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Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

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Everything posted by Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

  1. I'm actually making the assumption that someone who avoids a certain food group based on their particular ideals is more likely to go for a healthier lifestyle overall. Epidemiology is useful, sure. But done PROPERLY. Control for other things in order to isolate what it is you want to study.
  2. The majority of those studies would have had the same results (reduction in ACM etc) if they'd just asked if they eat whole foods, or include processed foods and fast food in their diet. One group has a far better picture of health as a whole, vs the other which generally will engage in more unhealthy lifestyle practices.
  3. And THAT is why I despise epidemiological studies. 'Cos they don't control for other circumstances which may have a far higher causation rate. Meta-analyses using epidemiological studies are even worse, because they're just compounding the bad study problem.
  4. How, Odi? Can this not be taken as "no additional behaviours were included"? It ONLY says that meat intake was controlled for. 3 categories. 1 - meat eaters 2 - those that transitioned 3 - vegans / vegetarians if you're in 1, and you die, it must be the meat. Can't be smoking, drinking, bad health choices, bad additional food choices. Meat was the over-riding contributing factor to any difference in ACM. Also doesn't control for types of protein ie processed, non-processed, etc etc. If you're in 2, you can't possibly have a generally better / more healthy outlook on lifestyle factors such as smoking, drinking, partying, pancakes etc etc and any change in mortality must be due to the meat. Likewise for 3. Like it or not, those who CHOOSE to forego meat generally also have a better overall health standard, due to their decision to look at their nutrition. Likewise for people in group 1 who CHOOSE not to eat processed foodstuffs, because they're bad, m'kaaay. They have the same sort of view on their nutrition. But they fall into group 1 'cos they eat the bad, nasty animal flesh. Bottom line is that doing a dietary study WITHOUT controlling for extraneous circumstances like smoking, drinking etc etc and without going further into protein sources AS WELL AS other foodstuffs is not going to give accurate results. Design, Setting, and Participants This prospective cohort study included 70 696 participants in the Japan Public Health Center–based Prospective Cohort who were aged 45 to 74 years and had no history of cancer, cerebrovascular disease, or ischemic heart disease at study baseline. Data were collected from January 1, 1995, through December 31, 1999, with follow-up completed December 31, 2016, during which 12 381 total deaths were documented. Dietary intake information was collected through a validated food frequency questionnaire and used to estimate protein intake in all participants. Participants were grouped into quintile categories based on their protein intake, expressed as a percentage of total energy. Data were analyzed from July 18, 2017, through April 10, 2019. Main Outcomes and Measures Hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% CIs for all-cause and cause-specific mortality were estimated using Cox proportional hazards regression models with adjustment for potential confounding factors.
  5. The data supports it, and we're getting more data all the time. Thank people like Taubes, Noakes etc etc for actually shedding light on stuff like this. Animal protein is NOT the demon that it has been painted as. This is becoming clearer and clearer all the time.
  6. Yes, because those who choose to follow a vegan lifestyle are generally more health conscious overall.
  7. Except it's not. Almost all of those studies are epidemiological, don't control for smoking / drinking / drugs and other lifestyle related indulgences, and simply rely on questionnaires filled in by humans who have a notoriously bad recollection of what they eat. Meat by itself doesn't cause those issues, and we're seeing this in the current science. It's the additional stuff over and abive that that does. In addition, vegans are generally more likely to be more aware of other health damaging practices, and control for them better than those who follow an SAD. In many cases they just have a look at all cause mortality in people who answer "yes" to the do you eat meat question, and make the leap that a reduction in life expectancy or increase in disease rates is due to that, instead of the other things that people do. Like smoke, drink, drugs, excessive carbs and fat etc etc. It's well documented, unfortunately. Also. Have a look at the history behind the vilification of saturated fat. Started post ww2 to prop up the megacropping (wheat corn etc) in the states, and the scientists with the other option (hypothesizing that meat and fat and veg are the way instead of wheat and corn and carbs) were German. Again, America protecting its interests, and creating the food pyramid (and vilifying sat fat and animal products to boot) in order to push breakfast cereal and such.
  8. Shipping express is R 240, 2 rims cost R 480 R 480 * 1.165 = R 559.20 + R 240 (shipping) + R 250 (handling) = R 1,049.20 at current rates. R 520 per rim, landed. Really worth it!
  9. but it was PART of the reason. They refused to switch to a better diet, preferring strict veganism, without any vit or mineral supplementation.
  10. That's BLADDY cheap. Also, locally - the Kore rims seem to hold up well under a few of my mates who ride a crapload harder than I do. And they're decently priced, too.
  11. I only watched it for the first time last year. Has aged extremely well, imo. Loved it.
  12. Hmmm... Just be wary of brokers selling you "the same" benefits when they could be very different or markedly inferior. If you want me to have a squiz, lemme know. No obligation at all. I've come up against this myself when people have decent benefits at an insurer, but someone has come along and sold em "comparative" benefits that couldn't be further from them if they tried. And inevitably, the client sees something cheaper but simply doesn't know there's a massive difference in benefit comprehensiveness.
  13. https://mailchi.mp/waitbutwhy/story-intro?e=85c0c5464f A very interesting read. Latest post from my favourite blog. This guy just explains things Soooo well. More posts to come. Read this first, then click into the actual post.
  14. indeed. I love my veggies, and I love meat, too. My little one just eats what I give him, regardless of what it is, as long as it's tasty.
  15. Absolutely. In a fair few establishments, the vegan / veggie burger option is actually tastier than the meat option. I think some burger joints just think that they only have to cook beef and it'll taste good. Not the case. Got to prep it, spice it, baste it and so on in order to get it tasting lekkerrr. Same as with veg, but with veg you can't "get away" with it as easily if you don't spice it or think about the flavour combinations.
  16. The exo casing is about the same toughness as the grid casing, with exo plus slightly above that (but not by much imo) Then you get the double down (being phased out unfortunately) which is like th black diamond casing, or Schwalbe super gravity. Super tough Then above that, DH casing. Spaz control casing is like toilet paper
  17. Angel Has Fallen. Predictable AF, but helluva full of action from the get go. 7/10 would watch again
  18. Yup, correct. Rinkhals is below Snake Eyes, and exits on Level 1. EDIT: Rinkhals is the trail that is on the lhs of your circle. After switchbacks, you climb back up and pass Snake Eyes on your RHS. Rinkhals will go on your LHS down to the lowest jeep track on the mountain. There is one bit of jeep track that isn't correct, though. And that's the bit that dissects DH0 as you see it on the map. It should join the Level 4 jeep track a little closer to Silvermine side.
  19. They're there, it's just rotated 90 deg anti clockwise for some reason. DH 0/1/2/3/4 is red, Snakes (cobra, mamba, boomslang, snake eyes, rinkhals) is Orange, Switchbacks are blue, I think Donkey is purple. But this was a collection of trails that were there (and with Donkey, included) in the EMP in 2016.
  20. more than this was discussed, but the one trail not on this map is under public comment. It's a good one, though, and will end up removing the drudgery of getting up to the top via the current route.
  21. Build days will continue, as soon as the details have been posted elsewhere (or a follow-up post has been made) I'll share here. There are a couple things in the pipeline, that the cash injection will help with. One thing is currently in teh public comment phase, and once that's approved (should be straightforward rubber stamping) then it'll be announced properly. Things that are going forward: Reopening Rinkhals Reopening My Roots Reopening DH4 I think Donkey Trail is also going ahead ASAP.
  22. I think the majority of us can, but there were a few that spoiled the pudding, so to speak. And those that spoil it can be rather vociferous... Other avenues (FB / Mail / Insta / website) are still there.
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