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Everything posted by Bonus

  1. I didn't have any bad luck and I really enjoyed the ride, which I did at my GF's pace as it was her first time. I feel guilty now for being so happy . . . . . . . :-(
  2. The guys in Midrand are very good. They've helped me out a couple of times at short notice with batteries, missing screws and stuck buttons etc, but then I've always actually gone there and asked - because it's local for me. I appreciate that not evryone can do that.
  3. Bonus


    I was there. I am a Leg-end in my own living room! :-)
  4. Can't see the event in facebook? Looking forward to it though. B.
  5. Humbling. Edit: Some examples on here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=_UVufSdVBt4
  6. Just been to the Spar for food for the trip! Packet of 20 pink fizzers, Liquorice Allsorts, Mint Imperials, Romany Creams, Lemon Creams, 2L Coke, a 6pack bag of mini cheddars & a bag of bananas . . . . :-) Should keep me awake . . . all weekend!!! lol
  7. I might do that then - watch the finish and just start with a later group. my GF isn't as fast as me and we'll be riding at her pace - so we're gonna be on the road most of the day anyway ;-)
  8. we are starting at 8:18. First time for both of us. Looking forward to it immensely :-) I'm not sure of the layout of the start/finish areas or how close to each other they are, but is it likely to be possible for us to watch the leaders finish before my 8:18 start? B.
  9. GF and I are leaving at around midnight tonight and hoping to arrive late afternoon Friday. I've never been to CT before so we're gonna take it easy, stop plenty and enjoying the drive :-) Might have to stop for forty winks at services somewhere too. Good luck to everyone!
  10. Possibly. Any idea what is weighs? Just thinking of the fuel.
  11. Bonus


    I've seen roadies ride like this, and I've seen MTB riders at Northern Farm ride towards me on both sides of a double trail. My GF had a nasty crash there when a double brest riding group of 10 or 12 came towards her and only "kept left" at the last minute. Sadly the dozy sap at the back didn't see the others moving over and was still on her side when they collided. She had slowed right down (but shouldn't have had to). She ended up with some nasty bruises and a damaged bike.
  12. I'm still ramping up! Due to unforseen circumstances, training took a hit and the Argus will now be a "training ride" as part of my plan for end of year greatness . . . . allegedly. B.
  13. Well done to Robbie! I've seen him in Europe at several T de F's. Always a big effort :-)
  14. Lots of groups, formal and informal, riding out at the Cradle on Sats and Suns - which is an undulating circuit allowing you to work as hard or easy as you like.
  15. We must all get together sometime! I'm not too quick myself :-( today was a bit windy in places and a 26km/h average.
  16. I rode pretty much alone, between 10 and 12. I thought it was fairly safe there?
  17. DId a 61km circuit. Slightly overcast - so great riding conditions! Really enjoyed it. Will be going there again as soon as we get back from the coast next week. B.
  18. We're off to the coast tonight :-( Will watch out for the next one though. Went to a few in London . . . . great fun.
  19. Toadbury Hall actually have a web page on their site encouraging cyclist to park and ride! http://www.toadbury.co.za/leisure_cycling.htm Will give it a go. Cheers guys.
  20. I drove out to the cradle on Saturday afternoon looking for somewhere to park and then ride the loop. (never been there before). We found the cycle lanes etc but couldn't find somewhere safe to park and ride from. Braodacres is not convienient from where we live. I've just found "Somethng Country" on the map (mentioned above) - is it safe to leave a car there and ride from there? And do the owners mind? Cheers. B.
  21. Jacks mum and dad came and picked up the bike this eve. They were pretty shaken up when he saw it :-( and appreciative of the help :-) Apparently Jack was going through a green light on a slight downhill - 60km/h, the girl driving misjudged his speed and turned in front of him. He was training for the Argus. Fingers crossed for a quick recovery. B.
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