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Everything posted by Spat

  1. Great article, just posted at the right time as well.
  2. Spat

    Argus D group?

    Edman will be racing with your old wheels
  3. Spat

    Argus D group?

    D group as well
  4. Same here, and I heard no noise when I went over, went back to the guy standing there and he said no I must not worry it picked it up. At least I crossed over just after MTB_Roadie so he can vouch for me, have contacted them.
  5. Thanks, something watch and take into account before buying next time.
  6. Hi Wanted to check if any of you have experienced the following: Order from CRC, the Amount shows in SA Rands, you purchase and get sms or confirmation from the bank and the amount is different (by a couple hundred rand) I have contacted the bank and CRC and basically the bank says its on CRC side, and CRC say's: Thanks for the email, I can see the differences in the two values. I have spoken to my team leader and he has confirmed that the differences in exchanges rates are a down side to ordering in another country along with any number of other factors. Seems wierd to me never experienced this before.
  7. Finally get to add a picture to this thread. My new baby:
  8. Spat


    know that just stating what happened in the last two racers.
  9. Spat


    Has not been enforced last two racers but maybe with the extra marshal assigned this week. We were caught on both occasions rather than catching another group but after a while it was a mix of Stars and F riders I think
  10. Spat


    Touristvisa was very vocal in the group last week , asking guys not to cross the white line I think, and so were others, but you know the mentality of some riders man, they a law unto themselves. Lets hope the Marshals make a difference this week. MTB_Roadie gets going before the bunch gets jittery, think that is the best strategy, get out of there asap
  11. Spat


    MTB_Roadie going to make it a tough ride on sunday for sure, if he breaks he is going to take the extra Marshal with him then we back down to one Marshal in the main bunch.
  12. Spat


    Gonna do the extra water in the back pocket this week as well.
  13. Meezo Hope you ok man, terrible to hear all the acidents, my prayers are with all those that went down. Hope you have speedy recovery.
  14. Hi Mtb_Roadie Thanks for giving us a break this week, the pace was consireably slower without you putting the hammer down. I met Tour Vista and had a lekker one. Agree there are always dangerous guys in the pack , however I think that they opened up the Stars Cat too far down in PPA seeding, result you have guys that have not rode many racers coming in at this level.
  15. Had a nice ride, met TourVista and tried keeping clear of all the dodgy riders in the Stars pack. I noticed this last week already there are lots of strong young riders there but they dont have the pack skills.
  16. Spat

    99'er 2012

    Lol, yip I still fall in the dumb category and will probably be crying on the day
  17. Spat

    99'er 2012

    C'mon guys just enter already.
  18. Watched it last night, was nice to see the guys back in action. Sky and Lotto fought it out at the end.
  19. Happened around 5am on Sunday Morning, heard it was just outside the youngsfield base ,crazy as there is a huge shoulder with yellow line and then a cycle lane as well. Cyclist (Mahier) was knocked and just left lying there and is in very bad state.
  20. Spat

    99'er 2012

    second that Wannabe, was great hooking up have a great new years.
  21. Maratime or Oodendal or Vissershok
  22. Great ride, also enjoyed company, will add pics I took as well. Dale thanks for organizing
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