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Everything posted by Sven137

  1. People price their second hand gear far too high and get pissed when you offer a fair price for their used goods... Take that online bike shop "BikeMarket" their second hand bikes are waaaaay too expensive..
  2. Hi Anyone know where i can hire a Half Wheeler to get my kid into cycling ?
  3. Hi Anyone know where i can hire a Half Wheeler to get my kid into cycling ?
  4. You don't need a license ... only for commercial purposes... to spy on you neighbor you don't need a license.
  5. It was a good challenge apart from the hundreds of %^$#@, yelling passing right and trying to kill themselves as there's a donga on the right and pushing you into the bush. and they think saying passing right gives them full right to ride you off of the track...
  6. On the 55 MTB i lost power and could not take the heat and the Hills and my average speed fell... What can i do to to power up for the next week and have a bit in the tank for the 947 road challenge? Must i eat Pasta all week ? And what can i do on the the day before and on the day of the challenge? I'm not a racing snake and am looking to do a 4 hour challenge. My chest feels a bit tight as well. any advice would be appreciated.
  7. Damn that's a fast average... so only the elitists then
  8. Im from the UK and you get your parcels the Next day from Amazon and within the week from anywhere else around the world If you look at the transport links ... the Parcels hit SA within a few days and stays stagnate while customs and SARS fleece you off with custom duties for the ANC gravy train and that just increases the cost of living in the country Its crap buying from overseas as the parcels take on average a few months to leave the JHB hub to your post office...
  9. I keep my, drivers license, Bank Card, Parasite Scum MedAid Card and a R100 in my pocket in case of emergencies..
  10. These pointless Cycle lanes in the Sandton CBD really go no-where ... when will they build proper lanes linking the towns like Randburg to Sandton Riviona to Sandton Fourways to Sandton Northcliff to Randburg Fairland to Randburg Or from other towns making a proper cycling network i only see Alex to Sandton ... once the bridge is rebuilt. You know real cycle lanes like Cape Town ?
  11. How the heck did i get a 7am start time ? its insane..
  12. Anyone have the MTB Start times please ?
  13. Any one have the list of start times ?
  14. I hope not .. all E Bikes should be banned from any MTB Race and park.....
  15. Sorry ?!? But are you saying that you support unfit to drive, drivers.... driving on the roads ?
  16. My phone does a wonderful job... it's not like I'm doing the Cape Epic
  17. Avoid cycling shoes with cleats and buy decent mtb pedals ... you don't need bottles get a hydration pack You don't need pants get cycling shorts and most importantly get a saddle bag for your spare tube, bombs, tyre levers and other important stuff
  18. Some of us arn't rolling in money to be able to afford thousands of Rands on a cycling GPS
  19. There is a known issue with Strava and some Samsung phones. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b&ei=3TKqW4vLDszEgAbzwpWIAw&q=starva+samsung+problems&oq=starva+samsung+problems&gs_l=psy-ab.12...
  20. Maybe this guy might have survived if the driver stopped and help was called http://news.searchsa.co.za/accidents/kwa-zulu-natal/kloof-man-killed-alleged-hit-run.html
  21. Whats the specs on this bike ?
  22. Do you know when they are coming out ?
  23. 1./ OK 2./ Die by Crazy Drivers 3./ Die by Crazy Drivers, going as fast as they can around the bend 4. Die by Crazy Drivers driving like maniacs 5./ My GF even in her car got wiped out here by crazy drivers.
  24. When i lived in the UK most online purchases were at your door the next day.... made buying fun Now even Bid of Buy has stupidly expensive postage fees that make the cost of the item more expensive than in the shops ... so whats the point.
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