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Everything posted by SomeBloke

  1. That Juliana has to be the best looking ladies bike on the market. Nice work, Nigel.
  2. Standing on a normal bike is my natural position. Standing on a tandem was a risk to all three lanes of riders on the M1.
  3. It was hard enough trying to hang onto the back of Christmas Tree.
  4. Then why did those handlebars turn so easily?
  5. Standing on a normal bike is my natural position. Standing on a tandem was a risk to all three lanes of riders on the M1.
  6. I was jealous of anyone with a chamois. It was my first ride over 30 kays and the first one where I'd had to sit the whole way. My butt was broken after 15 kays. Christmas Tree and I were riding side saddle every downhill chance we got.
  7. Really decent equipment and apparel for the DJ, Freeride, DH and Trail scene and they're very fairly priced. I'll always look at Dial'd to see if an item is available from them before I consider ordering anything overseas since their service is top class. I had to send a couple of items back once due to them not being appropriate for my bike and Andrew was really accommodating, even though I'd ordered the items via a friend he just credited my account without any hassle, pretty painless.
  8. Get them all. Bikes are a really good investment.
  9. Has anybody run a set of these? Thinking of ordering one for the rear tyre, interested to know how it runs in our conditions. http://i.imgur.com/EcTjAIQ.png
  10. I don't know what the local shipping is like but even from CRC those don't land much under R500 so that's probably the best price you're going to get. They're good little helmets, though, and the adjustment strap means your kid will get a long time with it.
  11. Haha, having seen about four photos of us I've realised there isn't a single one where it looks like I'm doing any work on the back of that Tandem. I swear I was pushing Christmas Tree up those hills, though.
  12. I actually KOM'd the segment from behind X batch to the start of TB batch on foot. And stuck to the old tandem rule that the guy on the back acts as defence. Nobody got past my swinging foot.
  13. They honestly just stood there and smiled while these cyclists waved at them.
  14. Went out for a ride around Joburg early Sunday and came across hoards of roadies (and quite a few mountain bikers as well) riding anywhere up to six abreast. Idiots were cycling on the highways (N3 and M2) and in the suburbs half of them were riding in the oncoming lanes. If there had been cars it would have been impossible for them to pass whilst keeping a 1.5m gap. And yes, I took this photo from the passenger seat. http://i.imgur.com/djtdgDW.jpg
  15. I get your maths but there are still a few flaws in that. Being hit from behind at 100kph when you're doing 40kph may reduce the impact to 60kph but you're still going to strike the tar at 100kph. And having the foresight to dodge a taxi whose driver is looking out his window signalling for passengers beats cushioning a 100kph impact with your own momentum every time. Personally I think go with the flow if you're going flat or downhill where you can maintain a speed. I've got a steep climb back up the hill when I ride home, probably around 10kph. It's a relatively busy road edged by grass verge, which doesn't discourage drivers from using all the space on the road. I've dodged a few taxis and tired commuters by riding against traffic on that hill. (Pavement isn't an option because most Joburg residents don't realise the verge is supposed to be common property and turn it into a giant flower bed.)
  16. Geez, so many people making so many assumptions. The guy merely asked if there were weight category races, nothing more. Instead of answers he gets advice to lose weight, become more disciplined, change sports and only ride socially. Loosen your Lycra, guys. People that want to race in weight categories aren't freedom hating commie terrorists. That hate freedom. It's not novel either, look at Olympic rowing for example. If it adds an extra dimension to cycling events then that's great.
  17. Geez, guys, where did you see him complaining about it? The bloke was just asking if there were any races that had weight categories. No need to climb onto your balsa wood soap boxes. And try considering that the guy might be happy with his weight. If he's 6'6" and likes smashing halfbacks that blindly wander into rucks every other saturday, but still wants to ride now and then and see how he fares against other biltong chewing boers then what's wrong with that?
  18. When you hear the chorus of 60 million cicadas you know your kettle is going to boil pretty quickly.
  19. The only downside I can think of is my wife turning it on when I come home drunk one night.
  20. Not a lot of information on his page, though. I know of plenty people who'd consider this.
  21. I don't even have a crime problem and I want that.
  22. If you're on a budget I can't say enough good things about SLX. Just does what it says on the can.
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