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Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

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Everything posted by Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

  1. I'd put this bike in the same category as UNNO, due to the production process and attention to detail. IMO not as pretty as the UNNO bikes, but not that far off, either. Small batch production Excellent carbon manufacturing tech The Weave.... OMG that weave! The Price
  2. Rad, thanks for the additional info. Yeah, I've not bodyboarded since I left Durban in 2008. I was always a shark-biscuit in the strip up there. So while I've seen the break a few times I've not surfed it, and I've heard the rep it has. I'm quite aware that I'll probably need to start from almost scratch again if I do start up, but I'll definitely need to get used to the cold. And I'm not sure if I want to.
  3. I'm sure it's doable (see from DiD it is) but it doesn't mean it's particularly clever. v true. I've heard of Nicki before.
  4. Unless you're in Llands... in which case it's just a friendly game of tag and drown.
  5. looks as if it's just cracked the clearcoat, but I'd send that to one of the following dudes so that they can give you a proper response / prognosis BogusOne (on instagram as Bogus Designs) Carbon Bike Repair Carbon Ninja BMC
  6. Ah yes. And ah, yes. Pacific Heat is hilariously offensive, but pretty local to Aussie.
  7. Vitality is a separate benefit. If he'd already had it, he would have had it still with the new plan. So even though it goes off with the same debit order, it doesn't get included in the cost of the med aid. . Edit: In terms of what should have happened, yes he should have been told that Vitality is over and above the normal med aid premium. But to be fair, the call centre agent was likely told that he needed the cheapest MED AID possible, and she / he quoted that rate.
  8. Yes, you're imagining yourself. We are but constructs built by our synapses.
  9. Tsek. Clearly need another coffee. The chasm is too large at this point.
  10. if only... But have they really resurfaced it? It's no longer that ugly surface?
  11. Yup. In the middle of the English winter I'd be on my bike with my scarf around my face, beanie on and in very warm clothing. I like the cold, but I'm not a dumbass. Mostly...
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