We're ok S@B - but thanks for asking!
The last few months have been a bit of a roller-coaster. When you have family scattered literally all over the world things can get complicated and difficult. It's a tough decision to leave your loved ones behind and deliberately move away. Both our parents did it to their families when they moved to SA many years ago and then we did it to them when we moved away from SA back in 2016. You make the decision to leave knowing that, in time, things are going to happen that you'll have to deal with one way or another.
After a good summer of me working on and off in the UK, we went and had a great time in Charlotte with family. We got lots done to their house & garden and spent some good quality time with them all, but a week or so before we were due to leave, my dad back in SA took ill and then passed away. There wasn't any realistic way of getting over there from the US for the funeral, I'm not sure we would have been able to even if we'd been at home in Spain when it happened, so we had to deal with it "from a distance". Everyone was very supportive and with my dads age and health it wasn't a massive surprise - but you still don't expect it to happen.
In early November we got back Spain and started winding down a bit for winter. We were feeling quite content that, dads thing aside, we'd had probably had the best year we've had in a while, particularly in terms of spending quality time with each other and with our various families. Out of the blue we received news that "Wendys" dad back in SA was ill and that it was serious. She went over for three weeks in December to spend time with him and her mum and when she finally left, she had a good idea that she wouldn't see him again. Usually when you leave you hope to see someone again "one day", but when you leave someone who is terminally ill......
He passed away a fortnight ago and she went back to SA again to attend the funeral and spend time with her family. She flew to SA the day I flew over here to the UK to do another batch of work.
In this day and age of such easy communications - high speed internet, WhatsApp video calls and messaging, FB & Insta for photos etc, it's very much easier to be apart and stay in touch than it was 20 years ago and that helps a lot. Still tough times though 😞
I'll post again in a little while and update with our latest plans/thinking re our project . . . meanwhile, hope everybody has a great "Semana Santa" (Easter!)