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Posts posted by ZakAttak

  1. Love this bike. Have a set of Crest with Hope hubs that I drool over but promised myself I will only use them when I get to my ideal weight...as a bonus


    This Bike is really gorgeous... That colour scheme, is well complimented.. Nice...

  2. I am in the process of slowly getting the pool sorted at our new place.


    I have left the sand as the last task due to the fact that I wasn't going to replace sand before getting rid of all the algae.


    I've done this before at my MIL's place and it's a hellava job to scoop out the sand with a little tin or cup or whatever


    The local pool guy wants to smoke me R900 to change the sand (the sand works out at around R400 for 4 bags)


    I've read that a workshop vacuum makes the job easier, but i doubt my wife will appreciate me using her big green clean machine to suck up some sand.


    Does anyone have any short cuts/ tips?



    Hire a vacuum from Hire It or the likes.... Sure it won't cost more than R200 for the day?

  3. Prepsol works a charm as a few have already stated.... I use a bucket, drop cassette, chain, crank and pedals and spray full prepsol and allow to soak.... Use a pot scrubbing brush for cassette and Crank and toothbrush for those hard to reach places....


    Used clean green before, Prepsol cheaper and and more effective in my opinion....

  4. I haven't read through all the posts made here, and I apologies if this has already been mentioned but:

    1. There is a phone number option for the seller (use it)
    2. There is an email option

    To me, if you are really interested dial the number, if posted by the seller, and make arrangements (proper arrangements).


    Also, give him (the seller) options to the sale, if you do not meet him at stipulated time then he should sell to next in line, but please do not keep the poor seller on the line, hoping he has a sale at the end of the day, when all in all it's a dud (it's frustrating).


    my 2c.

  5. General Classification - After Stage 2 (as at 16h15, 25 Mar 2014)

    Overall position | Category Position | Team # - Hub names | Category | Overall time | Behind Category Leader


    Please add Team Woolworths Nestle (Hub Names: Ghisallo and Spat) in that order Team Number 606

  6. For thos Top Gear Nutters like myself, James, Richard and especially Jeremy, they have this whatever/I don't care attitude....


    In addition, they are always taking the p!ss on the comments made by their fan mail.... Whereby some writer will write in complaining about a previous epsiode and when that happens, the sarcasm flows out of the screen like a river with these guys...


    So whoever says what about the "cyclist vs motorist" against the message they trying to get across, they will finds some way of adding humour in their responses....

  7. Loving the prompt replies, from Hubbers and EB. Thank you, everyone! :D


    I'll forward my Order number to your email addresses in a moment.


    Yip, as all stated, My order also said still processin on the expected delivery date, and low and behold, parcel on my desk before the Order comments were updated... Easy Bike are a good example of excellent service providers in SA. Under Promised, Over Delivered... :thumbup:

  8. World's First 3D Printed Bike



    Without doubt, the most interesting bike at this weekend’s London Bike Show is Empire’s 3D printed titanium trail bike. Based on the brand’s innovative 6in-travel aluminium MX6, the titanium prototype is a collaboration with additive manufacturing firmRenishaw and was built in the UK. We spoke to Empire’s Chris Williams about the project, and about 3D printing’s likely role in the future of the bike industry.




    This is an intersting read.....



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