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Everything posted by marcfr

  1. I work in the Joburg CBD so think I may definately join you for the next one
  2. The 94.7 was the first time since being knocked over by a drunk motorist whilst cycling four years ago and breaking both legs that I've been back on a road bike and must say I thoroughly enjoyed the race. Not having cycled for so long I started at the back instead of being seeded in the A-E bunch. You see the race from a different perspective from the back of the race. It's also the first time I stopped at any of the water points, so thanks to: 1. All the volunteers at the water point for being so efficient, cheerful and supportive , 2. All the cyclists who cycle at the back, many on their own, in the heat and the wind, without big bunches to hang on to! 3. The fellow cyclists I met and chatted along the way, 4. The spectators that cheered and provided encouragement, 5. To the cyclists who pushed and encouraged the slower riders, 6. To the marshalls and police who put up with sometimes irate motorists and 7. To everyone involved in the organisation. Will be back next year!!
  3. Goodness I was wondering what happened, didn't realise it was so serious, I came past you lower down in the pack as you were attempting to get up. I was hit by a drunk driver whilst on a training ride and broke both my legs. I also needed pins and was on crutches for a while so I know what you are going through.
  4. I'm in, should be over my cracked rib by then I hope
  5. Bought a pack of canisters just the other day and each one was indivdually wrapped in a thin sheet of foam rubber, which i thought was a good idea so that your fingers don't freeze when you use it and so they don't rattle when you pack them in your pockets or saddlebag. I can't say I've ever had a problem with any that I've bought previously.
  6. Perfect I'll do the same, safe trip to Sun City for all the cyclists!
  7. That sounds perfect Not sure where either, perhaps one of the outside terraces at one of the hotels? I will definately be there.
  8. Maybe we should organise a place and time for drinks, would be nice to meet some of the fellow hubbers in person.
  9. I'm going to be there :-) Only doing the MTB ride (pity) but driving up later today!
  10. What would also be nice is that as part of the entry the organisers mention if and who will be taking the photographs, it's always a mission after each race to try and figure out who took the photographs, if they available online and where. I've used pixonsite, csharp and actionphoto, Csharp seem pretty good.
  11. They use to put them on the PIXONSITE website: http://pixonsite.co.za/gallery/ At the Northern Farm race (Diepsloot Dare) you also could only buy them on the day, which is a pain because you have to wait for the photos to be delivered to the finish and to be printed out and then yep you still have to wade through hundreds of miniscule photos looking for yourself!
  12. I'm also up on Saturday and Back on Sunday for the MTB race
  13. I'm a French speaking Belgian, not sure that counts, well it's been a long while since I've spoken the language so I'm more than a bit rusty!
  14. In 2007 I was knocked over by a completely drunk driver. Broke both my legs, my right arm and dislocated my shoulder. Four operations and 18 months later I started mountain biking and am still too nervous to get back on my road bike, although my original road bike now fits in a box a little bigger than a shoe box. The state prosecuted and driver and he is now serving a two year sentence. I am busy claiming from him for my bike in a civil case but the case still continues. The driver is unemployed so cannot pay for the costs. My claim with the road accident fund is also continuing so it can be a long process.
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