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Everything posted by Wheelsuck

  1. Strong mens field -normally the Euros are in their winter season but many train in sunnier climates. 1. Michael Raelert 2. Balasz Csoke (he is always lurking in the SA races) 3. The Captain
  2. Being a local its good to see you are starting at 9am-heaven forbid the Parkrunners/Walkers, so hopefully you will not be to inconvenienced with them hopefully and we wont be treated to their rants about cyclists on the local FB Forums-but please just watch out for them they are quite testy. Dont know if you guys are going to use the Jozi trails section from the school side down to the spruit but if you are then you wont want to stop and 6 hours wont be enough for all the fun. Rode it a couple of weeks ago just to get dialed in for Cross Tri champs and had a rip. Oh yes and its raining nicely here since 2pm as we speak so you will get muddy.
  3. No, we need more details about the bum chafe.
  4. Come on tell us. Here's my highlights reel of Cray-Cray out there. Names have been changed to protect me more than anyone else: T-Rex: Read my earlier post in the thread-I still have the scar on my inner thigh The Dog Lover: The first thing she told me was she loved her dog more than anybody and that it is the best boyfriend she ever had. Well I thought it wasnt going to much competition if her idea of a boyfriend was a hairy drooling mess that didnt use eating utensils. I was wrong. Miss Selfie: Okay this one was a bit better although every morning her FB Profile would be a new selfie. Also helped that and she did cycle which was a huge tick in the positive column. So we were cycling along and I dropped back behind her as a gentlemen would as it was a narrow shoulder. She asked me if I was looking at her bum, I said Yes. She said well you aint getting any of that until 90 days, wth? No matter what. So much for spontaneity. The deal breaker was when one night I went over to her place around dinner time to DIY. She didnt feed me, and fell asleep on the couch while watching TV and ignoring me. Clocked out on that one. The parents also had a pig that lived in the house and the pig scared me-think Hannibal movie Active Annie with a Boss-Crush: One of my colleagues set me up with this one -had a great chat on the phone-she cycles and runs. So first date we go to ride and run. We start running and this chick starts jawing within kms I knew her whole family history from the name of her grade 1 teacher to the second cousin. In that time she got my name wrong 3 times. Then she starts telling me how great her Boss is, that carries on till the end of the run. Now we go Mountainbiking and I get us lost a bit -only 2kms longer that what the route says and I get it in the neck and she says: My boss never gets lost. Anna Wintour: No I didnt date the one they made the Devil Wears Prada movie of. But she was exactly like her. Took me four attempts to get a date because she was always working, going to work, at work or still at work. Arrives an hour late for the first date-no excuse-I should just be gratefull to bask in her presence -she sits there taking calls and shouting at her underlings. Thinking back I should have just walked out but I was curious like when you were small and knew not to put your fingers in the wall socket but you did anyway. One evening after work I popped in at her office and there was one her staff giving her a manicure and when she was done she did the dismissive.: that's all carry on. That was the sticking the finger in the plug moment. The cool buddy: We all have that one girl that is a friend and hangs out with the guys -trains with us and is just a great girl-the type you know wont give you crap even if you are late for the movie she will buy the tickets and have the popcorn ready. Has the same sense of humour as the guys. Has a knockout body but got slight smack with the ugly stick. But there is no spark not even a match in sight. She will be a great wife and not give you **** about anything which is why it wont work because these girls are just to good. Ms Right: That was my little Unicorn. She talked just enough, was just active enough (even though she Marelized a boom gate entering the reserve on the Mtb's while we were on our second date. Terrible sense of homour -thinks she is funny. But she is just right with just enough crazy, enough buddy and enough pets to work. We are together now for 6 years.
  5. Had the same experience as you Gemmerbal . The story that comes to mind is one that said to me;"You dont mind a bit of biting" and I thought I am game for that -how bad can it be ... a bit of nibbling etc. No.. this one went T-Rex on me , I had to get a Tetanus shot.
  6. I moved to sleeves and I cook in it-but then in sleeveless if mommy/sherpa doesnt lather you up with enough sunscreen those little tender areas that are exposed boil nicely in the sun. What I also have is the l loose cooling sleeves that are like cycling arm warmers/coolers and that really helps the cooling down and if you keep it wet it really is the bomb. In short I would recommend a very breathable/cool sleeve top -I have a SPORTFUL R&D cycling top that is very breathable as I find the Tri brands tend to not be as breathable and that keeps me from overheating
  7. Duanelr Durban was pancake flat since it moved to Ushaka side. Previously not so much. So you will be fine.
  8. Is there any Discovery Brokers lurking around-need to ask them some questions.
  9. I buy my Kombucha and Kefir products from https://www.theprohealthshop.com/ He has a page where you can download product info and it is really comprehensive.
  10. Good Question and a longish answer. The distance is important but relative-if you run a total of 50km a week just going out and running with no plan/purpose then that 50km means very little. But if you do 35-40km quality then that would mean much more. The weeks should have some variation in volume, intensity and time. So there will be the usual weekend LSD run and similar types of running in the week but there should be intervals, track sessions and the like to condition the body. Have a look at some online free programmes and see how the distances vary. In my programme I had a track/Interval/bleed from the eyeballs session, recovery runs, and 2 longer runs split 2 days apart-4 runs in the week.
  11. Cool have fun-especially on the last interval on the Russian steps, it gets interesting to sustain the wattage.
  12. And another One: 5min spin warm up single leg (45secR/45both/45L/45both)x2 5min build to desired effort 5x7mins as 5min at AT less 10watts 2min at AT plus 10watts RI3min 5min spin down *AT = Anaerobic Threshold
  13. This is one of my HIIT Sessions 20min Warm up or Team Sky W/u 5mins spin 6min single leg drills (45sec Right/45secBoth/45secLeft/45Both)x2 3min include 3x10sec sprints each min 3mins build to threshold effort 3min easy Russian steps: 10sec MAX/50sec Easy 20sec MAX/40sec Easy 30sec MAX/30 Easy 40sec MAX/20 sec easy 50sec MAX/10sec Easy REPEAT X2 (no break) 5min Easy spinning
  14. Going hard has to be a quantum so Heart Rate or Watts. You have to have some gauge of what the effort is. For Olympic distance you can go harder/faster as it is shorter but you will pay if you are not conditioned in training to sustain a certain level and train at threshold level rather than just training. So you say that you race as hard as your fitness/conditioning allows but if you change your training to get your body used to racing at threshold the body will adapt and it will be easier. Classic example is Lionel Sanders Kona last week-he overbiked and when he posted his numbers even a retard like myself saw that he overbiked-then he ran the second slowest marathon of the pro's. If you look at the thread about the Kona prediction his numbers was posted -you can see what he did.
  15. Stop worrying about distance that will come rather focus on the technical side -you can swim 6km with bad form and it will mean niks. Swimming is more technical than we think. So with the breathing are you taking deap breaths when you inhale-like overextending the inhale to get as much oxygen in? If so just breathe in normally instead of gulping as much as possible as that can create stress. Some guys have suggested that you try to take more strokes to breathe-I would suggest the opposite and start with even 2 strokes-then up to 3 which makes you a bilateral breather-which is good for sea swells coming from left or right and to avoid them. Also look at your stroke rate-if you can glide more it will limit the stroke rate and the energy required. Also go see a coach to help you maybe as I am speculating with the advice. Dont stress about getting it right-small victories and soon you will be wondering why you were stressing when you rock out a 3km session.
  16. Have family there and have done Taupo 70.3 and its a beautiful swim in chilly waters but pancake flat in the lake(which is like the size of the sea). Bike is made for a PB, Flat and fast and green fields with beautiful views. The run is the only thing that is a let down as it is in the town and along roads with a bit of the lake view.
  17. I dont think it will make a difference as it is about how it seals and fits around the eyesockets, it is pretty adaptable around the nose as well. But yeah like everything from saddles, shorts etc it is always a roll of the dice.
  18. Truth! Just had a thought, our reactions are like the Kubler-Ross model on the stages of grief. I hope that when we get to the Bargaining phase-it means real Bargains or we might sink into Depression.
  19. Once again Oom Chris steps up and gets involved. Fair comments and the willingness to engage with cyclists shows where his heart lies. If I was CWC and I worked hard to build a business and someone makes an offer-I see no harm in what CWC has done. Think about the likes of the Tech Industry for companies sell for big amounts-I see no harm in that . What really got me was when that video started making the rounds with-making us believe we now have to drink the CL Kool Aid. It was like the choir girl marrying the naughty boy-its doesn,t fit and that to me is the thing-It's square peg-round hole stuff. I don,t buy the CL Propaganda. CWC had real specials and engaged with the community-we asked and we got our specials and it was stuff we wanted -not some overstocked crap that is now being flogged under a lot of marketing hype. Once again-Oom Chris is a Rockstar in my book-CL needs to look at their brand equity vs CWC.
  20. 1.74 and on a 54cm or 56cm Road Bike depending on geometry. 17.5 MTB and a Medium Tri Bike. .
  21. I have had my adventures with goggles from Speedo to Aquasphere Kayenne to whatever and eventually found what works for me: Zoggs Predator Flex-the first series not the Predator 2 as it has been getting bad reviews. The predators really seal and I have not had a problem with it misting up or leaking and you dont have to tighten them to headshrinking tight to get a good seal. http://corsport.co.za/30-performance
  22. Hey Dude that sucks Balls......But then a wise man (ICM) said: sometimes you win and sometimes you learn,,,"" and I want to add sometimes you come back stronger from adversity than from success. Still good work out there and hanging tough!
  23. One thing I would add is remember to put your helmet on before you touch your bike-the video shows it but it is important to note. I usually have my helmet on the bars so that I grab that first as I get to the bike. Also heading out of the water I dont take my swim cap and goggles off until at the bike-to much to carry and it may drop. With a wetsuit swim though I take it off before I peel the wetsuit off and keep it in my hand till I slide the arm out of the sleeve and then just leave it in there. Never had an issue with it falling out. I like that they stand and get into shoes-I once made the mistake of having a sit down-it was a waste of time and I got up like an 80 year old. A lot of athletes also push their kit towards the back of the bike when stashing their kit-in a congested Transition its sometimes difficult to access as you have to squeeze between bikes so I put mine as close to my access point as possible.
  24. I want to use a bad word for this guy...DF..... there is no justification for what he did. What really gets my nads in a twist is when they return to the sport and welcomed back like some long lost son/daughter like they served their time and have had some Damascus experience so its all okay. You are a f#ing doper and you are a cheat ...but its okay now that you served your ban?
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