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Everything posted by Rydogg

  1. Rydogg

    Knysna Cycle Tour

    It was such a perfect day in Knysna today. Hopefully it holds up a little longer. Enjoy the ride guys.
  2. Rydogg

    Knysna Cycle Tour

    How do the start groups work? They put me in CA, but I have no idea what that means...
  3. Once upon a time, when the trees were tall and the single track flowed, the bridal path was my favourite piece of single track in the world. Now it sort of reminds me of being chased by an avalanche through Mordor... It still has potential and I say we don't let it go to waste! VIVA BUILD DAY! VIVA!
  4. Rydogg

    Knysna Cycle Tour

    Racetec will time the event. The MTB race is a seeding event for the Arus.
  5. Rydogg

    Knysna Cycle Tour

    Doing the MTB 80km. Brilliant ride and not so tough. The road race sucks!
  6. So who is doing the 75km? Apparently the routes have changed? Or did I hear wrong?
  7. So who is doinjg this one this weekend?
  8. Sorry I missed this one. Very cool part of the country to ride.
  9. It also depends on how much the rider weighs.
  10. Looking forward to seeing the "S-Works McLaren Tarmac"...
  11. Well done guys. This looks like it is working well.
  12. Gonna have to put this one on hold, as my MTB is out of action with a few broken bones. Maybe in a week or two. Sorry
  13. Rydogg

    Trucape MTB 50km

    Ok, I take it back. Just started raining and most the 50km riders are still busy...
  14. Rydogg

    Trucape MTB 50km

    Weather was perfect and the ground was dry in Grabouw today. Pity my rim gave in and my tyre wouldn't seal. Had a nice 10km trail run back to the car ????
  15. Tru Cape is gonna kick Gravel Travel in the rear derailleur!!!
  16. Rydogg


    Ignore this post
  17. Rydogg


    What fresh hell is this?
  18. Rydogg

    Trucape MTB 50km

    I miss summer already...
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