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Wyatt Earp

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  1. Thats what I love about Hamilton. Although now Swiss owned under the Swatch group, they have a strong appreciation to their heritage and their American Classics. The Pulsar was the worlds first digital watch, it was seen as a "computer" when it came out. They had a solid gold version that cost more than a car, it was worn by people like Nixon and Elvis as well as many other prominent people. What I like about the PSR, its a 99 % true reissue of the original Pulsar, even down to the bracelet (except for the butterfly clasp) The Crystal on the original was raised and thick being an LCD screen. This modern day reissue has a dual LED and LCD screen so you can read the time in sunlight as well. Its actually quite crazy when you have it on the wrist, you cant stop looking at the crystal and its bevels from all the different angles. The watch was made even more famous when James Bond appeared on the screen with one. It is very special to my collection especially for the fact that I lusted after one since I was 5 years old
  2. Brining some color to winter.
  3. I love YouTube mechanics and wheelbuilders.
  4. 1 mm extra per spoke adds quite a bit if you are already out by a mm or two. Also it’s crucial to get the correct length for drive and non drive side, and it’s not for the dishing, but getting the spokes up to the correct tension. I often get wheels in ,way under tensioned because incorrect spoke length was used for the drive side. Biggest issue I find with some of these “expert” wheelbuilders out there, is that they struggle with roundness, and that throws the spoke tension all over the place, and if your are gonna bottom the threads out, with unequal tension, you are bound to get low tension spokes with nipples slowly unwinding, making for a floppy and poorly tensioned wheel. Roundness, correct tension and spoke length is everything.
  5. I reiterate, and no bearing on you personally or anyone else. Carry a firearm and be fully prepared to pull the trigger, otherwise it’s just an ornament. Following that, I don’t have trust in our courts towards a person like me in regards to a self defense plea.
  6. Damn Time flies indeed. Yup, he is a big boy now, 6 ft.2 and very well trained. Studies super hard and very focused, we are well blessed.
  7. All good. My son turned 20 today, life has flown fast. Hope all is good your side.
  8. The biggest thing people need to deal with is their nerves and learn to stay calm. Confidence is a massive boost to help with that. But when the pressure mounts, people panic and even seasoned and trained martial artists become overwhelmed with emotion and panic.
  9. Will say the same thing I always say. If you are going to carry a firearm, be damn sure that you are prepared to pull the trigger. Saying that, it’s always good to do a course, and no a one day crash course is not gonna cut it. Repetition is key for natural instincts to kick in. But I digress, most people could do well with a course that puts them in the right mental state for scenarios unexpected. You need to bear in mind that you are dealing with bullies, and your actions will either make them lose control or not. Most of them are pure opportunists and not as seasoned as people always make them out to be, which takes away their calm and has them on the edge, the moment they approach you Your reaction and approach will determine what happens from here onwards. Give me a knife and life is good.
  10. His straps are good, as good as you will get from CNS. I buy often from Roelf, his rubber straps are superior to the ones from CNS. His nato straps are brilliant quality, the only reason I order from CNS is for color variation and also they keep the single pass paratrooper straps. Roelf does the Marine National which isn’t single pass, I need single pass for my FXD’s with their fixed springbars.
  11. Hi Berg Man This is the best place, always pick priority mail. 2-3 days from Sweden and your stuff is here. Prices are good and nato and paratrooper straps are good quality. www.cnswatchbands.com Rubber straps I get locally from www.lugtolug.co.za
  12. Asidlale trails at Leeukop prison. Safest place too will find with some of the best trails. Mars Bar singletrack will blow your mind.
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