I'm lucky enough to own a few gaming pc's and consoles. Despite opting for gaming on my pc 90% of the time I cannot imagine life without my xbox. It doubles as my media centre. Which is actually its primary function. It just works so much better than the built in app on the TV. Navigating youtube, plex, netflix, spotify and what ever else is just so much quicker and far more intuitive and reliable. And using the controller instead of the tv remote? Nooit bra there is just no going back. Sure I could have a dedicated media player instead for cheaper but. Those have *** remotes too. Plus, with my xbox subscription which is around R150 a month (depending on exchange rates) I just never, ever, ever buy any games. I just play whatever they have in the library. Which is a monthly rotation of around 100+ games. Then there's the connection. Now I haven't been able to figure this out yet. But I'm not gonna risk jynxing it while trying to do so. For some reason. My connection to the xbox network is quite literally 10x faster. There is no fibre or adsl where I live. So I'm forced to use wibre. Which is a wireless connection to fibre via a dish on my roof. All installed and configured by my isp. Because of my location and current equipment, I'm limited in terms of the achievable bandwidth they can offer through my existing connection. I also have a 10:1 contention. Which is fine actually. My internet is slow (10mbps) compared to modern standards but I can download a 50gb game overnight (~1mbps dl speed) and latency is great for gaming, overall priority management is also really good so downloading something almost never affects simultaneous streaming etc so no complaints there. But for some reason though. I get ~10mbps dl speeds on xbox. Its as if my contention ratio just disappears once I connect over azure or microsofts network. Strange. But true. Games on my xbox download 10x faster and funny enough it also scales with the network management in the rest of the house. If someones on youtube on the phone through wifi and I'm downloading a game on xbox. The phone will automatically take priority to eliminate any chance of buffering but the remaining bandwidth that goes to the box is still scaled at 10x what ever bandwidth remains. Its great! I'm quite litterally getting the same speeds on my xbox over a 10mb wibre line, as friends who have a 100mb fibre line. We tested and low and behold for some reason xbox internet at my house is 10x faster with no reason why. No static ip. No dns flushing, no wizardry of any sorts. Just default dhcp connection. So because of this it means that Netflix, Youtube, Plex, Crunchy Roll, even Twitch. WHich has the worst upstream out of the lot. 10x the speed. Meaning I can stream at great quality pretty much all the time. (1080p+) Other devices however suffer from sharing the same amount of limited available bandwidth. Then, with new consoles looming. Reasons to have a gaming computer really are starting to dwindle. I said this back when they release the ps4 pro and xbox one x. Once these consoles (and game developers) release native support for a keyboard and mouse on ALL titles. The pc master race will have very little to offer. (Apart from the free games I mentioned in previous post) Higher refresh rates and higher resolution arguments? Probably our current gen consoles cant compare but then again they've already hit the 4k@30fps and 1080p@60fps. If new consoles can hit 4k at 60fps (which I'm pretty sure they will) Then 120hz+ gaming on consoles will no longer be a pipe dream. And with the recent emergence of high refresh rate TVs and the emergence of HUGE gaming monitors. The lines between a gaming monitor and a tv are getting blurry too. Then. Just to rub it in. If rumours about next gen console pricing of around $500 are true. Than would mean that building an equivalent desktop pc would cost around double. Man, times sure are a changing.