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Everything posted by HdB

  1. Hmm, looks like I've maxed my workout points anyway. Time to strap the HRM to wifey.
  2. Hmm, so I won't be able to earn points with my Bryton anymore? I don't think that Vitality benefits me nearly enough to justify spending R5000 on an equivalent Garmin, when the Bryton my wife gave me for Xmas a few years ago still works perfectly...
  3. I bought a large item from them, and yes, it went through the SA post office. Relatively quick to get to SA. Got stuck somewhere after landing at the inbound international post, and took an age, numerous mails and phone calls before it finally made its way to me.
  4. Agreed! Closest I've managed to get to the mentioned 180km is: Clarens, Bethlehem, Kestel, Golden Gate, OVER Surrender Hill and then back to Clarens. Guess we will find out for sure in a few days.
  5. There are already few to no road events in Bloem between the Argus and October, and barely any before either, so the PPA can't do much worse.
  6. There used to be a relay race in that area - started and finished at Bethlehem, via Kestel, Golden Gate, and Clarens. But that was about 160km. The pictures show Lichen's pass... that section to the Glen Reenen campsite hurts.
  7. IF this ride goes through Golden Gate, the following two fun bits await: Lichens Pass: https://www.strava.com/segments/1137244 Mynskag: https://www.strava.com/segments/6827657 Rode them this weekend, with my MTB... I hate suffering to go 9km/h
  8. The PPA Free State posted some pics of "The Cape Town team thoroughly enjoyed their time in the Eastern Free State", in Golden Gate. Scouting, perhaps?
  9. The ANT+ adapter probably costs the same as a dual ANT+/Bluetooth HRM, plus depending on the ipad model, you'll need another adapter just to be able to use it. If you get a dual type HRM, you can use it on the ipad AND Garmin (should your Garmin's own one ever fail).
  10. I believe the CycleOps VirtualTraining software does support the Wahoo trainers, I've seen quite a few workouts on the site listed with the device as "Wahoo Kickr". I use a Tacx smart trainer with CVT, works fine as well.
  11. It is probably only the riders with full racing licenses, that would get tested?
  12. There was a huge fuss a while ago, about the products the school boys use. One of the mentioned products was Kessar or something - my mom recognised the name, as she had to take it when she had breast cancer... And given the cost of it and the probable cost of other doping products (I assume its not cheap), how do schoolboys afford it? The parents, or the school, or someone knows about them taking it, and is helping them get/afford it.
  13. Reckon its high time countries follow the example of the few that have made doping a criminal offense? Spindly cyclists will probably think a bit harder, if its not just a suspension they risk, but spending some quality time with Bubba. Might also help loosen their tongues on who else was involved.
  14. Mine took quite a while (workout loaded to Strava around 9 last night, only showed the points on Discovery site around 12pm today) - "will sync every hour" my rear end! Wife's SAYS it has synced today, but no points added for any of her workouts this week. It could be due to issues with her bluetooth HR strap though, probably needs a new battery.
  15. I've given up on MapMyFitness, it managed to get semi de-linked somehow, so now it is stuck in limbo - can't de-link, can't re-link. Thankfully Strava works currently (touch fake wood). I had trouble linking my wife's to her account though - had to do it through the app in the end, as the website just didn't feel like it.
  16. I don't have my Merida MTB anymore, but here is one of my road bike
  17. About the same as the Tacx Bushido Smart. Tough choice between it and the Snap, given the price - each has its merits. For now my Vortex Smart will have to do, but the choices for the eventual upgrade just got more interesting
  18. Hopefully this helps: http://www.ride.co.za/news/africas-premier-cycling-team-signs-sponsorship-agreement-with-sapinda-holding-b-v/ I remember how we admired the guys from the AIG and Collet Engineering teams, when I just started. Different times though - with the winner getting prizes like R2000 for 1st, they came to a lot of the races in smaller towns.
  19. The route has changed a fair bit this year, due to road works on the N1. There is a section of about 15km that I've never even driven before, nevermind ridden, so absolutely no idea what to expect there, route or safety wise. As for the rest, pretty flat up to about 80km (Harrismith , Albrecht), about 85km (Lucas Steyn), and about 95km (over the N1 from the Dealsville/KBY road). The part of Harrismith road we climb is about 800m. Albrecht is 800m - 900m, but it is the second part that hurts, short but very steep. Lucas Steyn is also 800 - 900m. The climb over the N1 is about 1.7km long. The last one I rode was 2012 though, but it was nice and fast. I've unfortunately missed the previous two for various reasons, and will probably miss this year's, due to a knee niggle
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