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Everything posted by Wheelsuck

  1. It will mess you up good and solid-you will end up with kidney failure urinating blood at worst -so NO. If you want something that will help then I find Caffeine gels work-Example High 5 or GU Roctane helps to focus. On IM sanctioned races the High 5 is available -you just have to look out for the sachet with the Green Cross on it when the volunteers hand it out. I like the High 5 it's runny and not as thick as some gels.
  2. Did Carmen have a coach and if so who was it?
  3. Wonder how rife it is amongst age groupers-one can speculate but this piece of work stole the recognition from another athlete and they give him a 4 year ban?-I say lifetime bans for dopers.
  4. Dont get me started on Front Hydration -I have used: ProfileThorhansSpeedfillVisionAnd each had a great feature and real bad design: Profile-Spilled out from the Tube and Inlet. First Front Hydration system but was full of faults. That yellow spongy thingy.... Thorhans: Spilled out from the Tube.Speedfill: Great bite valve and Inlet but what a mission to get Fluid in and you had to have serious mandibles to work that bitevalve-so great concept but hard to manage on the fly.Vision: Leaked and the bottle didn't lock on the mount and went flying if you hit a bump. So I think that its a hit and miss and I have ended up crafting my own hydration system from the Speedfill bitevalve and the best of the bottles. Also got the Elite system so will see how that works-I have spent so much on this problem but there is nothing more irritating of supplement splattering all over the bike and you-makes me want to have kittens!
  5. Heated pool which in the current circumstances in JHB is warmer than the outside temps. So just hop in and start swimming-swim anything over a Km and just get back into it, then just start building again.
  6. Where's the Ï HATE You" emoji? but seriously Gummibear-enjoy it and happy training
  7. For IM I would say once/twice a week hard session with High Intensity be it speedwork: Fartlek or Intervals. You have started quite early and looks like you have a solid base, but then how do you get faster and that is not by running your long runs faster as you have not conditioned your body so best is to throw in speedwork maybe once a week. You might need to get a bit more scientific and look at a coach or read Joe Friel's book or any other book for that matter but look at some kind of structure to your training otherwise the hard work is going to waste.
  8. Its like the guys say stay level headed with this -you know that it might be a rebound and then you get a double eina-so be cool and try to stay objective. As long as you both know the rules of the game it will be good to just have some female company. I learnt the hard way-met someone and I was just so eager to have someone in my life that I didn't realise how far the cheese had slipped off the cracker with this one, she was a belter and 9 years my junior-but when I went for dinner with the family and saw how they behaved and finally when I saw this massive pig that they had as a pet that was sleeping in its own room....I got that scene from the Hannibal movie in my head and decided to bolt. But seriously don't try to make it what it isn't-but if it might be- be cool.
  9. Watching The Terror on i think its Fox channel on DSTV. Also that Titanic Series
  10. For my trainng Playlist-the most recent additions: Oh the Larceny-Man on a Mission Petrified Tourist-All your Love On my : Listening Music -the newest additions are: Steve Ayoki-Home we'll go Blue October-I hope your Happy
  11. Agree, the 25mm is great and you can drop the pressure a bit which helps on SA Roads.
  12. This is one of the most significant threads of the year and for many a reason –we are all in relationships even if it is with ourselves (not in that way boys!) The comments made by the likes of Intern and Paul made me rethink my situation and how I act in my relationship. We all have our baggage and that cost me my first marriage –yes she did cheat but it’s easy to point fingers but I have to accept that I was also responsible. The day I found out I was in a state and just wanted to get out of there, No use fighting the damage was done. Luckily no kids and we sorted out the Admin quickly. Had a good friend that never said anything bad about it-he was just around and helped me cope. You need these support structures. Got stuck into my IM training and that helps when you are away most of the weekend and too tired to think the rest of the week, man it’s the thinking that gets you as you move through the stages of grief. But it hurts and takes up so much of one’s thoughts. Recently I thought I had my stuff together and then my coach recommended a book called the Chimp Paradox by Prof Steve Peters. Sometimes things that we know are truth just need to be presented in a way that makes sense, you know, and this book helped me to control the Chimp and it helps not only in my marriage but in life in general. I guess everyone has stated the obvious: It hurts like a bitchYou will get angry, doubt yourself and cry-its normal and you will get through it. See it as a processHave a support structure from mates right through to a kickass lawyerHave some kind of system/Understanding/diagnostic/template that makes you recognize your behavior and where you are in this mess. That just helps you go: “Ah okay-I am in Denial, this is why and how and what I should do/not do”. It helps to have a structure in all the chaos of emotion and events. Be fair and don’t get to emotional-you cannot be a stoic but try not to let the chimp out (See Dr Peter’s book comment above)Stay busy-yes your thoughts will go back to what was-but the busy helps it doesn’t take it away.It will end-someone once said –It will be okay in the end –if its not okay its not the end.Try to stay positive and if you can’t –Talk-see a counsellor, priest, therapist, mate, post on the thread here just get it out of your system.Don’t get involved to quickly-you are not thinking straight and she is not the woman of your dreams –you are in rebound. And even by some miracle she is the right one-stay cool and clearheaded. If that little voice of doubt peaks out –it’s probably right. Try to be the better person but not a walkover-this I guess is one of the hardest things as I somehow stupidly thought she is going to have a Damascus experience and come running back into my arms if I compromise-that’s not gonna happen so stay as realistic as you can. Empower yourself –when I ended up alone I couldn’t even cook rice or fry and egg, now I slay it in the kitchen, and its good therapy. By empowering yourself you will get confidence back and meet new people.Just take it day by day and always make progress to where you want to see yourself in the next week, month, year.
  13. Its interesting to read this thread as there is so much positivity-yeah our eyesight is going and we sometimes lie in bed thinking we cannot get up but we deal with it and celebrate our lives. Also in the Category-still in denial but in a way that is good. I can't believe I managed to stay alive and have managed to bank most of my personal **** so in a good space mentally and physically. Love racing Tri's and just staying fit and learning new things, started paddling, this year want to learn Swahili and Scuba dive. Recently moved to the shorter distance tri's and loving it-also seems to be good for weightloss, currently 72kg and can still easily get into my national service uniform. So yeah I think that this is a great time for us-and keep it positive and enjoy it Guys!
  14. Lots of Marketing Talk and Little technical detail. That being said they do make good products. My shoes are all Bontrager and won't put my feet in any other road or mtb shoe.
  15. I recently changed some of my insurance to Momentum and although the benfits of the policies are better the whole active thing etc is a pain in the ass.I took additional cover as I was assured it would be easy to reach the tiers and thought I would justify the saving that way but Its even worse for me than Discovery. First they didn't cancell my Debit orders then I couldnt link my planet fitness to Moentum as it is allready linked to Discovery so that was another mission and then I got the list of what to do to get to the tiers......They want almost everything up to how much you weighed at birth, they want vehicle and security details which is not even related to my Life and Annuities I took out with them. Not a big fan of Momentum at the moment and if anyone is thinking of getting on it just beware it is a pain in the ass.
  16. 910 and 920 Will go Full IM and then some but the 735 died on me 28km into the run with just over 11 hours on the clock.
  17. What always amazes me is how things radically changes when it has evolved to a point. Now they are looking at Nature-A wheel is not a natural object so how do you want to solve it by looking at a whale's fins? Its like trying to solve a algebra equation with a watermelon. I think it is all Marketing hype.
  18. When you are on the rivet and racing for podium to be called by the technical official for a penalty, they should give him a reason. If you look at the footage he clearly asks them "why" a couple of times. I think the red mist from Richard and the lack communication from the technical officials lead to this. He apologized and let's hope he gets it all right in Rio.
  19. Helly Hansen and Under Armour
  20. So after reading through these pages, I can sugget the first step is to get to a good podiatrist and by that I mean one that works with sportspeople. I like Frank Dubowitz at the Rosebank Sports Clinic. He tests you and gives recommendations and if you need inserts he does it on site. If you want to buy shoes then he gives the biomechanics and sends you off to the specialist sport store. Sweat Shop Dunkeld for me. They allow you to buy the recommended pairs which you go back and Frank tests you with them and then advises what is best. You take the shoes that didn't work back and they refund you the ones that don't suit. Shoes are so different as each of us and there is no perfect brand it comes down to what works. I would not suggest any particular shoe, but only give my experience. Started with Saucony Xodus, liked them but the drop was to high. Then after moving from my road shoes from Asics to Brooks decided to try the Brooks Cascadia's and I am happy with them. Still a bit scared of minimalist shoes as I supinate (7.5 degrees) and messes with my stability when I run, I tend to twist my ankle regularly. But that is what works for me.
  21. So while we are kicking Vitality Dan and Vitality while they are down and let me add that was self inflicted, what the hell with that running shirt....who runs in T shirt at road races....this is Aaafrika, it's warm, this was the last fail of a which can only be described as an EPIC FAilure. Looked at the website and the blurb an feedback from Hubbers and I am out. Thanks but no Thanks. Better Luck next time Vitality Dan. Think their target market are noobs who have recently discovered the attraction of endorphin and will drink from Vitality's Kool Aid.
  22. Now to see what design the put on the Cervelo Bikes....
  23. This is the second year that it falls on the same date as IMBC. Used to always be a week after, but Agree EPIC FAIL. And let's not forget the genius's at TSA that sanctioned the event and date. Gotta Love Multipsort in this country.
  24. SRAM on my Roadbike-Love it DA on my Tri Bike, love it, the quiet shifting is great. Sram for weight, makes a racket when shifting but love the actuation. DA will last and not give u any crap. So if I had to choose it would be Sram on my Road Bike.
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