I just got this not so nice info about one of my Rottweiler breeder friends abroad Make sure you know basic first aid and you always have a tampon for bleeding and a spare badage when you go riding, you ever know when it will happen to you or someone with you This the postig about her accident.... Since I did not fully explain what happened, I will attempt a brief explanation: Tahlia has been begging me to go for a bicycle ride out on our beautiful country roads for some time now and we finally decided to do that last night. There was a long hill, not steep, but very long and it curved at the bottom. Because o...f how long it was, it gave her an opportunity to build up too much speed. I was maybe 5-10 feet in front of her and leaned over my shoulder to tell her to slow down before she approached the curve. Instead of slowing down, she hit the breaks hard and skidded out of control in the gravel and sand on the country road. Tahlia and her bicycle slammed into the guardrail and then before I even had time to realize what was going on, she pitched forward over the rail. I dropped my bike and ran PRAYING that there was just a small ditch on the otherside. As I reached the railing and looked down complete and total horror seized me. There, laying about 15-20 feet down in a dried up river bed was the lifeless body of my daughter crumpled up and motionless. I began screaming and she remained unresponsive. I started to jump down with her but paused as I though of the consequences of me breaking my legs upon landing and then being unable to get her out. So I frantically ran around begging God at the top of my lungs as I slid and climbed down the steep bank. When I got to where she lay, she was still lifeless. Every mother instinct in me wanted to scoop her up, but my medical training knew that it would be the absolute worst thing to do. I checked her for breathing and a pulse and thank God she was positive for both. I kept talking to her, probably more like screaming at her and slowly she came around. Her first moan was both the sweetest sound and the most gut wrenching sound I have ever heard. The moan was quickly followed by painful ear piercing screaming. It was clear that she was in horrific pain. I also realized that the mud ans shallow water I was in was quickly turning red. I tried to ask Tahlia where it hurt as I looked for the bleeding, but all she could do was scream I took her helmet off and started at the top feeling and checking until I got her her left leg and when I touched it my hands cam up covered in blood. I lifted her basket ball short up and my stomach was in my throat. Her left thigh was ripped clean down to the bone all the way across and bleeding profusely. Because of the proximity of the wound to the femoral artery, I knew I had to stop the bleeding immediately. I took my shirt off and fashioned a turniquet and tried to get as much of the meat put back into place as possible. By this time both Tahlia and I had been screaming for several minutes- her in pain and me for help and it was obvious that we were too far out in the country and no one would hear us. I had to make quite possibly the hardest decisions I have ever made in my life- to leave my daughter clinging to me and begging me not to leave her so that I could find help. It took what seemed like forever just to climb out of the ravine as the banks were incredibly steep. As I hopped on my bicycle, my legs and body felt like they were filled with lead. Everything in me screamed that I could not leave her but I also know that she had grave injuries and I HAD to find help. I found the first house about 1/2 mile away and after banging on every door and window, realized to my great dismay that there was no one home. I continued another maybe 1/2 mile with the same result. I went about another mile and started up a steep hill that I could see a house at the top of. When I got about 1/2 way up I saw the owner pulling out in a black truck and became panic stricken that he would leave before I could catch him. I began SCREAMING for help at the top of my lungs and waving my hands wildly. Not making enough progress on the bike on this steep hill, I threw it down and began running at this man. When he just sat in his car staring at me, it dawned on me that I am covered in mud, blood and in my bra. SO I started screaming to him that he had to call 911 immediately and that my daughter had been in a terrible accident. He had climed out of his truck by this time and was moving toward me. I told him we needed to get back in his truck and drive there as she had been alone for far too long at this point. With no apparent urgency in him, I gave serious consideration to simply taking his truck and driving myself back to her. I ended up giving him directions to where she was and I hopped back on my back and raced towards her. Thank God, when I finally reached her, there was a motorcycle parked at the top of the bridge, so I knew my baby was not alone. He had seen her bicycle as he rode past and thought something was not right and THANK GOD he listened to Heavenly Father prompting him to stop for her. EMS responded within minutes and soon there were 20+ men and women there to help but it took an incredible amount of time to get her out as trees had to be cut down to make a path for the back board, she had to be stabilized and and loads of ropes attached to the rescue board so that she could be hauled up the bank. They were SQUEEZING 3 different IV lines of fluid into her to combat the blood loss and told me that she would have bled to death if I had not applied the tourniquet. The flew her via helicopter to Riley. All in all, I have still not slept or eaten and I am just a nervous wreck, so please continue to keep us in your prayers,