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Found 22 results

  1. Hi all, looking for road group rides around cape town (leaving from atlantic seaboard area) as im based in oranjezicht. Preferably long endurance rides on weekends (or weekdays now in december holidays) and more intermediate side. I dont mind drop rides. Im only really aware of the weekday morning rides by ecc and gearchange. Tried the usual google and strava search but not finding much with actual information and most seem inactive.
  2. I didn't find a thread running, and entries open today for 10+ finishers. GREAT news, they have sponsors. Std Bank and Liberty come on board. That is a brilliant development.
  3. Yes, I just made up a word. Gravelable (adj) - Suitable for pleasant traverse on either a gravel or standard road machine, equipped with rubber exceeding 28 metric millimeters. I was planning a ride from Glentana (George) to Natures Valley. While scouring maps for a possible route that does not involve perishing on the N2, I saw something called the "Seven Passes Road". It looks pretty spectacular, consisting of tar and untarred sections. My question is, does anyone know if these roads are MTB type gravel, or gravel type gravel? I would love to slap on my 28's and have a crack at it. I am just not keen on heave corrugations which will undo the dental work I had done as a child. Any local knowledge would be much appreciated! The route I am talking about can be viewed here: https://goo.gl/maps/9akgRySrfqH2
  4. Looking for outsole lugs for a Specialized MTB shoe 2016 model as per pic attached. Size EUR 43. Freewheel cycology don't have my size because they apparently not making them anymore. Olympic cycles I suspect called them and simply cannot assist. It looks like I have to call on the hubbers for #assistance.
  5. Hi all, I need a little bit of help here. I am new to cycling and have gone out for a total of 2 rides since I got my bike last week. Now on these rides (both about 20km) I can't pedal consistently for more than a few minutes before I need to free wheel to 'catch my breath'. The pain in my quads burns like **** which forces me to stop pedaling. From a cardio perspective, I am unfit, however when I look at my HR data from Garmin my AVG is about 100bpm, so clearly I could continue, but its just that burn that stops me. I have been for a bike fit so I am confident that it is all setup fine. Is it just a case of me needing to ride more and more to 'get through it' and it will become less, or is there potentially a problem here? It's just the HR data throwing me off, which is why I thought to get a few opinions here. TIA
  6. Hi guys, Would like some advice if once can spare any for me. I am looking at getting a road bike to cycle around the neighborhood for some exercise and join some friends on their social rides. I am 6'3 so not exactly sure what size I should be looking for? (Basic research has pointed me to 60-61cm). I do not have a lot of money to spend at all and hoping to get away with something basic? I have ridden MTB before (sold the bike as I quite frankly didn't enjoy MTB trails AT ALL (perhaps because I didn't have any friends who did MTB and I was riding alone)) so I have some gear to get me going (proper shorts, jerseys etc) Any ideas? I have trailed the classifieds here but seems to be a rather uncommon size, or the bike is unfortunately too far away from me (I'm on the East Rand boet ) Appreciate any comments in advance.
  7. So, I have been doing a fair bit of research here on TBH, and see alot of devided opinions on the matter. One half are thinking its a consipiracy theory for bike manufacturers to keep taking our money. The other half sees it as a practical solution to alot of things, ie. Replace your road bike with a gravel bike, its more comfy, you can easily go off the road on dangerous sections of traffic or climb curbs, you can do road races with them, all be it not UCI races, but who is checking. In fact, I saw someone do a sub 3 hour in the CTCT with a gravel bike.... I for one believe this is the bike that is in fact not the N+1 bike, but the bike that can give a person, the best of three worlds. Whats your take on the matter, try and stay positie if at all possible lol
  8. Good day everyone, Hope you are all well and getting pumped for those holiday rides. I am going away to Ballots Bay (by George) and Noetzie (by Knysna) this December (2021), and I have planned a few possible routes to do on my gravel bike, but in terms of safety, I’m not sure about any of them. I will be cycling alone, unless anyone wants to meet up and join me (send me a DM and we can see if we can arrange something). Could anyone tell me what routes listed below are best, and if there are any other routes I could maybe look into. Route: From Ballots Bay to Wilderness: https://www.strava.com/routes/2881620904960023052 Route: Ballots Bay to Knysna Heads Route 1: https://www.strava.com/routes/2886926504172100228 Route: Ballots Bay to Knysna Heads Route 2: https://www.strava.com/routes/2886949716579436164 Route: Ballots Bay to Knysna Heads Route 3: https://www.strava.com/routes/2886975249377243920 Route: Ballots Bay to Knysna Heads Route 4: https://www.strava.com/routes/2894679346089661106 Route: Ballots Bay to Harold’s Bay: https://www.strava.com/routes/2887331328237224382 Route: Riding around Noetzie Tree Plantations: https://www.strava.com/routes/2886634106250838660 Route: Noetzie to Plett: https://www.strava.com/routes/2886978934725230212 Thanks, Kevin
  9. Hi All, I am trying to source a new groupset (SRAM or Shimano (disc)) for a road bike. Due to supply issues, there is absolutely no stock in SA. Has anyone recently purchased a groupset and if so, where did you find stock (and how did you bring it to SA).
  10. Warren_G


    Sockgame strong here! http://41.media.tumblr.com/75c4ba5b46690c5e62c257816abf3c25/tumblr_ntb6i4CdL61qixkqto1_500.jpg
  11. I am looking for a CSA Qualified (Level 1 - 3) Cycle Coach to join my business as a freelance Cycle Coach. Currently I am the Owner/ Head Trainer of Pure Athlete Performance. A company focused on Sport Specific Strength & Conditioning Training. My experience and focus lies on extreme sport athletes (Motocross, FMX, Enduro etc.), with an employee focused on Triathlete specific training. With the expansion and demand it has lead us to have a qualified cycle coach take care of the department. Ideally we are looking for a coach that has a small client base and following within the cycling community. The employment will be commission based where you will be provided with clients, personal marketing, as well as access to our online software. If you are interested in the position, please send your resume to Brandon at: info@pureathleteperformance.com
  12. New radar device makes cycling safer August 6 2014 at 09:15am By Murray Williams Comment on this story http://www.iol.co.za/polopoly_fs/iol-mot-cycling-radar-1.1731165!/image/1781875817.jpg_gen/derivatives/box_300/1781875817.jpg Independent Newspapers Vulnerable position: Reporter Murray Williams negotiates the chaos of Malta Road between Salt River and Observatory. Picture: Henk Kruger. Cape Town - A revolutionary new bicycle safety device has been launched, which uses radar to warn cyclists about cars approaching from behind. Backtracker improves cyclists’ visibility and awareness of what’s happening behind them on the road. South African specialists in radar and computer-vision and cycling enthusiasts Ikubu have been creating prototypes for Backtracker since 2010. “We believe our device will bring much-needed confidence back to a sport too frequently compromised by fear of unaware motorists. Backtracker is a type of sixth sense that helps cyclists to see what they ordinarily cannot,” iKubu managing director Franz Struwig said. “Backtracker consists of two small, lightweight units which detect and interpret the speed and acceleration of rear-approaching vehicles at a distance of up to 140m,” he said. “The handlebar-mounted front unit indicates your potential safety risk using a simple peripheral vision range indicator. The intelligent backlight alerts motorists to your position via increasingly frequent light pulses.” Backtracker’s radar technology is particularly valuable when cycling in low-visibility conditions such as fog and rain, dusk and dawn. http://www.iol.co.za/polopoly_fs/copy-of-ca-p6-franz-struwig-done-1.1731166!/image/1012812187.jpg_gen/derivatives/box_300/1012812187.jpg Sixth sense: Radar expert Franz Struwig demonstrates the innovative, potentially lifesaving radar for bicycles. Picture: Murray Williams. Independent Newspapers “Also, it’s functionality is not affected by the proximity of other cyclists, which is useful when training in pelotons or on family cycling excursions,” Struwig said. The Cape Argus visited the company with Ernst van Dyk, winner of multiple Paralympics and World Championship medals and major international marathons, including a record 10 wheelchair-racing titles at the prestigious Boston Marathon. Van Dyk happily endorsed the life-saving product, testing it on the back of his racing wheelchair. Struwig said: “The idea for Backtracker was born through a chance meeting with an elderly cyclist, who had resorted to riding in the face of oncoming traffic, for fear of motorists behind him. It inspired us to create a safety product that could bring confidence back into every ride.” From there, the idea started taking shape through many hours of discussion and preliminary sketches, followed by a hand-built prototype which put the thinking to the test. High- frequency antennas were developed several months later before a more refined second prototype was built. This was, then miniaturised to ensure the components were as lightweight and small as possible, making it ideal for even serious cyclists. Safety-conscious road cyclists will be able to order the device via Dragon Innovation, a platform that has helped to launch other crowd-funded success stories such as the Pebble smartwatch and Hammerhead navigation system. Backtracker’s success relies on about 1000 supporters financially backing the product before it can make it past prototyping and on to handlebars. The device will be available in variously priced packages, including an early-bird special of about R1590, while the standard Backtracker price will be around R2125. SAFETY TIPS FOR CYCLISTS - Use pedal cycle lanes where these are available. - Keep as close as possible to the left edge of the roadway. - Obey traffic signs and signals. - Ride with, not against traffic. - Watch out for car doors opening in your path. - Wear brightly coloured clothing in the daytime, and reflective clothing at night. - Fit and use effective front and rear lights when riding in hours of darkness and when visibility is limited. - Use hand signals when turning or changing lanes. - Be aware of hazardous road conditions. - Be aware of other road users, especially at intersections. - Ride in a straight line. - Wear a helmet that fits properly. - Never ride with headphones. FOR DRIVERS - Yield to cyclists, especially at intersections. - Leave a distance between the motor vehicle and the cyclist of at least 1m. - Check your blind spots and look before opening the car door. - Do not drive, stop or park in a bicycle lane. Source: Safely Home Campaign http://www.iol.co.za/motoring/bikes-quads-karts/new-radar-device-makes-cycling-safer-1.1731167#.U-Hfl_oaKUk
  13. Hi Guys We are thinking of moving to Pretoria/Centurion and I'm concerned about my cycling. Can anyone suggest a good club and/or some nice routes in the area?
  14. I paid for my entry and accomodation today. It is my first road multiday event. How does it differ in planning and training to a multistage MTB event? Tips and comments for a noob?
  15. Hi everyone, not sure if this is the best place to post this but I came across someone trying to sell a bike today that I think was stolen. It is a very unique bike and seemed to be well-loved, hence my thoughts on why it is odd that the owner was trying to sell it. The bike is a red Cannondale R300, that has been converted to a one-by with a Shimano XT (I think M8000 Derailleur and cassette) drivetrain, and a cSixx front chainring that was inverted. It also had flat Easton bars on it. Very similar to the picture below, with a slimmer seat, black foam grips and the one-by drivetrain. Let me know if this is actually is a stolen bike.
  16. Any of you had success with converting an older model road bike to a gravel bike?
  17. Having recently acquired a new roadie which sports some tubeless wheels (american classic), and being used to 23c tubed gatorskins for most of my cycling career, I've got no idea where to start looking for new tires. currently running schwalbe pro 1, but being second hand they are starting to look a bit worse for wear. by the look of things frame should be able to take a set of 25c's. what are you running and what would you recommend (that is as bulletproof as gatorskins)
  18. Hey guys, I'm not a pro biker of any sort, I'm simply wanting a solid enough bike for riding cross country / mountain and road trips, that is not super costly. Good brakes and shocks would be awesome. I dont know much about bikes so would greatly appreciate your advice I do know that I need an XL as I'm 6ft2 and dont want to be slouched over when cycling (I have posture issues Im working on as is due to sitting all day). Bridge Cycles has a Scott Aspect 940 or 950 2020 for 11k, a bit high but I had a Scott Aspect before I moved to UK for a year. These look interesting to me. https://bikehub.co.za/classifieds/item/dual-suspension-bikes/439623/scott-genius-30-xl-carbon https://bikehub.co.za/classifieds/item/hardtail-mountain-bikes/439446/titan-29er-xl Thanks so much
  19. Greetings all. Is anyone able to advise if CSA has released updated regulations regarding the new UCI junior gearing rule changes for 2023? There seems to be a fair amount of confusion around this issue. We've recently moved from SA to Aus and I've installed 'junior gearing' to my 15yr old son's road bike, but he will be racing in SA for the next few years as well. Online searching defines 'junior' as 17 & 18yr group, and seems to be supported by the article link below as well as Aus Cycling and British Cycling regulations: https://www.cyclingnews.com/news/uci-scraps-junior-gearing-restrictions-for-2023/ British Cycling: https://www.britishcycling.org.uk/about/article/20221221-about-bc-static-Regulation-change--Junior-gearing-0 - note that it states no changes to 'Youth' gearing regulations. I've spoken to a few local coaches and the interpretation here in Aus is that all age groups younger than 17 are still required to use junior gearing with the roll-out distances in place. The only roll-out distance removed is the 7.93m for the 17 & 18 yr olds, which is the same as the British Cycling updated rules for 2023 which still has the various roll-out distances for the younger age groups defined. Then in SA I know that kids are riding CSA sanctioned races with full/regular gearing (at least at provincial level) in the younger age groups. I haven't been able to find any clarity in CSA regulations yet...still looking. Just confused/interested and would greatly appreciate some clarification. Many thanks.
  20. Haven’t seen a thread for the event, but this press release doesn’t bode well for an event struggling to recover from the effects of covid. The area is riddled with potholes, and some of the route is on provisional roads, so minimal chances of them being fixed by the cANCer-ridden Provincial Government.
  21. Hi Guys/Ladies I was wondering about an idea for a Pretoria club ride on weekends for road cyclists? I noticed at the club I used to ride for that there would be 100+ cyclists, however 5 would be there for the road group. I am sure this is the case for most/all the clubs in Pretoria? (Especially winter months) As we all know this is getting increasingly dangerous as individuals/small groups get targeted by thieves. Perhaps each club can take a turn to host all the roadies for the weekend or have designated starting points on weekends? This would ensure there are enough road cyclists in a group to hopefully deter attacks. Food for thought. Safe riding.
  22. Very new to the group and to cycling in general. I'm training for a triathlon in December and would like to spend more time in the saddle on the road. Most of my training has been on Wattbikes up to this point, not sure how well that translates haha. Would be very keen to find other beginner/newish cyclists in the North of Joburg who would be keen on meeting up a couple times a week for rides, probably around 40 to 60km long. I'm not the quickest at the moment but hope to get quicker haha. Shout if it sounds like something you'd be keen on.
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