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Dear Graveltravellers<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


First of all many thanks for supporting us. We are mountain bikers wanting to do develop mountain biking as a sport, and singletrack for elevating the level at which we all ride. We hope that <?: prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Wellington singletrack will one day be compared to Whistler in Canadaon>,??..maybe the ?fluister van die Boland?


1.We acknowledge in part the chaos of registration, and are sorry for your frustration. In the true nature of sportsmanship, many of you had much constructive criticism for which we are grateful, others were down right agro,something coming to terms with!. We have taken this to heart, and will improve on in 2010.

Please accept our apology! Thank you to a beautiful route, the frustrations were limited. We have poured heart and soul into the route, and are always facing the gaunlet of pigs looking for new singletrack.


2.The part of the blame too, rests on the new rules of the CSA for day licenses. This responsibility was forced on us.. This entailed the doubling up of the filling out of forms, which in part lead to the massive delays. This was imposed on us by the PPA.


3.As for the PPA saying they could do nothing about the registration, think again they are meant to be there in a supporting role, we pay for that! they only arrived once the first 100 cars were already parked! 


4.The allegation of the money raised, I take personal exception, hear what you saying R90 000, for the event do the maths. Medics,marshalls, tents, the singletrack, insurence, timing, the venue, clean up. It costs on average R5000-8000/km in labor to build the singletrack. We started the race as a means to generate money to build more singletrack, so far we have made none. you could help bring done the costs...we have a spare spade!!! Till now we have not received one bit of funding, we available to do the work with your donations. We started doing something instead of talking, meter for meter


5.Finally to all those who saw our imperfections and were gracious enough to commend us on the route and give us supportive constructive criticism, thank you .


6.Those who will never be back again, I am sorry too. Never is a long time. Mark my words Wellington will have some of the best mountain biking to offer.


Some of your suggestions:


Registration in the parking area

Better registration

Only accepting online entries

No CSA licenses, till they can show what they do for local mountain biking

Invitation basis

More singletrack

Numbers and prizes for kids race


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what a mess.....


I really dont appreciate arriving an hour before my start and having to wait 45minutes to pick up my PRE entry.


Clearly tons of people pre-entered. So the volume was already known. There was some oldish lady doing the 60k, there should have been 2 or 3. This is SIMPLE logistics.


Initially I asked which queues to stand in, well that was a bit of a challenge.


Later, whilst still standing in the queue I complained to some of the PPA people and gave a suggestion to get someone to assist the poor lady trying to get the reg's out and I just got blank stares. (and no action)


There was this big tent outside... For food AFTER the race. How about BEFORE the race registration?


Prize giving also becomes a laborious process, 30minutes late start. Not all of us have a whole day to spend at these things. I would be hard pushed to ride it again next year without MAJOR changes.


I would say limit the numbers of entries if you cant cope with the volume. (entries online or at the race isnt an issue - it was faster to pay for an entry than have preentered anyway!)


Simple things. What annoyed me was that there was nobody taking any responsibility and doing any traffic direction, tell people where to stand, getting more people involved with the registration process to assist etc. Its not rocket science.


otherwise the route was lekker and well marked although the last 10k's were a bit nasty, with constant up and downs.

markslingsby2009-08-16 06:13:54


If we can take Bospaadjie's word the chaos is to be laid at the door of the PPA, I am not surprised. Their officials were very unhelpful on the day. By the way - the "Outannie" was from Diemersfontein - she saw the chaos and volunteered to help! If more mountainbikers had that type of spirit we would organise our own races without the CSA or PPA having to dictate.


The track was awesome, the marshals and the markings exceptional. Thank you Gravel Travel team. Having said that there are improvements that need to be made. Registration, no need to say more. The start of the race at 9 is late for me (kids waiting for me to get home) and then an even later start because of the delays cut further into family time.     


They set off A-H but this group contained anyone who could get to the front. Perhaps pens with clear boards marking groups should have been set out. Nevertheless I had fun and will back next year for sure.


when will mtb organisers realise that mtb is not conducive to mass participation. road have split catergories into either seeded groups or age groups, this was not done to have like for like riding together but to limit the group sizes on the road (wide open roads). you can't have the same number of participants riding on narrow farm roads and singletrack, if you do then you continue to alienate newcomers to the sport. 


If you state that you only take pre entries for the 60km route, stick to it. You dont change the last second (to make a quick extra buck probably). There would have been no problems if you stuck to what you said!!!!


This topic got me to register and post my first reply after lurking for a while, so Hi to all of you out there. <?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

I too was considering giving up my place in the queue after 30min and  grab my bike and ride, as this is my home turf. Fortunately I did persevere and, after starting at the back, had a super ride catching a lot of riders from the seeded groups. The course must have been one of the most balanced routes I've ridden with a bit of everything. Never was I in any doubt where to go and the locals were friendly, to say the least.

Surely the registration was a disaster and the start was cramped. The organizers cannot say they didn't expect the turnout, as this event was a hit in pouring rain last year. The whole PPA/CSA issue must have been discussed to death. I stopped my PPA membership a year ago, as I was getting no benefit as a mountain biker. The timing is usually a mess, because some chap bailing the long route was first and messed up the seeding. I felt that I rather support AMARIDER, as their cause seems more in line with what we mountain bikers need. I believe that the PPA with their seeding system has NO place at Mtb events FULL STOP. Mtb seeding is done by having a loooong wide gravel road climb before the <?: prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />

first ST

Mtbiking is growing at a fast pace and it is of utmost importance to find more trails to ride. Access to private land is a sensitive issue and projects like Wellington are so important to build bridges between landowners and mtbikers. Those farmers, with beers in their hands at the marshal points, were warming up to the 2-wheeled aliens in their funny attire and are less likely to point a double-barrel shotgun at one of us caught trespassing on their property. I do support bospadjie in his effort to open up the area to mountain biking and will accept the R120 as entry fee. What I got for the R30 is another story.

I am sure that they will overcompensate next year and make this event even better. Look what happened to the much criticized Stb Mtb challenge. The course is too good not to be ridden!


The organization at the registration was a disaster. I for one don't understand the need to register prior to the race in any case. If we had number boards for the season and we enter on line why the need for anything else?




But I will be back - probably the best race route I have ridden this season - really outstanding. Well marked, well manned and superb single track!


Yes, the registration procedure was chaotic and some very good suggestions have been put forward. So what about the queue?. I enjoyed the opportunity to chat and banter with fellow MTBers. I have never witnessed so many childish tantrums - did you really think that they would start without you??To the foul-mouthed, MTBer that ranted and swore at the lady doing the registration - please don't bother to come back, we do not need your sort at these events. To the others that stormed out to cycle elsewhere, you missed out on a great ride. The wait was worth it!!!! Special thanks to whoever put all the hard work into setting up the course. I will definately be back next year even if the registration is still a shambles. Thanks again - CoastPop  


Have done many of Dryland's events but never one involving PPA.




Each one has been superbly managed.




Have done a few PPA backed events and always been disappointed with their arrogant attitude, I say who needs them, by all accounts they cost a lot for little or adverse effect!




Let people enter online until the day before the event!




Early bird entry fees.


Ok...registration was a disaster....so what....I q'd for about 30min....went back to the parking lot......waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy back there, got my bike, lubed it, checked the tyre pressures, filled my hydro-pack....and went back to registration. Then I q'd for 40min good to go......

I think too many buddies Angry allowed their buddies to push in making it a nightmare for the others waiting their turn to register....Angry...if most people waited their turn, or went to the back to q, then it would have taken each peorson 15min max to register....but if you were caught round the corner under the huge umbrella, you went nowhere....!!!


After that.....all was forgiven....brilliant route and excellent WEATHER....last year was a nightmare.....


Also, I would like to thank the organizers for cutting out that killer of a climb on the 60km route, 15km from the end.....it was such a relief not to have to have gone up there again.....however, my body gave up the ghost 1km from there.....the tank was empty.....legs were cramping...walked like the gingerbread man.....it was horrible...towards the end....will need to get fitter....


I honestly think that there are toooooo many moaners....the route was excellent, well marked, well marshalled, well stocked at the water points with water, coke, energade, jelly babies, marshmellows, bar-ones and bananas....honestly...I think it was THE BEST water points ever...


One suggesting.....I WANT A MEDAL NEXT TIME....A PIN IS NOT CUTTING IT FOR SUCH A GREAT RACE.....GET ME ONE OF THOSE Stellenbosch Challenge medals....


I will ride gravel-travel again next year.....60km.....!!




BOSPAADJIE, eerlik ek wil vir julle jul single track kom doen vir daai gled, R 5000.00 tot R 8 000.00 per km shut ek gaan geld maak. Waar kry julle die mense wat dit vir daai geld werk vir julle, is hulle geleerde mense met n graag agter hulle naam. Hoe werk julle daai koste uit, asb verduidelik aan ons mense wat dit nie verstaan nie. Ek is ook seker daar is van ons mense wat julle sal help as julle ons sal nader en s?, ons het toestemming om op daai en daai plaas vir on n baan te gaan bou. Dit is tog op die ou einde ons wat dit gebruik.


Ja ek sal weer gaan want dit is n baie mooi route, al was die registrasie so vertraag. Ek was ook meer as n uur voor die tyd daar. 


So hoop die koste is volgende jaar goedkoper, kry cheaper labour.


Ek probeer rerig dit verwerk hoe julle so baie geld betaal vir n single track. Rerig verduidelik vir ons dit ASB. BOSPAADJIE ASB


NICONDA2009-08-17 07:37:20





Ek stem



Ok...registration was a disaster....so what....I q'd for about 30min....went back to the parking lot......waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy back there' date=' got my bike, lubed it, checked the tyre pressures, filled my hydro-pack....and went back to registration. Then I q'd for 40min good to go......

I think too many buddies Angry allowed their buddies to push in making it a nightmare for the others waiting their turn to register....Angry...if most people waited their turn, or went to the back to q, then it would have taken each peorson 15min max to register....but if you were caught round the corner under the huge umbrella, you went nowhere....!!!


After that.....all was forgiven....brilliant route and excellent WEATHER....last year was a nightmare.....


Also, I would like to thank the organizers for cutting out that killer of a climb on the 60km route, 15km from the end.....it was such a relief not to have to have gone up there again.....however, my body gave up the ghost 1km from there.....the tank was empty.....legs were cramping...walked like the gingerbread man.....it was horrible...towards the end....will need to get fitter....


I honestly think that there are toooooo many moaners....the route was excellent, well marked, well marshalled, well stocked at the water points with water, coke, energade, jelly babies, marshmellows, bar-ones and bananas....honestly...I think it was THE BEST water points ever...


One suggesting.....I WANT A MEDAL NEXT TIME....A PIN IS NOT CUTTING IT FOR SUCH A GREAT RACE.....GET ME ONE OF THOSE Stellenbosch Challenge medals....


I will ride gravel-travel again next year.....60km.....!!




...medals? what medals? Did they give them out at Stellenbosch as all I got was a bottle of Rose???


We did the cowan house classic on Sunday, the registration lines were a mile long, however we have been spoilt with the roag system and we breezed in and out within 5 minutes. 

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