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Everything posted by gadget

  1. TT Clip-ons and "hand-cut" wheels. His poor wife cut every knobbly off his tirer to be more aero.
  2. The one thing missing here is the context of the stage. This is week 1 and the 1st mountain stage. Those other Top10 are all week 2/3 racing.
  3. Loved the race...love Froome. Such utter dominance by 1 team though? Wiggens, Uran, Porte, Froome. They (SKY) do have a competitive advantage (and I do hope its those Osyms and not pharmaceutical)
  4. If you don't know how to use your gear...ask...
  5. It's cheaper and faster than a set of Aerowheels! I'll argue we make it #1!
  6. NEVER run a running race in a one piece tri suit, except if you can break 10 seconds on the 100m
  7. ...and always use the stairs, not the escalators, when going to the awards ceremony the next day.
  8. That is worth a copy paste in here: The Rules: #1. Not everyone thinks what you do is awesome. Most think you’re a bit , and they’re right. Remember that at your next cocktail party. #2. No race jerseys of races you haven’t raced in, especially if the distance is longer than you’ve been. T-shirts are exempt. If you roll up in an Ironman France jersey, be prepared to explain how you handled the Cole de I’Ecre. #3. Only refer to courses/segments/people by their nicknames. Highway 19 is unacceptable. It’s called the Queen K, and Crowie owned it. And Macca before him. Don’t let this happen again. Pay ‘N Save Hill. Look it up. #4. Training in rough conditions makes you tough. A little rain or heat won’t make you melt, buttercup. #5. A reality check should be performed once per year. MIT is not going to test the effectiveness of brick workouts. The rolling resistance “expert” uses a 100 pound sac in his garage for testing. Not all wind tunnels can even record data at the slow speeds we ride. Not everything that glitters is gold. #6. Gadgets are strongly encouraged. An old pair of shorts and some Keds are not our gig. You absolutely need every item that is out there. Afterall, we invented aerobars. If we stop with the gadgets, who the hell would cyclists copy? #7. Feelings are for Oprah, use your data. If you own a heart rate monitor and/or a powermeter, yet train just by RPE, then you either don’t know how to use it or you’re embarrassed by what it’s telling you. #8. If you’ve raced the distance, it counts. If you’ve trained the distance, it doesn’t. Nailing a training day is one thing, nailing a racing day is quite another. Please don’t confuse the two. Ironman/marathon/etc. only counts if you are in there mixing it up. I’m the heavyweight champion of the world if we don’t have to actually compete. #9. The number of logos allowed on a race kit are equal to that of NASCAR. In other words, go nuts. Only Wimbledon and the ITU restrict logos to the point of communism. #10. Ironman tattoos are perfectly acceptable. You just finished one of the toughest days of your life. A bit of ink is just fine. Don’t let douche bags rain on your accomplishment. #11. No buckets. It’s doesn’t matter how well thought out your transition is, don’t bring a bucket unless you plan to paint parking lines on the concrete or are going fishing after the race. #12. Shave. You’re representing a group of people generally regarded as some of the fittest in the world. It’s a hot, sweaty, sometimes muddy sport, that keeps clothes to a minimum. Hanging out all day with gorilla legs and a hairy back does not make you a good steward of the sport. Clean it up. #13. Learn who the pros are. In this sport everyone likes to think they’re the next big deal. Do yourself a favor and learn the names of those who actually make a living at being a badass. #14. Support the sponsors. They pay money so you can have a great time. Don’t spend 45 minutes picking their brain and then head to the ‘net so you can save 3 bucks. That will get you flogged. #15. Exaggeration of training is perfectly fine. Just keep in mind that Rule #39 is still in effect at all times. #16. Drinking and triathlon are first cousins. Embrace your first cousin. There’s a reason beer is offered at 9 am at the race. Because we love it. Science has actually shown that a buzz and runner’s high is very similar, and endurance athletes drink more than your average bear. #17. It’s a transition area, not your hotel room. Spreading out all your stuff for transition beyond 1 small towel is not acceptable. 1 bag limit. #18. White race kits are only allowed if you know your body well. Really well. If you’ve ever worried about poo leg on a long run, then white is not for you. Ladies, if you are expecting a visit from your “Aunt Flow” then white is not for you. I don’t think I need to say anymore. #19. Qualifying for Kona and your local “wellness” or “anti aging” clinic do not go together. If by some coincidence you decide your wanker doesn’t work right the exact same time you’re trying to get to Kona, stop everything and look for a new sport. Getting HGH, Testosterone and EPO shots in the name of ‘aging’ or wiener health won’t fly here. There are sports where cheating seem to be acceptable like here and here, so try those sports. This isn’t one of em. #20. This sport has a history, learn some it. If you don’t know who the Big Four are, unfamiliar with the ’82 , or think the Ironwar has something to do with the Industrial Age, then you got some reading to do. #21. No “trunks” in the pool. Look, we get it that you’re a little self conscious wearing a skin tight swimsuit. Get over it. I promise you that you will get 10X more comments trying to swim laps in basketball shorts than you will a jammer. #22. It’s OK to hate swimming, but you still have to do it. It’s not OK to use your wetsuit as a life preserver. Learn to swim. If you don’t there’s a sport called duathlon just waiting for you. #23. Learn to circle swim. You really don’t need the whole lane to yourself. Stay to the right. #24. Complaining about the water makes you look like a sissy. This is a tough sport. The distances are tough, the conditions are tough and the people are tough. Whining that the water isn’t as clear as your last trip to Grand Cayman isn’t winning you any cool points there Nancy. #25. Learn Flipturns. You can pick the person out racing in high-tops right away. You get the idea. #26. Obey the law – Nothing gives us a worse reputation than someone blowing through a red light like he’s above it all. The law applies to vehicles. You’re on a vehicle. Don’t be a douche. Obey the law. #27. Don’t ride with headphones. Save the Rocky Soundtrack for your run. Your ears are needed to help keep you alive on the bike. Plus, depending on your state, it’s illegal. See Rule #26 #28. Support yourself. Others should not be obligated to babysit you on your ride. Flat tires should not take a village to fix. #29. No aero helmets in training. While you might ride a whopping .2 mph faster, you will look like an absolute dork. #30. Save the race wheels for the race. Yes, the bike does look cooler with $2,000 wheels, but your wallet will be thinner when a pot hole or rock crack that carbon. Leave some sizzle for the race. #31. Learn to ride in a group. Wobbling down the road being afraid of anything around you is no way to go through life. #32. Hold your line. Erratic movements in a group ride will take everyone out. Tighten it up. #33. Don’t make accordions. Taking a turn up front is expected and appreciated, but not if you floor it the moment you take the reins, The guy 20 people back is going to get dropped by moves like that. Accelerate slowly so everyone can play. #34. No shorts over your cycling shorts. Sister to Rule #21. Dress like you know what you’re doing. #35. Learn to pee on yourself. You’ll spend $5,000 dollars to shave 55 seconds but won’t pee down your leg to save 3 minutes? #36. The engine always trumps the rig. Always. #37. Be on time, but don’t leave early. If the group ride or run is scheduled for 7 am, courtesy allows for 5 minutes. That means that sometime between 7 and 7:05 the wheels start rolling. If you roll up in your car at 7am and think everyone should wait for you to assemble your bike and pump up your tires, think again. Likewise, convincing the group to leave at 6:54 because you have a t-ball game is just bad form. #38. No tan-lines allowed. This is not cycling. A farmer’s tan doesn’t make you look cool in anyway. The only exception is cycling short lines. Those are permitted, but need to be laser sharp. #39. If you decide to talk the talk, be prepared to walk the walk. See also Rule #15. If you claim 3 hours at 300 watts, you’ll be expected to prove it. #40. Crawling is an acceptable mode of transportation. It’s not pretty, but it gets the job done, and this sport is about getting the job done.
  9. also Ironman events and probably any international cycling race. awesome site
  10. - No use of the knees when getting out of a pool - Always double-up on spinning classes - When travelling, you Ironman bag is the best suited for it...whatever you doing or wherever you're going - International IM event gear trumps local ones. Especially when it is Kona/Vegas gear PS: (in all seriousness) It is frowned upon to where you IM gear as casual wear, but Sani2C and Epic riders wear their gear to church, board meetings, Tiger Tiger, and the annual golfing and hunting weekend. What gives?
  11. Very tempting. When does it start (and end). Need to see if it will fit into tri-season.
  12. Read that Cav's got flu and is on antibiotics....I also once saw Lance Armstrong looking sick an it ended up in "The Look".
  13. I don't believe there is a right way and a wrong way. Comes down to personal preference, budget etc etc. The one thing that is certain is that you WILL end up buying a TT bike IF LONG COURSE TRIATHLON IS YOUR THING I have both, bought the road bike first and did 3 70.3s (and many shorter ones)on it and then bought a TT bike with one more 70.3 an Ironman on it (and some shorter stuff). Anything longer than Olympic you can ride your TT bike. Obviously group rides are not advisable given the danger you provide etc etc. And you'll not be doing any road races, but that is a choice or a preference. With the TT bike you'll get many advantages ito aero and the open hip angle it can provide you. However, there are bigger gains to be made via the powermeter, aero helmet, aero wheels (in that order) route. Good luck. I'm not giving you advice on what to buy as it is very personal. Just one more piece of advice: The TT bike you will buy now and the one you will want to buy in a year will be totally different...
  14. Mark Cavendish - Omega Pharma Quickstep
  15. It is structured group training. Steve and Dave (both from Atlantic Tri Club) has had man successes for getting couch potatoes to great sportsman through 70.3. The advantage is you have group training, access to athletes who have done it all before etc. Aimed at beginners and intermediate triathletes going for their first ironman in 2014. It is very accessible. Most people think these groups are too hardcore, but y I started there 3 years ago and it was a good introduction to the sport. If you need higher level coaching join Velocity sports lab with Raynard Tissink or Dinamic coaching with Neil and Di MAcPherson (more individual focus). check link PS: I see the 70.3 program starts 1 August Edit: sp
  16. I would think that is doable, I might just steal your plan! When is Prestige?
  17. Well done on the organizers for securing a venue at Brandvlei. Will be tough to get the same numbers on a work day though. I will support the event regardless. The problem with weekends and public holidays are that the real inmate's families can't visit them on that day. via the Jailbreak twitter account
  18. In Durbanville you can join the Embark crew. They are training for 70.3 and Ironman 2014
  19. I'm more interested in the "so-what". we all knew he cheated from the evidence in the past 6months (if you were ever a doubter), but what will this mean for him. Can he run marathons like boston marathon, compete in ironman, come do the cape epic?
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