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Everything posted by MariusC

  1. Its a trick their trying to convert you to buy a new bike
  2. you forgot to say if it's MTB, Road or full face
  3. oops thats if you do MTB and not road
  4. just follow the singletrack leading out of there. you'll find your way. And definitely eat some pie
  5. Looks like your getting some good training in. Just downloaded the app will test it on Saturday.
  6. If it was 86 i was -1 if 87 i was just born then
  7. 2011 94.7 with a weeks training $%#^ing 5hours in the saddle was horrible, really wasn't a great experience
  8. I was there next to the track on Sunday and you can feel the force they come down the mountain as they pass you. Absolutely amazing, pure skill combined with madness
  9. Whaaaat hope i never get a snakebite like that. Snake must have thought that's one big ass rat
  10. Epic pics. I will be uploading some of the weekend's action at PMB tonight.
  11. Sho what a weekend, Lots of walking/climbing but man the atmosphere was awesome had goosebumps all the way. Great weekend. Congrats Greg and Burry you made us Proud
  12. Hubbers help me I'm on my way but don't have an adress and don't know PMB at all pleeeeaaaassseee
  13. sho Sepia looks hectic. I really hope you recover fully so you can cycle again. Best of luck.
  14. I also want Freebies..... Leaving bright and early 2morrow gonna be an epic weekend
  15. they cant even fit their own Sat nav, they had to use an iPad
  16. can you imagine the chaos if the front guy (or even the bus) wheel pops.
  17. It was pretty interesting they showed how they make Carbon fiber frames. Its amazing to see the work that goes into making a single frame. Don't really know the brand but good work to the guys making GURU frames
  18. Respect to all the guys doing such a race on MTB's!
  19. Luckily I don't have to worry about it being broadcast as I will be there watching it live.
  20. We got some kit from our Company last Year for the 94.7. They got it from Anatomic and I must say its really good quality, and its not that expensive
  21. Nope still don't see anything. Maybe I need glasses?
  22. wow that is actually quite interesting.
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