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Everything posted by RocknRolla

  1. a bridge i crossed on the way to Clarens (cant remember location)
  2. oh my sack.. those are awesome shots. this is a job we did in Rosebank - shot with Nokia 5800 Xpress music
  3. that is called a synergy between rider keeping bike upright, and bike keeping rider upright.
  4. in joburg winters a good pair of socks just dont cut it. toe warmers are extra insulation worn over the shoes in addition to good socks.
  5. http://www.weardirect.co.za/sites/weardirect.co.za/files/u3/Anatomic%20Factory%20Outlets.gif
  6. try the anatomic factory shop on Beyers Naude, saw some over the weekend when i got my gloves (btw i was testing them on mt motorbike to work the past two days and they are the sheet!!!) ja, toe warmers next on the shoppinglist.
  7. more mountainbike theme. last day of s2c
  8. awesome...we start with pushing, and carrying...and end up on boobs!!! :clap: it's good to be a man!!! what was the question again?
  9. my wife kicks me outta bed. really, my alarm goes off, and if i dont get up she wakes me up, and says: "well your alarm did not wake me for nothing, get your lazy ass outah bed and go train!!! but it takes a while to get into a routine, and once in it, it becomes automatic like brushing teeth. i digress, i have not been training in the morning since this cold has started in ernest. But i did get some nice gloves to keep my hands warm as a pledge to start training in the AM again!! brrrrr
  10. yep, was the highlight of my mountain biking (amateur) career :thumbup:
  11. sjooh, ja some really nice shots here. anyways heres one of mine, from our favorite ride this year!! Nikon Coolpix L18 - easy auto mode.
  12. well the original poster did state that they disapeared over the hill in the cheesefarm direction, which points to the harties area. on Garmap, Schurweberg basically takes me to hennops 4 x 4 route area.
  13. i am sure the victims would love nothing more than post GPS co-ords, but it's a bit difficult to do so when your GPS got stolen with your bike. all jokes aside, i too would like to add this to my "list of avoidances"
  14. Buff'sâ„¢ are a great piece of kit!!!! I never ride on my motorbike (no not a harley) without one in winter. When cycling i use it as sweat trapper under my helmet. and in really cold conditions, use a second one as balaclava.
  15. i am sure there are some far more knowledgeable than me. the basics: have NO SYMPTOMS (coughing, runny nose etc) for two days before starting again. i had to take two weeks off training (spread apart by about two weeks) because i got ill. frustrating, but very necessary. also, certain viruses and bacteria going around that can only be treated by specific anti-biotics. so no point in taking a course that does nothing other than killing essential bacteria.
  16. shooo all this talk of food has me HUNGRY!!!!! i go to teak to ride, the food is a by-product as is the service. I have experienced both good and bad, last time was not too shabby.
  17. well, the final installment of my spoke saga is that my LBS have finally tired of replacing my spokes, the whole wheel has been re built, with thicker gage spokes Big up to eben from Westrand Cycles. He is sorting the issue out with the importer, as he has had a similar incident with another rider's bike. did the lionmand this weekend hand had 0 issues with my rear wheel.
  18. i downloaded the gps track from the website, and it's 76.2km.
  19. lets look at doing this after next week? looking at tuesday and thursday morning rides. distance to be discussed.
  20. nope, two wrongs dont make a right
  21. ok, so i have gathered from this thread that my wheel was built by an incompetent fool at 4:45 on a friday afternoon, and the only remedy is to have the whole thing rebuilt by a wheelwright guru. but until i can get this sorted, i am still frustrated. I have now (sinse my last spoke fix) broken another 3 spokes. the type of riding i have done: rode around the cradle last weekend, some nice dirt highways, and 5km of the avianto xc singletrack. and then some easy dirt twice a week in the morning. maybe it breaks because it is so cold.... anyhoo, wheel back to the LBS this am, will have to get it sorted before lionman and sani.
  22. uhhhm, these assos bibs? is this some kind of fancy cockpit?
  23. in general, taking a magnesium supplement (slow-mag etc) will prevent as well alleviate any cramping. it also helps to yell "arrrgghhh cramp....cramp......" :D
  24. any early morning rides in this area during the week? happy to ride in the cold and dark gotta be back home at about 7am.
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