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Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

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Everything posted by Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

  1. Aaah, yes yes. My memory of that time is a bit fuzzy, and I've never been good with names.
  2. ooh goodness, yes. What were their handles, again? Barbie?
  3. YES! It was over taking his son to a movie that he was too young for. Parenting advice / scorn / accusations were flung left right and centre. Anton doesn't pull punches, and I think some people knew that and capitalised on it to "get him out". Taking on his parenting style was always going to end in a few bannings.
  4. Dude, same boat but I get to see my lightie every other weekend, so there's that. 5th floor of an apartment block, no balcony.
  5. Come on, now, Kransie. No need for that. You know I'm open to changing my mind with additional data. If the decision is based on what I see, now, I don't think I would open up to L3 next week, I'd do it for the following week, but add that there would be far higher police presence. Thinking about it, a roll-back to level 4 from level 3 would be incredibly damaging to the economy, something maybe even more damaging than the actual initial lockdown itself. Costs allocated to re-opening would be down the toilet, completely. A false start, effectively. So, if it were up to me, with the info I have to hand, that's what I would do with the LD. One more week from next Monday, L3, increased police presence to monitor adherence, but say that the implementation of L3 is based on how well we adhere to L4 until then. Bear in mind I DON'T have all the info at hand, so it is at best a guess on the way I see things as they are and it's likely to change WITH all the information. The same 3 words come to mind: Need. More. Data.
  6. Anybody who rides a hardtail at Ezel, or a single speed rigid on the Epic, deserves respect.
  7. aaaaah, the gauntlet of Indian showstoppers....
  8. No apologies necessary, Tim. Bloody good post, that. I'm not sure I agree with the transmissability you've brought up, I'm sure it's been shown that you don't need a certain viral load to get sick, but I'm welcome to be proven wrong on that. Other than that, I 100% agree with everything you've said, except I'm not going out at 6am because here in the 'burbs it's a shaiteshow. I'll continue in my little bubble until the normies have gone back to their duvets and 8am wake-ups, which shouldn't be long at all. When I do, I'll wear my mask. I rode in london with one of those thick wool football scarves around my face for 3 winters. I can deal with a little fabric mask and the added "elevation" to my training.
  9. I saw it on WA (linked to a previous address on Youtube on the SABC News channel) but decided not to share it, because I couldn't confirm it.
  10. I know the levels are mostly data-driven, but actual compliance to those guidelines must enter the fray at some point, as it's also part of the data (has a direct effect on the R0) If we don't adhere to the L4 guidelines, what makes us think we'll adhere to the L3 guidelines? Or, at least, if they are dropped, I think there would be an increase in police & military presence to ensure adherence to those guidelines. Basically, I think that there is far more chance of a step to L3 after we've shown to be responsible citizens and petition while adhering, than if we disobey and rail against, then petition.
  11. I personally hope so, but I don't think it would be the "right" decision at this point. I would personally have argued for another week of L4, with the proviso that it would be extended if people don't adhere to the guidelines. I could very well be wrong, though. Risk / reward. You show us that you who can adhere, do adhere, and we will scale it back.
  12. Duane was "banned" from saying the F word and the M word for a while.....
  13. That first pic looks remarkably like one of the roads in Higgovale.
  14. Yeah, I reckon it may be a level 3.5, but 3 would be great. It's been a week at level 4, hasn't it?
  15. Nope, mood definitely affects my choice of entertainment. From music, to film, to youtube. Some days it's anything, some days it's the heavy stuff, some days it's the cheery stuff and sometimes it's silence.
  16. Oh, yeah, definitely the light, there. That's how "normal" carbon looks at certain angles with a warm filter applied.
  17. So, my sourdough is getting better. I'm just trying a few different things to get the crumb the way I want it, but this one has so far been my best, and it has an excellent crumb for sandwiches. I still want it to be a bit more open, but I think I need to use a different flour. The normal Eureka flour I normally use was OOS, and had to get a normal bread flour with a slightly lower protein content. From here I'm experimenting with different proofing, folding & scoring methods to see which one works best for me. I want a slightly more open crumb than this, but not super wild. This bread tastes WONDERFUL, my son loves it, and it makes tremennnndous toasties. Like... next level. If it's too open it won't make terriffic toasties / sarmies.
  18. I've binged Working Moms over the past few days. Fkn hilarious.
  19. It doesn't matter. Poesse remain poesse regardless of what they drive.
  20. EEEEEUWWWW... That tint completely ruins it. But I don't reckon it's anywhere close to that. EDIT: I don't see any bronze tint?
  21. I hope you manage to get a look at the clearcoated frame before you get it painted, because it looks like the naked weave is an artwork in and of itself.
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