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Everything posted by arabsandals

  1. If you're really set on getting your money back, you can take him to the small claims court. It's all free and you represent yourself. You'll still need to make your case and if you don't have documentation proving your claim and it's your word against his, you're going to have a difficult time proving anything. For the amount of money you're talking about, in my opinion, it's not worth the effort. Edit: just read avalanx's response. looks like you don't have much of a case...
  2. Cycling is big business here (http://www.moneyweb.co.za/archive/cycling-is-the-new-golf/) therefore lots of bikes, and lots of nice bikes. Perhaps there is some truth in the story that containers full of bikes are being shipped out. If there's a good supply, fairly ineffective law enforcement and relatively porous borders it would be a decent money spinner. If that is the case it won't be fully assembled bikes it'll be frames and parts, easier to ship and harder to track. You could crate out some high spec bikes to the UK or Europe and make an absolute killing.
  3. I now want a motorbike (actually, ever since I had to sell my Fazer, I've wanted another bike, but SA drivers have been mitigating against that particular financial pitfall; moto x removes other drivers from the equation...)
  4. But you didn't include whether they had flu or a cold or some other sickness. Like some others have said, there is an immeasurable gulf between flu and a cold. it makes sense when you think that seasonal influenza kills hundreds of thousands of people annually, whereeas Rhinovirus (the cold) doesn't directly kill people (as far as I'm aware); although it can be implicated in lower respiratory tract "secondary" infections like pneumonia, which do kill.
  5. You're constantly touching your face, unconsciously. You're hands are your main interface with the environment and your mouth and nose are the easiest access points to your body. Wash your hands more often.
  6. Ja. That's the reason the CDC recommends that you take the vaccine as soon as possible when it becomes available. You also need to take it every year as the flu strains change every year. http://www.cdc.gov/flu/protect/children.htm
  7. Takes 2 weeks to take effect, i.e. in the 2 week window you can still get sick.Vaccine won't make you sick, but can't protect you until effective. Also won't protect you against a strain of the flu not covered by the vaccine
  8. I think people reading this thread should also take some time to read "Bad science" by Ben Goldacre and then reconsider the issue.
  9. Aargh. Yes. William Gibson. I'm not sure I'd want to read anything by Douglas Gibson.
  10. You'd also like Douglas Gibson, I suspect.
  11. You need to read the Foundation series by Asimov and then also the Gap series by Stephen R Donaldson. Check out Neal Asher too. I'm sure there are massive lists of good reads as long as my arm out there on the interweb..
  12. They're saying the demand hasn't dropped much, but then in the same breath confirm that the reason it hasn't is because they're selling spare capacity to our neighbours. How idiotic can you get? Then they have the nerve to congratulate themselves on saving us from loadshedding. I wonder what the Eskom bonus pool is going to look like based on this stellar performance?
  13. She was riding the 16 inch totem bikes at Makro. The smallest frame seemed fine. The only issue seems to be the diameter of the circle that pedals make on the crank; her leg is relatively straight at the 12 o' clock position but really cramped at the 1 o' clock position. I'm going to take her to my LBS and test a couple of other bikes this weekend.
  14. Also should have mentioned we had a look at the totem bikes at Makro, which seemed to also be pretty good, but being Makro they didn't have stellar range.
  15. Afternoon all Want to get my daughter a 16 inch bike. Was thinking Avalanche seemed to be the way to go on the basis of value. Anyone had recent experience or is aware of deals? Should have clarified the title, bike is for a 4 year old girl. Not looking for a 2012 bike...
  16. This should be a "reckless and negligent driving" claim. Make sure you get an accident report number and that the J88 is attached to the file. As others have said make copies of everything. You'll have to keep following up with the cops to make sure they do something about it. Try to escalate it to someone senior. If you don't get any joy, approach IPID.
  17. I disconnected some time ago and got a VERY strange call from someone purporting to be speaking on behalf of DSTV. Asked me if I had disconnected and whether I was planning on reconnecting. In the middle of her question, muttered "calls are recorded". When I replied by saying that I wasn't planning on joining DSTV, said "Thanks for you time" and unceremoniously cut the call. Anybody else had a similar call?
  18. My wife is doing her IELTS exam in Feb. She needs all 8s. I'm concerned that she won't get this and wondered whether anyone that's done it recently has any resources/websites that she can practice on. At R2600 I'm not keen on having to pay for it twice. Anyone?
  19. I've seen a lot of threads not related to insurance, discussing just that. Surely it would be in everyone's interest to create just such a forum?
  20. The whole study is flawed. You don't wear a helmet to prevent accidents, you wear them to minimise injury in the event of an accident. The study premise is effectively wearing a helmet seems to make cars drive closer therefore they they may be more likely to involve helmet wearers in an accident. What they should be testing is number of serious head injuries experienced in bike accidents by non-helmets v helmets.
  21. Unless of course you include the cost of care that inevitably flows from a serious head injury (ok, the person may have medical aid, but if they're significantly impaired they'll be drawing on various services which cost money and will indirectly be paid for in some small part by you and I, even if we're simply talking about some disability/permanent incapacity benefit; the money being drawn comes from a fund that could use that money to generate benefits). There's also probably an economic cost if the person is in the workforce. It's a stupid thing to do. I see it as misguided as not wearing a seatbelt.
  22. This is a non-issue, surely? Do we really have to debate this?
  23. Ah. yes I can imagine. My HT rode like a jinking pony at high speed over rough terrain.
  24. This thread is interesting. I too will be in the market for a new bike as mine has a bit of a kink after some percussive automotive maintenance. I was looking at a Spez HT Rockhopper, largely because it was what I had, but I'm now starting to think Giant may be the way to go. I had a hardtail and was wondering how much difference DS actually makes? I did the monster earlier this year on my hardtail and didn't feel like I was missing anything. Would a DS have made that much difference?
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