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Tokai Maintenance and Building


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Thanks Cap for the feedback.


If you are interested in helping out, watch this topic for future trail dates... all welcome. Good karma as payment!

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What are the financial implications of installing more laddered areas over the super soft sand and / or watery areas?


Would it need to be a "sponsored" item - i.e. someone outside plumping the cash?


Realistically, how long does a construction like that last. The one over the watery area in Jonkershoek had a really good lifespan until the fire. The one in Tokia seems to be taking a hammering...

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What are the financial implications of installing more laddered areas over the super soft sand and / or watery areas?


Would it need to be a "sponsored" item - i.e. someone outside plumping the cash?


Realistically, how long does a construction like that last. The one over the watery area in Jonkershoek had a really good lifespan until the fire. The one in Tokia seems to be taking a hammering...


The one in Tokai is the wrong wood. It was more of an indication of what type of structure was needed and that it could be done. This, along with application for new trails has been presented to Parks and certain items out of the wishlist is coming through with approval, the permanent bridge being one.


IMO I think it lasted quite well considering the numbers (users) and the span..


Wood is not ideal as it poses certain challenges actually. It needs to be used sparingly, only where absolutely essential and if possible, in non shaded areas. I have slid out on wood so slippery, that when getting up, felt like I was on ice.. the dry dust tends to settle on the wood surface and for the first few rides in the wet, turns to snot. Be super careful for wooden structures in shade..

Edited by Pain or Shine
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Unfortunately, the cost either has to come out of the TMNP / SANParks budget (not likely) or out of our own pockets, or as a result of sponsorship.


Pain or Shine has done A LOT - I say again - A LOT! - of work on this (it is effectively him that has engaged in talks with the powers that be, and gained a lot of traction there) but I say again, we can only repair existing or make new if we have the permission to. And permission is not blanket - it applies to only that thing which has been approved.


As for the bridge though, that needs work done to it. I reckon we'll get it done on our next visit.


As for NEW bridge sections, that MIGHT be possible. For the wood, we need to source GUM, or treated hardwood before we can build a lasting structure. The fallen gum in Tokai gives a VERY good base from which to work, but is not uniform in size so cannot really be used for bridgework or anything other than berm / dropoff & jump building.

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The one in Tokai is the wrong wood. It was more of an indication of what type of structure was needed and that it could be done. This, along with application for new trails has been presented to Parks and certain items out of the wishlist is coming through with approval, the permanent bridge being one.


IMO I think it lasted quite well considering the numbers (users) and the span..


Bada bing!


Also need proper nails to secure. But yeah, it has lasted well, considering. Also considering the fact that there were countless times that I placed my not inconsiderable bulk on the bridge in question. I might have contributed to the degradation of the bridge!

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Hi guys,


Well, Pain or Shine and I made a few changes to Faerie Garden and the bottom end of Vasbyt yesterday... Basically a bit of erosion control, and some maintenance after the rains we have been having recently.


The most amount of time was spent clearing out pockets of water in the low-lying areas of the trails. Specifically in Faerie Garden and one particular corner on Vasbyt. We created runoffs for the water to carry on down the mountain, instead of just pooling in one place where it was creating huge potential for erosion of the existing trail.


Also cleared most of the mossy layer from the Faerie Garden bridge, which wasa getting pretty treacherous for those crossing it.


We cleared some of the alien vegetation from the middle of Vasbyt, to make sure that the corners aren't so blind for those riding for the first time. One of the more noticeable changes / removals was of a large root just before the first plank jump in the switchback section of Vasbyt. It was creating an erosion nightmare, as well as ruining the line for the plank jump as you first had to traverse the root before setting up for the plank jump.


But the most noticeable difference is where the barbed wire USED TO BE!


We have cleared that, as well as created a berm at the top end of the corner so that you can pump off that into the corner. We also removed a couple of those dreaded roots at the bottom of the corner, that were jutting off the dead tree-stump.


More work will follow, but the message from myself and Pain or Shine is this - enjoy the trail, but please don't try to alter anything or create new trails when the existing ones aren't to your liking. There is a lot of work that goes into getting acceptance for the trails to be enhanced, as well as to even gain access to the mountain armed with a spade and an axe. If people just try to create trails that haven't been approved, then the prospect of future trail building will go up in a puff of smoke.


And to point this out, there was an unautorized bypass in Faerie Garden. It had to be closed. If left open, it would create untold problems for us all. Erosion, maintenance and trail-approval related.


Enjoy the trails!

I know exactly which root you are talking about. Glad it's gone, makes the line up much faster. SHot for the hard work chaps. I'm off the bike with flu at the moment. Yay



Appreciate what you have done! :clap:

BUT the original path/corner in fairy garden will not last forever.

So while it is water logged, clear another path next to it to relieve the amount of erosion/stress from cyclists on the original path! These paths can then be alternated in the future.


Fairy garden should have two paths into the corners so the slow riders can be passed!


There are so many areas in Tokai that could be used for more single track and most of these areas are below the young pine trees! Until they start to repair or construct new trails I aint gonna renew my Wild Card!


What exactly are we getting when we pay for the Wild Card and the rider permit? I understand that the Wild Card can be used at Cape Point, several lodges, holiday accommodation and for discounts at certain places) BUT where does the money go for the riding permit?


Can we rather pay you to do the above mentioned maintenance? :P

Please don't renew your wildcard, and please don't come back to Tokai with this terrible attitude and disregard for the park. I can't believe you're condoning that cut corner. I saw it the other day and I have to wonder how lame these riders are. I though the whole point of MTB was to get nice and dirty.

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Please don't renew your wildcard, and please don't come back to Tokai with this terrible attitude and disregard for the park. I can't believe you're condoning that cut corner. I saw it the other day and I have to wonder how lame these riders are. I though the whole point of MTB was to get nice and dirty.


Man, that's poetry.. :thumbup:


In Dave's defence, he did try back-pedalling out of that comment.. Cap was just too quick! :P

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"One of the more noticeable changes / removals was of a large root just before the plank jump in the switchback section of Vasbyt. It was creating an erosion nightmare, as well as ruining the line for the plank jump as you first had to traverse the root before setting up for the plank jump."



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I know exactly which root you are talking about. Glad it's gone, makes the line up much faster. SHot for the hard work chaps. I'm off the bike with flu at the moment. Yay.




Please don't renew your wildcard, and please don't come back to Tokai with this terrible attitude and disregard for the park. I can't believe you're condoning that cut corner. I saw it the other day and I have to wonder how lame these riders are. I though the whole point of MTB was to get nice and dirty.


I like it dirty...

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I know exactly which root you are talking about. Glad it's gone, makes the line up much faster. SHot for the hard work chaps. I'm off the bike with flu at the moment. Yay


We also removed that snakebiter of a rock on the landing line... little bugger was getting a lot of rubber-coated action there!

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Unfortunately, the cost either has to come out of the TMNP / SANParks budget (not likely) or out of our own pockets, or as a result of sponsorship.


Pain or Shine has done A LOT - I say again - A LOT! - of work on this (it is effectively him that has engaged in talks with the powers that be, and gained a lot of traction there) but I say again, we can only repair existing or make new if we have the permission to. And permission is not blanket - it applies to only that thing which has been approved.


As for the bridge though, that needs work done to it. I reckon we'll get it done on our next visit.


As for NEW bridge sections, that MIGHT be possible. For the wood, we need to source GUM, or treated hardwood before we can build a lasting structure. The fallen gum in Tokai gives a VERY good base from which to work, but is not uniform in size so cannot really be used for bridgework or anything other than berm / dropoff & jump building.


Geez, I wish I could take credit for this.. Truth is, my colleague (we'll call him Koos) is the engaging one. It's his term as spokesperson for the trails that has seen the higher than ever level of commitment from Parks. A position not many would want for the years of frustration he has had to endure. Before him.. Meurant.. also taking knocks for the greater good of the sport, opening negotiations and landing commitment as an MTB zoned recreational area.


Me? Compared to these guys, I got it easy, sort of. Each term has a challenge, can't say what is on the latest agenda, but it should see some renewed smiles out in the dirt.

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I would imagine trying to harvest some of the gum out of the plantation in Tokia would just be to costly...?

I agree, treated pine is not the right timber, but its cheap and can be easily replaced.


Ideally it would be great to have both financial input from a TMNP SANP budget as well as sponsorship or a benefactor keen on spreading the wealth. Questions is, say the latter were to match or make a large contribution to bulk up that budget amount, would the funding get pulled the following year?


Also, I suppose one would need to CLOSE portions or the trails to construct larger obstacles or new built trails...?

Or does one just build a new trail and then close the old one?

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I would imagine trying to harvest some of the gum out of the plantation in Tokia would just be to costly...?

I agree, treated pine is not the right timber, but its cheap and can be easily replaced.


Ideally it would be great to have both financial input from a TMNP SANP budget as well as sponsorship or a benefactor keen on spreading the wealth. Questions is, say the latter were to match or make a large contribution to bulk up that budget amount, would the funding get pulled the following year?


Also, I suppose one would need to CLOSE portions or the trails to construct larger obstacles or new built trails...?

Or does one just build a new trail and then close the old one?


You ask good q's..


1. Sponsorship is invaluable. Tokai MTB is not a Parks initiative, they are the curators of the land and we are their guests taking ownership of the trails.. I am not at liberty to say too much as it is often misconstrued, nor is this the place to openly discuss finances, but sponsorship will not affect the yearly contribution from SANParks. There is a policy document that details the responsibility to ensure added funding from the private sector/areas outside Parks' contribution... in short, every bit helps.


2. Closure of trails for maintenance will be needed from time to time.. Then the need to construct a new trail is often from the need to close an old one.. this does not apply to every new trail, but longevity is key when planning and if the old trail cannot self-sustain, it is marked for closure.


3. Not all pine is made equal.. certain grades last longer.

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Yeah, treated pine is easy to replace & cheap, but the cost over the longer term (more than 2 years) would be higher than getting proper wood to do it with.


As for the closing of the trails, it depends on the trail itself. Like the work we did this weekend, we didn't have to close the trail because we weren't altering a portion to the extent that it would render that portion unrideable. However, if we were to repair the bridge, that portion of Vasbyt would have to be closed until work had been finished. That's not a problem though, because there is already a "chicken run" divert in place which would enable the trail to remain open.


Whenever any jumps are made, I would imagine that the trail itself would remain open unless the jump went over the whole width of the trail, or if the trail itself was being changed and it was dangerous to ride whilst the work was going on...

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