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Everything posted by popcorn_skollie

  1. An interesting thing I picked up on was adrenaline and how it impacts my stamina. I've also become somewhat receptive to the difference between an elevated heart rate caused by either strenuous activity or just plain nerves. Since features are a big part of gravity riding. Its worth mentioning that a bit of nerves before a big drop can often spike my heartrate. And if I needed to pedal hard to get up to the required speed to do said feature safely. I can almost tell at which point my nerves would impede on my stamina. This is especially true for shuttle days. Where I would drop in fresh but be cooked at the end of a run because I was trying to nail a flat corner I remember previously sliding out on. Or clear a jump that had tossed me into the bush or dirt on an occasion or two. Then there's those 'oh ****' moments where I might have held it together. Came through a section safely with a nice recovery but yoh my heart is pounding. Because for a moment there I thought I was a dead man. The only way around this for me. Is to relax. Ride, rinse, repeat. Till a feature wouldn't get me too nervous anymore. Its akin to surfing where I noticed exactly the same thing. When its big and I see that set coming straight for me. My heart rate shoots up before I even start paddling for it. And just when the adrenaline hits I also need a short burst of intense energy to actually paddle into it. This is where I talk to myself if the other voices in my head would just shut up for a second. Make the drop, slot in, don't get caught. Or on the bike its just...don't die skollie. Don't die.
  2. Case and point for each bike I guess. I'm usually between 35 and 50 depending on bike. I also prefer a more centered position and flatter bars. But these are personal choices. My focus is always on how these changes affect the way the bike feels while descending though and any compromises I have to make (if any) will be for the climbs.
  3. I'm torn here. On the one hand I'm keen to see it get hulked out, on the other its practically a sin to touch a bike that mint.
  4. Well I like Mark more than Deon. Sorry Deon. It was a tough call. I mean, you have great hair and all but Mark DOES have that accent going for him.
  5. There's a Kurzgesagt video about this. I suggest you watch it. Quite insightful. Their channel explains things much the same way the Oversimplified channel crams history lessons into easy to watch, illustrative, 5-10 minute videos. While you're at it watch Joe Rogan's podcast with Brian Cox. I suggest the 5 minute snippets or highlights from the podcast via his JRE channel.
  6. I actually know a flat earther. Well, friend of a friend really. At first I thought he was just trolling on social media. But this guy is committed and legit. Behind the Curve dives into the social aspect of this phenomena and its something I've always wondered about. To discover, test and rationalist is a very big part of what drives us as a species. But we also have very real social needs. And these two things don't always reconcile. It could just boil down to choosing between two things. To be right, or to be happy.
  7. I was so confused by this. I thought the point of having different sized drops was to work on the skills to do the top one. That's what I did. I thought it was a great idea to have them lined up next to each other. Get a feel for them and nail the big one when you're keen. I liked achieving that after some practice. The ramp ruins it.
  8. Shoot these guys an email. I was looking for some really hard to find screws for a custom computer build. I also needed a part of the screws to be threadless. Much to my surprise they had exactly what I needed. If they don't. I'm pretty sure they can point you in the right direction. Especially since they're not in your area and these things are pretty hard to get right without a sample.
  9. 11 pages and nobody posted the video of Alex Jones impersonating Governor Ralph Northam? What is the hub coming to?
  10. For those unaware of the film genius that is Neil Breen. Prepare to be amazed. https://youtu.be/aFgQ34b96_U https://youtu.be/GQ44FLJA4Js Trailers for 2 of the 5 films witten, produced, directed by and starring Neil Breen himself. Double Down and Fateful Findings. Both are absolute masterpieces. I've seen both movies and have the rest lined up. I can assure you. These films are legit. They are not a parody of any kind. Neil Breen has gathered a cult following over the last decade or so. His movies have the budget of a Somalian cigarette vendor. And the talent of Marelize on a bicycle. As a result he has raised funds via a crowdfunding campaign for new movies. The increased budget really shows in his latest title below. Twisted Pair. I can't wait to see it https://youtu.be/S2BfsbZOuTI
  11. Alpha's was rubbish imo. And in hindsight. So was the attempt to revive Heroes. What I like about Umbrella is how the characters are defined by their personalities and relationships rather than their powers.
  12. Umbrella is one of those shows where the juvenile presentation just seems fitting. Its not pg13 by any means though. At least not enough to be discouraging. It doesn't unfold in any real meaningful or thought provoking way either and there are also plot holes if you're the nitpick type. BUT. Its a great story. One I really enjoyed watching unravel. Especially on the character development side of things.
  13. Thats like 300% the amount of lenses for 100% glasses at like 50% of the price.
  14. https://youtu.be/XSPBLWtcTqs I'm not sure if its local. But its based in Jozi with a local cast. It looks like a Saffa show that's actually worth watching. Some gritty, supernatural, action, thriller type show. I really hope it doesn't disappoint.
  15. I still think they ugly. But I do appreciate the madness. Especially that 29er super enduro. We need guys to keep pushing boundries. Especially at a time where so many bikes feel like they've have exhausted the neo geo status quo. Sensibly opting to explore and/or refine other areas. Like GG and the 4in1 bike. Refreshing and thought provoking while Pole just looks eccentric.
  16. To answer your question though. Mondraker was probably the cut-off.
  17. I know that many albums listed here will be repeats of everyone's favourite cult classics. I would probably agree with most of them. But if we're talking strictly albums here. As a reflection of the content of that album. Most of my favourite's would come from movie soundtracks. The really good ones tend to cherry pick only the best tracks. Off the top of my head my favourite soundtracks are from the following movies. Pulp Fiction Romeo and Juliet Tron Guardians of the Galaxy Then there are movies I enjoy just for the score. Tracks that were in the movie but didn't necessarily feature in the soundtrack. Mostly Hans Zimmer stuff to be fair but there are some that I remember listening to only to be disappointed that the best ones remained in the score and weren't in the album. 8 mile Donnie Darko Garden State More would probably occur to me later...
  18. It was only a matter of time. We plateaued the long, low, slack routine ages ago. It won't be long before we regress to the forgotten wisdom of 26 inch wheels.
  19. Haven't surfed the reserve in years. I always preferred Diaz beach though. Beautiful setting. A jacking westerly at Platboom and I knew I would have my ass handed to me. But that little cove at Diaz would usually be a bit calmer and still shoot some punchy barrels.
  20. I know someone who plays both on PC. Steering setup and everything. Proper petrol head games those. I never could wrap my head around the complexity of simulation styled racing games. I mean I would love to but much of it just wooshes over my head. I play forza on xbox though. Which admittedly is a simpler arcade style of racing. Car customization is pretty much the 'plug and play' variety or 'tuning for dummies.' Been a while though. Horizon 4 was the reason I fell in love with retro Italian rally cars. The Delta, the Stratos and my personal favourite, Lancia's 82 Stradale 037 http://supercars.net.s3.amazonaws.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/12194526/1098383-1536.jpg
  21. As someone who is notoriously clumsy. I get super nervous around the drive train. Which is why I wear gloves. So I don't grate my fingers over the cassette or something. Most of the bike can be assembled with common sense and basic tools. The tools I have...
  22. The only show that really matters. Everything else is just to pass time while we wait. https://youtu.be/LMeqY7ogdF8 Started this last night. First impressions were meh...try hards. But not enough to discourage me from the rest just yet. I always brushed off Dark Horse Comics as a brand where half the content wasn't even theirs. Over the years they've made comic book adaptations of movies, series, games and books. Umbrella Academy is however one of their few original publications. With a plot that's not too unimaginative I reckon there's potentially a good story to tell here. It will have to do though. Since Netflix cancelled everything Marvel. Well there is DC's Titans too. If you're into that sorta thing.
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