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Jurgens Smit

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Everything posted by Jurgens Smit

  1. No herding (workers chasing the buck into a area where the "hunters" wait)No bakkie shotsNo shooting when they are vulnerable. There are people that like to wait in hides at designated feeding/watering points.There's a difference between hiding while stalking and a hide. One makes the animal come to you while you wait, the other makes you go after the animal and work for it.Giving the animal a chance to sense you and get away. (this goes with the hides thing)Well placed shots, if you can't make the shot or doubt in it don't take it.Making sure your equipment is capable. EX there are arguments that certain calibers can do the job for larger game, but recommendations are there for a reason.To try and not stress out the herd at large (ie using a silencer)No crazy long shots - shooting ranges exist for a reasonOnly shooting what you are going to use.No alcohol before or during the huntNo traps/poisons etc (These are illegal anyway)Leaving your environment as you found it (picking up spent cases etc)Respecting your bounty. You just shot something so there should be no waste.Luckily it has not happened to me, but if you don't kill on the first shot you do your best to find the animal and finish what you started. I believe this goes hand in hand with taking shots you are uncertain about. Then also following the general guidelines and rules, buck over a certain age etc. I like to put effort into the hunt, track,stalk and shoot not getting dropped off where the herd is. Doing your research etc. It makes me feel like I've worked for it and makes me respect the hunt. Obviously every persons morals and ethics vary. This is something that is more easily shown than said though.
  2. You'll need to hope the rust is topical and hasn't gone too deep. But generally soak in vinegar, if it's really bad overnight and scrub it off with some steel wool. Then just sharpen and polish. Can check this blog, looks pretty detailed: https://blog.knife-depot.com/how-to-remove-rust-from-the-blade-of-your-knife/
  3. But, back to the topic of plant based. I made my first fully(i think) plant based meal this evening. I did use some butter when frying the gnocchi to get them crsipy, but olive oil can do fine. Made some gnocchi(had left over baked potatoes) along with a quick stir fry of cabbage, carrots, onions and peppers. It's not going to win me any awards, but it was nice. Still need to tweak the pairings to see what goes well with what. Also to see what herbs and spices work well. This weekend I'm doing some tofu for the first time, so will see how that goes.
  4. Your post makes me very confused, because I both agree and disagree with you. I appreciate nature for what it is. I can look at a buck in the wild and not think jis if only I had my rifle wif me. I believe you can love animals and still hunt, depending on how you approach it. I'm just having a hard time formulating it into words. I believe the view that hunters can't be animal lovers comes from what is observed which may not be accurate to the whole group. If you see a guy or gal, posing with their rifle next to a buck they just shot whether it be trophy or not, you're not going to think "wow they sure loved that animal to death". But if you see the behind the scenes a lot of game farms are actively building and achieving with funds secured from hunting you could say, "wow these people sure love animals, look at all they are doing". I guess for some of the hunters calling themselves lovers, it's about the bigger picture. The active change conservation brings. Not that I'm saying you're narrow minded, I just know for me it's less about the animal specifically and more about loving nature and trying to preserve it. The one thing I feel very strongly about, is it must be done ethically, and no trophy hunting. Unless the trophy formed part of a cull(for what ever reason that may be), all I see it as is fueling your ego and showing the world your "magnum sized dong"
  5. Jurgens Smit


    The gents at magnum archery sent me the details for a coach and I went to guthries today to shoot. Totally different to compound bow I can tell you that. My fingers hurt, my shoulders hurt, but damn it was so fun. Definitely gonna be a long term hobby this.
  6. Jurgens Smit


    My dad has a (i think) 70lb traditional recurve. I can draw it, but holding on and aiming is a workout and a half. On a side note, from the get go, is it necessary to buy sights and other things? Or do you learn basics and add that stuff later
  7. Jurgens Smit


    Ordered myself a recurve bow earlier in the week, can't wait for it to arrive. My old man is more into bisley and personally I never saw the appeal in it, but this has drawn my attention big time. Can't wait to get going. Anyone know of any good coaches in the centurion/pta or nearby area? Would like to learn proper form and what not for competion archery.
  8. Point 1 - Because you're handing over 60K. Online. To a person you've never met. Without seeing anything other than photos. Call me crazy but that's common sense. I do agree with this (The seller should be truthful, informed and 100% accurate.) However, the buyer should also be sure that what is being said is in fact true before paying. Especially if it is a private sale, even more so when it is from someone who may be unverified or have a low or no ratings. Point 2 - Missing the point I tried to make. Regardless of the buyers feelings, a fair offer was given initially to replace the faulty components. The whole bike isn't broken. A broken RD/FD should not put any doubt into the rest of the bike, especially if you had it at your LBS who would have likely checked it over.
  9. They aren't hurting their own image though and you don't seem to realize this. Bikehub has got methods in place to assist the buyer and the seller. If this was not used, it is defs not the site or admins problem. Secondly, buying 2nd hand private has got 0 warranties and like it or not you can't force the seller into anything because it is bought as is. Unless it is a clear cut fraud case, which this is not. If you do not use the methods in place you can't whine to admin calling for a ban. Easy as that. There is also no real supporting evidence that the seller is a con. This whole sale was a monumental clusterf*** and should have been handled differently, but it is not saying the seller is a thief/bad dealer or whatever you want to call it. Fact is, people saw one half of the story for +- 10 pages, got emotionally invested into the buyers story before even hearing the other side. Again, no reason for the admin to ban anyone unless there is concrete proof that the seller tried to screw this guy and others over, which unfortunately there isn't.
  10. Emotion goes a long way in forming someones opinion into you know what F this guy. Reading the Sellers whatsapps show that he tried somewhat to compromise and accommodate. Whether thats right or wrong is opinion and not fact. Regardless, if I were to sell something and feel that there was no fault when it left my hands I would also get pissed if I get threatening messages. "How do you expect the seller to react after paying R60k for broken goods? Come on, I would be vloeking seven ways from Sunday." Regarding this, onus is on the buyer to ensure he is happy before handing over 60k. I'm sure the seller would have allowed an LBS to inspect the bike if requested. Any reasonable person would. The entire 60k was not broken goods fyi, at max (given 2nd hand etc) 10k was broken, replacing with equal value is a fair compromise. Again, not picking sides as I have been in the buyers shoes before in getting something that was not in the condition advertised. But the argument goes both ways in saying buyer right/seller wrong or seller right/buyer wrong. Both acted poorly and made bad decisions.
  11. Admin needs to be fair and just, not jump on the bandwagon of peoples opinion. This was handled pretty **** by both parties. OP seemingly getting aggro and rude in the messages, seller for handling it poorly as well. Handing out bans is going to be seen as unfair by a lot of other people. Edit - not picking sides, just saying what a lot of people seem to forget about being a mod/admin for any service is really hard. Look at the flaming the admins took for contemplating what they believe to be in the best interest for the site.
  12. I'm assuming he means without confirming cost etc first. Anyone would be upset if you get a bill jumped on you without confirmation.
  13. Dunno if you're a star wars fan, but Qui-Gon wisely said "There's always a bigger fish". There will always be a group you can't keep up with. I don't know the area nor the routes you ride on so won't be able to comment on what is best there. If the roads have narrow shoulders I would go MTB. If there are a lot of roadies that ride the area then go for a road bike. Either way it will be fun. IMO best bet for you at the moment is not to worry about not keeping up with a group but focusing on your own fitness.
  14. buy the best you can afford and don't be scared of 2nd hand. There are good deals out there. I don't know the brand you are referring too, but the specs are entry level. Depending on price you might be able to get 2nd hand with better specs. Road riding is fun, has it's pro's and cons. Depending on where you live, and the majority of your riding done a road bike can work, but I would personally look at a MTB. Just for the versatility. MTB can ride on and off road with normal mtb tyres. I would not recommend upgrading your current bike's parts. Not worth it IMO. Rather look at buying something else instead of making it lighter or upgrading components.
  15. The thing is, do people stay local veggies only? I'm guessing your variety would be cut down a lot if you had to stay on what could be locally grown only. But I do get your point. Is it not reducing red meat is healthier? As I have it chicken and fish is still fine? Regardless, in a way I do agree, I believe that our current methods of farming do need to change. Vertical farming for plants and smarter, less environmentally harmful livestock farming needs to be done. The former being easier implemented than the latter. I think the whole lab grown meat thing could be massive if it could become more widespread. Dependent on waste materials should this become a mass production thing. The above being said, I am personally starting to look into incorporating more vegetarian type meals into my diet, as well as sourcing meat from hunting/fishing.
  16. I've been reading through this thread to gain ideas of making non meat dishes more fun. Although I have no inclination of going full vegan/vegetarian. So please don't take this the wrong way or as a troll post, but is vegetarianism/veganism as it is at present not harmful to the environment as well? Take for example eating fruit or veg that is not indigenous to SA or in season here, generally that needs to get imported, aren't the transportation environmental costs just as bad as karan beef and his cattle farms?
  17. Has anyone here played around with sous vide and then braai for the finish? I have a venison fillet that I want to braai, given how lean they are I'm a little nervous about going on the open fire and winging it without a thermometer. I was thinking getting it to med-rare with the sous vide and then finish on the fire for color.
  18. How do you prepare it properly? I had some while in China and was pretty meh about it. I couldn't really form an opinion about it, it was a little chewy and slightly bland
  19. There is aim assist on controller AFAIK. But if I go that route I will be using Keyboard and Mouse on the console, they are supported in a few games.
  20. Also, to add to the above, most games are going cross play now (like COD MW and Cold War) so console makes a lot of sense for me as it's cheaper, for still great graphics quality and I still get to warzone with my mates.
  21. Sorry should clarify, from what I've seen in general, console games perform better than their counter parts on PC. I'm assuming due to code optimization for a single hardware set and OS vs building for minimum specs. Same as why (IMO) with apple devices less is more. (less ram, smaller cpu etc.). For example ps4 Horizon ZD feels a lot smoother at +- 30fps than at 70 on pc. In terms of gaming on PC, I'm a bit of a graphics freak there (my own preference) but I struggle to play games and fully enjoy them if the quality looks a little ***. Granted low settings on Cyberpunk look great vs low settings of a game thats 5 yrs old now (for example). Throw into that, 4k gaming performs better when you look at price for performance on console than PC. even when you throw in a extra 10k for a very decent 4k tv. My CPU is holding me back at this stage, been running a few tests with it. Nothing major, but I know in the next year or so I am going to start noticing it. Need to get that extra 50fps in CS:GO But thanks for the vids, will defs go check them out and see what they say. My post was mainly an idea, but I am a little tired of forking out a ton of cash every 3/4 years just to carry on playing at high settings. Especially given that stuff is getting waay more expensive.
  22. What's everyone's opinion on the absurd price of anything to do with gaming lately? I read an interesting article last night, that due to the manufacturing costs that are rising for GDDR6 the RTX 30xx cards are getting a price increase again. This made me rethink my choices when it comes to PC gaming. On the one hand, getting 100 FPS + in new games would be incredible and ray tracing just looks amazing. But to upgrade my rig (16GB DDR4, Ryzen 1700 x GTX 1080) to get that would at the minimum require me to look at upgrading CPU, Motherboard and GPU. With the 30 series GPU costing 14k on average and a CPU/Board combo looking at another 10k, I'm struggling to justify dropping 24k on a PC that will need to be upgraded again in 3 years time. I love gaming. I love immersing myself in the incredible worldbuilding and story telling we see with games like Assassins Creed, Uncharted, Witcher, RDR2 and so many more. The graphics on them look incredible and with so many new similar games launching, just getting them to run at decent FPS would need an upgrade for many people. What I've personally been looking at doing is selling my PC and moving over to PS5. Most games lately support keyboard and mouse on console should I want it. I can buy a 4k tv and ps5 for less than it would cost to upgrade my pc, and at the same time get better performance than my pc would get. I have a 144Hz monitor to hook the console up to in the interim. What do you all think? PS - I know I'm not forced to upgrade, but eventually at some point every PC gamer will need to which is kinda the point to this post.
  23. I have a boerboel pup around 10months old, so not close to a BC, but I taught him to stay with food and treats. I'd put a cookie or his food bowl down in front of him and kneeled behind it holding him at bay till he caught onto the word. After that I'd open our small gate and stand directly outside it and tell him to stay while walking further and further away. I also made use of the clicker and a ton of treats while training him, so he learnt the stay thing in about a month or so. Now I can leave the yard and he'll stay inside, occasionally he'll step outside, but only to see where I am, or he'll follow me to our garage which is just outside my garden fence, but the same boundary applies to him. The key thing is patience.
  24. Hey guys, I'm new to fishing in general, don't think I've ever held a fishing rod never mind been fly fishing. But, one of my close friends has gotten into fishing now and has invited me along. As part of chats we want to plan a trip to catch trout. Neither of us know how to fly fish though. Are there any decent trainers around the centurion/pta area that offer day classes to get you going? My old man has all the gear he received as a gift in UK, but has also never had the time to use it. So I have everything needed, but just need someone to show me the ropes. Thanks
  25. Thanks dude. I've got a compound with draw weight of 40 lbs that I've been using to get my form and strength right. And based on some advice from reddit been practicing at 25-30 yards. Will need to buy a heavier draw weight bow for hunting season next year(thinking about 70lbs to have a great all rounder) but it's great fun so far. Unfortunately I only get time for 2 sessions a week, been doing a lot less volume as well per session, only 50 arrows or so in total.. I see you hunt with a trad recurve as well? My old man has one but I can barely draw it all the way I've convinced my hunting buddy to get in on the bow action as well, so while we're on our trip in June we're going to also practice some stalking, tracking etc. Will be a rifle hunt, but good practice none the less.
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