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G e r h a r d Odendaal

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Everything posted by G e r h a r d Odendaal

  1. That will be great, I will love to do it. Will send you a message to arrange. Please send me your cell or e-mail address. Regards Gerhard
  2. He threatened you with that statement mate. I agree with Cellar. That driver probably has kids cycling too, lets hope the wheel does mot turn on him.Most of the buses leave a 30 cm gap, i had 2 nasty experiences recently, i basically s*** myself, it was close really close. There is absolutely no reason for any vehicle to come close to a cyclist thats riding behind another. They dont realise that when they hit you you will die even at 30 km
  3. Geez mate what mileage do you do per year then? Or the roads you ride on are in excellent condition unlike here....
  4. My opinion is that the Germans build awesome brakes but not MTB tyres. I hated my non- round heavy Conti's. My previous LBS could not seal the front tyre due a hole (brand new tyre) and then put a tube in to solve the problem. Only when i punctured did i see what the buggers had done...very unethical..
  5. Awesome now i follow... Thanks mate
  6. For some of us that are new Hubbers, can you explain your name please?
  7. Saw it on a 2014 s-works epic with xx1, looked good
  8. You're funny man, so true, what if he got a puncture before the munchies
  9. Hey by the way the rance timber 65 km mtb race was a riller this last weekend, you guys have some serious climbs in Stutt.....
  10. We have been asked to keep the rubbish in our yards. Can you imagine....Some guys are starting to remove the rubbish themselves.
  11. Were drowning in rubbish here in East London due to the strikes from workers of the Municipality. Our refuse bags have not been collected for 2 weeks now. We are starting to get concerned for our health. Temperatures of near to 30 degrees celsius is not helping either. Striking workers are demanding a 14th cheque according to the local newspaper. So come and join us this Sunday only if your immune system is strong enough to handle it.
  12. Man you are so talking my language. Sick and tired of the runners expecting us to move more into the road. They can see the traffic not us. Runners are all over the road, its like they don't know which side of the road to run on. Same story as with cyclists, they run 3 abreast and push an oncoming cyclist further into death zone.
  13. I saw this guy at a MTB race this weekend. Don't you just love the way he taped his banana to his frame?? I cracked up and could not stop laughing.
  14. What is happening in this country of ours, i saw a picture this week of a cop stealing sunglasses from a vendor while there was strikers causing havoc in the street. I miss the time where we were served by goverment officials rather than neglected and let down by many of them
  15. Hi, would you mind telling me where you got your rigid fork from please? Thanks Gerhard
  16. Pity no registration on the saturday. Coming from far now we have to leave a day earlier
  17. I had this on my motorbike so surely a company can market this for cyclists as well?
  18. Cant we get this for our bikes too so that our family can track us or trace a stolen bike?
  19. This is a good idea. The pesticides that are sprayed on our veg we buy is harming us, cancer and all kind of serious illnesses. You have inspired me to start a veg garden as well
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