronically unaware - the type that when you clip them trying to avoid a prang, crap themselves because they had absolutely no idea that a bike was even there, 700 lumen flasher notwithstanding.[/quote']My feelings exactly. I ride on the pavements for the 200m odd that I need to get to the Spruit.


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TNT. Patience is not all it takes to avoid and accident. It takes a little thought (only a little mind you) as well. Anticipation is also a good way of preventing many accidents as well as a modicum of respect. Now that is a quality that I have seen too little of lately. Sure there is some, but there needs to be more from both sides.


Point I made earlier is that though processes and stuff like that have been dropped from our education systems, especially driver ed. Licences are too easily obtained.


And one more thing, there is a great big (HUGE) difference between murder, culpable homicide and an accident.
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Back to the hi-jack:  M3 or Z4 M COUPE  of course.

I agree with Slick.

The level of spelling and grammar on this thread leaves a lot to be desired. 


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How about we all get into our cars... and drive at the speed you normally do on your bike...where ever you're going to.


20kmph up ou kaapse and 15 km/h in a nice wide car... if we all do this we'll be able to protest with out getting a front bumper enema.


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You guys are scaring me. What's a girl to do? There is work and kids so best time I can find to ride is 4h30/5am and I was thinking I'm so not going into the mountains alone that time of the morning, so road is the only option. Spinning just doesn't cut it. Yet, that time of the morning I still find the odd bread truck going past me as close as possible (and yes, I have MANY flickering lights all over me and my bike). Never mind there are no other cars on the road. I don't know... maybe it's time to brave the dark old forest.

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As tempting it is to go over there and pick a fight - especially dealing with individuals with some shocking taste in cars Tongue - would it not be a better idea to go over there and try to make some friends and allies instead? Then they might look out for us on the road, and they might tell their friends who might tell their friends.


I'm just saying...




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You guys are scaring me. What's a girl to do? There is work and kids so best time I can find to ride is 4h30/5am and I was thinking I'm so not going into the mountains alone that time of the morning, so road is the only option. Spinning just doesn't cut it. Yet, that time of the morning I still find the odd bread truck going past me as close as possible (and yes, I have MANY flickering lights all over me and my bike). Never mind there are no other cars on the road. I don't know... maybe it's time to brave the dark old forest.[/quote']

now you're talking! regards the rest, don't be put off by this thread. if you're riding with a safe and responsible group, you should be safe®.
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So where are all our fellow hubbers, the ones who say every time a thread is posted about poor behaviour from cyclists "you moan too much" or "not another one of these pointless posts" or "if it didn't change the way you slept last night then stfu".


You are the ones contributing to the perception of cyclists as reflected in the car forum.


No one is going to look after us, we must look after ourselves.
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Its PLAIN wrong to ride 4/5 abreast and expect motorists to meekly drive behind you - you have alternatives - finished' date=' there is no argument![/quote']


If a driver can do it for a tractor, he can do it for a bunch of cyclists. 


Don't get me started on motorists and take the log out of your own eye etc.....

Come sit with me on ANY given day and I will point you to THOUSANDS of motorists exceeding speed limits.

On Sunday I counted 753 drivers on my way to Pretoria from Jhb......


He who casts the first stone......


Trucks and other heavy duty vehicles take up the road due to their size' date='- they have no other alternative - thats it, finished, theres no argument.!  [/quote']


The LAW states that truck/car/boeing driver MUST GIVE ME 1.5m room to pass.  If you come closer I WILL get cross!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AngryAngryAngry  Because YOU, THE MOTORIST is braking the LAW and endangering my life.....so I don't give a flying ****how big the damn "no alternative" vehicle is.  Angry


As I said in another post - look after your own safety' date=' if the bunch you are in is acting in a way which is endangering your safety, - stop riding with them.![/quote']


Much agreed!  Thumbs%20Up
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No one is going to look after us' date=' we must look after ourselves.


Right. We must arm ourselves and go and find the twit with the 500sel and the hundred year old motorbike...


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