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Everything posted by tombeej

  1. ... and if you've got enough in the leg to go the distance...
  2. Never heard of Viagra doing anything for your riding, but each to his own...
  3. For sure, don't touch them - only in emergencies. I just added that mention about gels as a possible 'reserve tank' if you run out of gas before reaching the end.
  4. Hey Cadillac Getting used to the distance comes first, speed comes later. Go for long easy rides to get used to long hours in the saddle. Maybe start with 50km rides on the road first (much easier than 50km offroad), then build up to fun rides up to 50km offroad. Keep it relaxed and at your own pace. Take enough fluids & solid foods. Maybe take a couple of GU's in the back pocket in case you bonk before the finish (rather only take them in an emergency - don't just munch them because they taste nice). Not only does your body need to become adapted to longer distances, but your mind too. Once you've done long rides past 50km, you'll start to find that 30km is nothing all of a sudden (i.e. it's a mental thing). When you have reached this point, you can start other forms of training to make you go fast.
  5. That's what you get when you stand on your hands. I'd say lesson learnt
  6. I live in Ballito, but work in Pinetown. About a 18 months ago I went into Zululand cycles to check what bar ends and other things they had in stock. Saw an identical set of bar ends that I had seen in my LBS in Pinetown for not 10% more expensive, not 20%, but double the price. So I turned around and walked out and never went back. When my bike needs work that I can't do, I put it on the back of my car and drive it all the way to Pinetown instead of taking it to Zululand cycles. Now that I've read this review of the service you get from them, I will re-think my opinion of them.
  7. Caerus, I just sent you a PM
  8. Can I suggest one small upgrade? Rear derailleur. That little thing can be the difference between really enjoying your bike and the start of a lot of irritation/frustration. For me, silky smooth gear changes just make all the difference. Minimum SLX (preferably XT). It will be the best R500 you ever spent. http://www.cwcycles.co.za/catalog/38 Edit: might cost a little more than R500 coz I'm not sure if you'd have to change the shifter as well (and cable). Maybe someone else more technically minded can comment on that.
  9. Ja I was waiting for this to appear on the hub, because it's the front page lead in today's Natal Mercury paper. The wife of the guy who died eventually hired a private detective to investigate the accident because the police incompetence had been so bad. Nevertheless, the judge said there was not enough evidence to convict the driver (the PI couldn't undo all the damage done by the initial police investigation). Moral of the story for me: if something like this happens to either me or someone close to me, the first thing to be done is hire a PI to get onto the case. Don't wait for the police.
  10. I would value a thread like this. But maybe a change of title to "Cyclist friendly establishments" (positive spin?) that recommends lekker eateries or accommodation that welcomes cyclists...
  11. Why do you reckon he asked for it?? This one's for you bud:
  12. Ditto to the point someone made earlier about specifying everything, even components you've bought separately. Everything of value to me, from bikes to cell phones, GPS units, Oakley sunglasses, fishing skis, fishing reels, whatever - I specify them in my insurance policy with the serial number (if applic.), replacement cost, scanned copy of the invoice (emailed to the insurer), etc. That way I know I'm not going to get any stories from the insurer when it comes time to claim for lost/stolen equipment.
  13. You moved from the land of sunshine to the dark land of angry people? Eish, sorry man.
  14. Key objective - maintain correct blood sugar levels: 1. Remove all sugar from your life - all of it. Become a sugar nazi. 2. Eat regularly through the day - small meals every 2 hours - all low GI with right mix of lean protein, fresh fruit and vegies. Do not starve yourself! [Edit] 3. Eat fewer calories than you burn.
  15. Has Frail done this event yet or is he a roadie only? Seems like this event is a perfect marriage for his predilections.
  16. Ja, it came across much more as a personal journey than a race. Actually the winning times were an afterthought in the program last night. This is definitely now on my bucket list.
  17. In the March issue of Bicycling magazine an article from a medical specialist (I think) saying that you need to get your seat as far back as possible. The further back the better, because it gives you more power. As I was reading the article I felt my ITB pull and a small tear suddenly appeared in my hammie behind my knee. Now I'm going to need more physio...
  18. OK read it now. Hells bells :o Reading it again, was the OP perhaps casting out a fat bait on a big hook, waiting for a big bite? And now back to the topic of the thread. I use those mag shine lights (bought from Edge Design) - love their work. And another note: for me, not only are 'no lights' people organ donors, but what about people who ride with their ears full of music? I will ride the trails with my ipod, but this is crazy on the tar.
  19. Didn't read the N.A.G. thread - damn - clearly I missed something. Anyone car to give me a diplomatically correct summary of what happened? (Edit: Apologies for the highjack)
  20. I ride the M4 and R102 quite a bit early on weekends - a nice loop for me, living in Ballito. Agree that the R102 is a nicer ride. But for anyone who rides the M4 during the week - respect - you have some serious cajones. For a visitor to the area, the M4 is maybe something to stay away from unless you skrik vir niks. For me, there's not enough reward for all the fear, noise and sucking on exhaust fumes (I live by the sea - a ride along the coast is not a novelty). Again, for someone wanting to have a pleasant, safe and challenging ride, give the M19 up to Pinetown a try. For me, that first climb out of the Umgeni valley up to the top (5km at 9%) is one of the biggest sustained climbs in Durban. Add in the climb past Kloof into Hillcrest and you can enjoy a ride profile with over 1000m total climbing.
  21. Interesting how much of a universal phenomenon that is :D
  22. Then also look at Umgeni road (M19) west up to Pinetown and then link through the suburbs up again into Kloof and Hillcrest. Umgeni rd from blue lagoon all the way to Pinetown has a very big shoulder, so nice and safe, even in peak traffic. Lots of good sized hill climbs to do there.
  23. The M41 becomes the R102 to Ballito. That road gets very busy in the mornings during the week and there's just a very small 1-2 ft shoulder most of the time (sometimes more, sometimes none). M4 is hectic during the week, but on weekends becomes ridable, esp. very very early. If you want long, quite country roads to ride with nice hilly profiles, and if you're willing to drive 45km north by car up to Ballito, I can give you some routes that you'll enjoy. Let me know. You got a GPS for your bike?
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