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Posts posted by nonky

  1. If you're referring to these trails .... http://www.hermanusa...s.co.za/trails/ ... then, although they are probably great to ride I am definitely more interested in more downhill type riding. Riding a Uni is not a distance thing for me, I like technical downhill mostly :D


    Yes, those are the ones but perhaps the euodia cycles guys can help with alternative routes...perhaps, go up rotary drive (tar and gravel) and then down the black route (part of wines2whales). You might enjoy that.


    AFAIK, there is nothing on the voelkip side - the "hermanus cycle route" hardly has any descents worthy of the name.


    The other alternatives are a drive to Lebanon forest, Paul Cluver and Oak Valley.

  2. Done it twice. Awesome trails, with proper mtbing routes.


    The pull factor is staying in the hotel for the weekend with the wife and kids, otherwise not really worth the cost and effort, of doing the two stages on its own..


    Are those trails accessible any other time of year? Do you know who built / maintains them?

  3. Hi all,


    I am looking for some advice on buying a bike. I do mainly weekend trail rides at an intermediate level, mainly single track, Karkloof, Howick and the like. I currently have an old Avalanche 26" hardtail which has served me well, but I would like a little more control and a bike I could upgrade a little.


    Since I am doing Dusi2C this year the idea of a full susser appeals, but my budget is around R10k, which I KNOW is too little for the 29er Anthem I would love to get.


    I was looking for a 29er or 650B hardtail when I came across an 2007 Epic 26" going for R8'000 ... XT components and shocks will be serviced.


    Does anyone have experience of buying such an old bike - is it a viable option or am I just opening a black hole of expenses here?


    Thanks ...




    If you really want a 29', then I would recommend against buying any 26' bike. The human brain is a funny thing and the last thing you want is post-purchase dissonance immediately after spending all your cash.


    You'll regret the purchase and hold it against the bike (which is, of course, a wholly innocent party).


    My 2c.

  4. Again, I'm attempting to establish what is reasonable given the 5 sets of circumstances, not what constitutes an offence. If you feel the law is absolute, you're a sheep. Have you purchased an e-Toll tag? If not, why not? That too is "an absolute law".


    Stopping at a red traffic light IS an "absolute".


    If cyclists can jump red lights when they see fit or in their discretion, why not cars, taxis, buses, trucks etc.?


    Taxis obviously feel that the law is a sheep and thus not absolutely applicable to them...

  5. I hear you, and understand your view, but have a few questions?


    What constitutes "jumping a red light"?.

    1. Simply riding through without slowing down in normal traffic flow?,
    2. Slowing down considerably but still riding through, when others are stopped?
    3. Slowing down considerably but still riding on, when nobody else is around?
    4. Stopping first and then riding through when (a) there are no cars, and/or (b) the pressure plate hasn't activated for 3hrs?
    5. Turning left?

    One size doesn't fit all, IMHO. A bike isn't a taxi, and a taxi ain't a bike. And "the law is the law" in the absolute sense, doesn't wash as an argument. Sometimes the law is a horse's ass.


    Edit: Urrrrghh, spelling




    So what you're saying is that the (red light) law applies to everyone else EXCEPT YOU on your bike cos the law's an ass? Nice one.

  6. I love the way some guys on here keep on justifying cyclists' jumping of red traffic lights by saying taxis are lawless / murderous / unpunished.


    Guys, YOU are part of the PROBLEM and spoiling it for the rest of us...just like the roadies who get all aggro with drivers while in a big bunch.


    We are ALL subject to ALL the traffic laws and we are ALL viewed as meat popsicles on two wheels by motorists, who wouldn't think twice if they had to choose between colliding with one of us or an oncoming vehicle.


    Look at those photos above again and ask yourself whether it's worth it for those 30secs on Strava...

  7. JA youtube as Orbree said, but this is what it really involves:


    Its kind of like a hard (very hard) foam pipe but solid, and about 15 cm in dia and 45 cm long...

    You put it flat on the ground and then hit it repeatedly with the part of your body that is stiff/ sore /tired / needs to recover. After about 30 seconds of this and when you stop its guaranteed that you will feel better than when you started...


    Actually only recently tried one, amazingly effective and so simple


    Works a charm for backs/spines, too - I have a spinal fusion and I can halve my physio visits if I use the roller regularly.

  8. I am sorted on keeping most body parts warm and cosy during winter time - to the required extend. My hands, on the other hand, is still a challenge. Please share

    1. tips on keeping your hands from freezing during winter training rides
    2. brand / type of gloves you swear by
    3. if you would rather hibernate ^_^




    4. Ways to keep feet warm

  9. It works brilliantly! And I also get those thin butcher type plastic gloves for under my cycling gloves. Then also the normal newspaper for the body, etc.


    The Rapha for Bergies Line?

  10. I would like to ask the organisers how they thought a 1000+ riders could cross a river crossing / portage where bikes had to be carried and only allowed one person at a time? We waited an hour, which is a joke - even for us buffaloes and newbs bringing up the rear.


    Water points were well-stocked and very friendly. Nice vibe during both days. Great weather. Some challenging single track and climbs (subjectively, felt harder than the profile).


    If the portage and start could be resolved, this would really be a good event.

  11. And the tar straight up to Rhodes memorial? Short but nasty!


    I ride that one regularly - from the Liesbeek River (Ravensberg Ave), which is UPHILL to Newlands Ave, then UPHILL along Princess Anne (next to Prez's house) to the base of Rhodes Mem Street, then up RM street (offroad on the pavement) to the sharp turn, where I veer left and then go straight up the Table Mtn MTB Route...all the way to Tafelberg Road and the Cable Car. I then head back along the lower route.


    Strava measures it as 32km's with 1488m of climbing.

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