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How are your LEGS today?


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Did a 20 km session this morning. Ave 30 km for a quick 40 mins.


Travell into Town from Northen Suburb.


cytomax2010-02-08 16:21:11
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My whole body is stiff. I fell in a tub if Viagra cream. No just kidding. I played touch rugby on Saturday and I can hardly walk.

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I did 35 on Saturday, 20 on Sunday and 45 minutes of lactate threshold today (12km). Legs are tired but happppyyyy. ;)

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My whole body is stiff. I fell in a tub if Viagra cream. No just kidding. I played touch rugby on Saturday and I can hardly walk.


Feeling cockyConfusedConfusedConfusedConfusedConfusedConfused


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I did a Club ride on Sat 120km . Sun Rollercoaster 87 km plus 110 km riding to race and back home. Disturbed sleep. Then came to work this morning feeling fresh and full of energy. My legs Did Not feel sore or tired.

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I did a Club ride on Sat 120km . Sun Rollercoaster 87 km plus 110 km riding to race and back home. Disturbed sleep. Then came to work this morning feeling fresh and full of energy. My legs Did Not feel sore or tired.


Could be all due to the fact that you are using Cytomax.

Then again it could have something to do with the way you recover.

Or it could be that you did not ride hard enough to warrant sore or tired legs.


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My whole body is stiff. I fell in a tub if Viagra cream. No just kidding. I played touch rugby on Saturday and I can hardly walk.
Feeling cockyConfusedConfusedConfusedConfusedConfusedConfused




Confusious say: "Man with hole in pocket feels cocky all day"

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Guest Agteros

Saturday(Road): Did Berge en Dale on Saturday - 101km

Sunday(MTB): Breedts Nek, Up, Over and Beyond (to the N4) and back - 90km


A kewl (to me) 191km for the weekend. Attended a track running session this afternoon, but I settled on doing just the warm up and stretches ... legs were a bit 'eina'
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