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Everything posted by marcfr

  1. I drop mine off at Northern Farm for the Diepsloot MTB Academy.
  2. Also give mine to NorthernFarm
  3. We did the cycle and sail tour. They supply bikes that are on board, so in the morning after breakfast you go for a cycle on the island you at (3-4 hour, usually includes a swim stop along the way) and return for lunch, you then spend the afternoon touring the island, swimming or sailing to the next island. You usually spend the evening out on the island and sleep on the boat ready for the next days cycle.
  4. I went on one last year, was great just went in August in the middle of a heatwave and it was ridiculously hot. We went with https://www.sail-croatia.com Will DM you some details when I get a gap. Awesome way of seeing the country.
  5. https://protect-za.mimecast.com/s/zzdcCZ4GPkSRkyWyfzHfJB?domain=forbes.com
  6. I see there is a 80km Telkom 94.7 listed on Racetec perhaps that's were the cyclists who did the shorter route are listed?
  7. Agreed and barometric based altitude is far more accurate than GPS. If you stop and start your ride at the same spot you can spot the effect of weather changes if there is a difference in altitude which is usually minimal and some software will then compensate for it.
  8. There was a similar incident close to CopperLeaf Estate also on Saturday. A couple were held up and their bikes and cellphones stolen. Fortunately a cycling group came past and while some stayed to assist the couple others gave chase. The bikes and a bag containing the cell phones were recovered. Unfortunately the perpetrators were not apprehended. Big up to all those who assisted.
  9. This was posted on our cycle group This morning’s incident occurred about 1km after the turnaround point at the caves. The rider injured this morning is Victor Chatue. He was in a small bunch that joined the back of CycleLab C1, which Rob Marshal and I (Avi Mistry) were group leading. We called for single file after seeing a very large truck (>10T) in the middle of the road. Cyclists kept extreme left and as the back funneled to keep left, wheels touched and Victor fell right in front of the truck ! The truck was already moving a lot slower after we flagged him down. According to Tsepo Pitse (riding w Victor), he was stabilized on site w the help of a cyclist doctor. The helicopter airlifted Vic to Milpark. He didn’t get run over by the truck although he did slide under. I’m told that his injuries, whilst extensive, don’t appear to place Vic’s life in danger. Pls keep Victor in your thoughts and prayers and let’s wish him a speedy recovery.
  10. It's already happening, personally witnessed it in one recent road race.
  11. It would be even more environmentally friendly if we could print our own numbers and not all drive our cars to registration!
  12. I'm doing it, last time I did it was in 2016, but this time I am going to try not fly over my handlebars at 50k/h!
  13. You right the potholes were a little dangerous. I think the E-bike was taking part in the race went by so fast I didn't see the number. I saw one as well in the 94.7 road race. Soon people are going to use them to better their seedings, even if it's just following one.
  14. Great ride, well organized event. Only annoying thing was an entire bunch that passed us being towed along by an E- bike, surely that's not considered fair play.
  15. This goes out to the idiot driver who decided to overtake a car on the stretch of road between Kloofzicht and Avianto where there is no shoulder on either side, last Sunday morning.The driver was overtaking at speed with one hand on the steering wheel while the other hand was busy pulling signs at me, oh and the vehicle did have two bikes mounted on the roof rack so I assume you are a cyclist! Chill dude, it is a Sunday, it literally would have taken less than 2 SECONDS to wait until you had driven past and then overtaken. There were no other cyclists behind me. I was cycling well on the left of the road as I was previously hit by a car travelling in the opposite direction and spent two weeks in ICU so I am rather careful, Anyway I hope the 2 seconds you saved made a difference to where ever you were going.
  16. When they finished loading all the photos, they'll email you a link to download the photos.
  17. Agreed, been using my chip from 2000, used it in the MTB race last week worked no problem!
  18. This from the latest W2W newsletter: Overnight and secured storage facility is available for bikes at the Lourensford Start (walking distance from Registration);
  19. I use the same mount but have stuck a short piece of sponge strip that's sticky on the one side onto the handle bar and it helps protect the handlebar too. Also mount it close to the stem.
  20. From Jennys' Facebook Page Hello, it's me. Messy times at the moment, no, actually not just at the moment. This has been an ongoing thing since February last year when my name got sold and contracts were unluckily signed above my head. I don't wanna hang out anybody or throw **** on anybody, that's not who I am. I'm the last one in this war to excuse myself or apologize, but however I wanna apologize in advance to you who actually are innocent, but will get in trouble because of politics, people who are weak and people who are too proud to swallow their pride. Please, I beg you all out there to not throw **** at POC, UCI or anyone else who actually TRIED to solve the problem and who TRIED to help myself, my team and my Swedish riding colleagues out of this. It's not about which products are the esthetically nicest, it's not about my team making money out of this, it's not about the Swedish cycling federation in general and it's not about me. This is about so much more. Either way we are all gonna will lose in the end of this story, but it's fair to say I'm the one who lost the most the last one and a half year. I feel sad, I feel used and if it wouldn't be for the people around me, who's fighting day and night for my rights, I would have been deeply worried about my future. Either you take your part, you stay natural and watch it from the outside or you don't give a **** about this whole mess. But what's the most important for me to know is that all the people who brought me all the way here will bring me even further and I know that they will always keep my back, no matter what. I'm sure the each of you who had the time to read all the way down here also know who's having my back and who's not having my back in this conflict. Peace. @scottmtbracing @bikeonscott @oakleybike @uci_cycling @pocsports @swecycling
  21. The problem with mat to mat is the riders sprinting first across the line in each category may not be the actual winner!
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