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Everything posted by Ratty

  1. Having recently gone from a hard tail to a full suspension, I disagree that the full sus doesn't give you super powers! I'm kicking some ass with my new bike on the technical sections. The best is to let her try a full suspension bike and see what she thinks of it. Once she has decided whether it should be a hardtail of a FS then you can take it a step further and decide which bike. From what you said earlier about her riding your frame, it sounds like it is a bit big for her. You might find that once she has a bike which is the right size and fit for her she will feel a lot more confident doing the more technical stuff. Of course in the end it all comes down to how much you want to spend!!!
  2. Been there done this. When I was working full time and still studying doing projects and stuff at night I lived on bioplus. Would take some in the morning when I got to work and it kept me going for the day. Did this solidly for more than a week with max 3 hours sleep a night. NOT good for the system, I was trashed for at least a week afterwards. I'm a programmer so have done many of the all nighters / work for more than 48 hours solid. Coffee can only do so much. I found popping down to the gym and having a nice cold shower worked for a short while but the thing that worked the best when I had to sit at my pc for hours was listening to some really good music. I do the same when I'm really tired and have to drive somewhere.
  3. I'm the opposite at the moment, I want to ride my bikes any chance I get! I was forced to have 2 months off at the beginning of the year thanks to a broken hand and I was going insane. I eventually started riding +- 15kms on the flat with one hand just so I could be on the bike.
  4. http://i8.tinypic.com/5xxyv76.jpg Ratty2007-06-18 01:45:41
  5. Buff, I was showing off by flying down the one jeep track past a guy and well I hit the unexpected speed bump, boy did I feel stupid. Its an awesome place to ride and even better place to taste cheese and wine afterwards. If I wasn't doing Greyton I might have seriously considered this.
  6. Zevenwacht brings back bad memories. Had a nasty crash on a downhill, concussed myself and still attempted to finish the ride. Passed out on a cambered gravel road and managed to scrape the whole side of my left leg and then lost concentration on the bridge at the end and rode off it into the camera man. Not a good race. Think I'll give it a skip. I'm off to do the 40km route at Greyton.
  7. I've gone from P to K in the last 3 months and that was after a 2 month lay-off so I'm very happy. If they had included the Robertson race in the seeding I would have been up to J. My best ride index was the Tru-Cape MTB at Grabouw - 26.37 (fits into the I seeding group). I'm getting there slowly but surely. I just love having a goal to work towards! Congrats Marius on your A seeding.
  8. It can make a huge difference if its way too wide or narrow. I was struggling with a muscle spasm just under my shoulder blade. It would be at its worst after riding my mountain bike. When I had my setup re-done at my now favourite LBS they told me the handle bar was too wide for me. He made it shorter and also changed the position of my gear levers and since then back has been fine and the bike feels more comfortable. Did the same again with the bike I just bought.
  9. Nice entry level bike is the Giant Rincon. I had great fun on mine and although I didn't look after it at all, I didn't have a single problem with it. They are about R2800. The Giant Boulder also seems to be really popular, cheaper than the Rincon. Good luck and have fun!!! Just a warning, if you get addicted, it gets expensive. I started like you wanting a nice cheap entry level bike, then moved up to a +- R10000 bike and now I have a R20000+ bike.
  10. I've got all these symptoms excpect the "little desire to ride". But then thats because I'm over worked and don't get to do enough training. Interesting article: http://physiotherapy.curtin.edu.au/resources/educational-resources/exphys/00/overtraining.cfm
  11. why would a "fun rider" want to take it if he/she is riding for "fun"??? So you win a race, woo hoo, don't you feel special now. To me I'd feel I've cheated myself. I want to win a race on level terms so that I know I'm good enough. Oh and u do get price money at some of the fun rides although it is not that much. I got R250 just being the first lady in the West Coast Cycle Tour 30km race. I didn't deserve it because I should have been riding the long route. To my credit, I didn't know there was prize money.
  12. BigBen i haven't got it yet. I'm like a kid 2 days before Xmas! I really want it by the weekend, but the guys setting it up for me are doing me a favour so I can't really pressurize them. Patience is not my strong point. On a good note, I did get my new mtb shoes yesterday, they are awesome and much needed (my old ones are finished). My dad is pissed off with me because he is upgrading his frame to the Epic Marathon but it only arrives in 2 months so I'll be on my new bike before him.
  13. Just bought the frame but I am buying new compenents seperately so in the end it will be a complete bike.
  14. Thats what I thought :-) It might be 2 years old but who cares. My poor poor bank account. ML, its a 2005 frame which was before they brought out the nice carbon ones so not that expensive!!! Ratty2007-05-24 03:28:41
  15. This is the frame I'm getting, minus the front shock. Its very pretty. http://i17.tinypic.com/62fplid.jpg
  16. At least most cyclists indicate with their arm if they are turning!
  17. Thanks for all the advice guys. It looks like I've managed to organise a really sweet deal on a bike. I won't give you details now, but will takes pics as soon as I get it. It just needs to be built up first. Can't wait. Oh its a full suspension so my ass is going to be happy Don't know about the legs on the uphills but will soon find out.
  18. CWC, I had no idea you had an online store! This post was most useful to me as I love shopping online. Even if I dont buy stuff online, its nice to be able to see prices etc. P.S. You might want to get your website fixed and tell the developers to put some decent error handling in. Got the following error when trying to see MTB frames: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND specials.idcategory=30 ORDER BY specials.idproduct Desc LIMIT 0, 8' at line 1
  19. My friend (85kg +) often rides his Carbon bike on the trainer and has had no problems. If it can handle his weight I'm sure it is fine. It's working wonders for him to lose weight and get fit for mountain biking.
  20. Ok, so here is another question, if I want to go look at some of these bikes whats the best shop (Western Cape)? Definitely want to look at the Anthem mainly because that seems to be the most popular suggestion and no one has said anything bad about it.
  21. Mintsauce unfortunately I am in a rush to buy. Either that or I need to spend some money fixing mine (again). I'll go insane without a working bike especially with all the mud around. Will make sure I buy the right bike this time!
  22. I prefer the womens specific bikes because it saves me from making my handle bars narrower and putting a shorter stem on but its not an issue if I have to buy a mens rather. So far two of you have mentioned the Giant Anthems. Which one? (There are 5 models as far as I can see) and any idea on the prices? MichH, I was originally in it just for fun but my competitive side has taken over. I've still got a long way to go but am working towards finishing higher up in races. I've given up two of my other sports so that I can concentrate on my cycling. I was hoping to keep my current bike a bit longer and save up more for a really great bike but after having it in for repair 8 times already in less than a year I've had enough. It is awesome to ride when it works, unfortunately this isn't very often.
  23. I've got a choice, replace almost every component on my current bike (the frame and wheels are great) or buy a complete new bike. I'm going with the latter but have no idea which one to buy. I've been looking at the women's specific ones and so far the only one I really like is the Specialized Stunt Jumper (Hardtail). Only problem, they don't import them into South Africa. They import the Womens Epic Comp which is a REALLY nice bike but I'm not sure if I want a full suspension and also its getting a bit pricey at R24000. My questions are: 1. Do I get a hard tail or full suspension bike? 2. Why are none of the nice hardtails imported into SA? 3. What other brand's / bikes would you suggest? My budget is up to R20000. The majority of my riding is the races in and around the Western Cape. If I ride for fun then I generally find as much singletrack and downhills as possible, not a fan of jeep tracks. Hoping you guys can help!
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