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Everything posted by daveno7

  1. Ah...saw sun today....day off ...nice to ride again...sticking to zone2...irish weight must come down...the bike knows best 😀
  2. Just had time for a quick bike ride...sun? Non existent...but trains ...only happened twice .. but happily no rain... 20230813_154523.mp4
  3. I think summer is not a word used too much in Ireland....if I could explain the weather I would gladly try...a very damp hour today...yesterday's ride was much better...just so out of condition...it's the good food etc..
  4. Nothing to report...just need to explore a bit more....happy to have a few weeks leave...trying to get leave has been a pain...but ...
  5. Well today...working in a crazy world...the bike is the happy place as usual.. and I found a tree..
  6. .....and back in our natural habitat...someone has been building a bits for a trail as well...work in progess...
  7. Back on a bike on a Monday...and planning a new bike project.....
  8. cycling heaven....thats Bainskloof...
  9. Been a few due to various bits of life getting in the way....and it was great
  10. Cube....normally have a very good spec in the UK.....hope they do well in SA...value bike
  11. Another good day...the urban mtb..makes you still work..and south London never fails... 20230617_135131.mp4
  12. A warm humid Friday...first one free in a while...lunchtime ride...not a soul out...
  13. Today you could have found me here...just after a coffee stop...time to stop is just beautiful
  14. 3 bike days in a row...now I remember how good you feel after a few continuous days of exercise...and sun is out 20230608_113048_01.mp4
  15. Another bike ride...I might actually start feeling a bit fitter now...summer is here and this place looks the better for it...and you only want to go fast 😉
  16. I might get into gravel biking when I see that...
  17. A few days off...lucky to get leave at all..and time is made for a bike ride and I can relax for once...no real rush.. Time to pause for a few moments...time to plan...time on a bike is beautiful...blessed today..
  18. The bike got a spin in wonderful weather this afternoon...yesterday was about something different..this place might be good for cycling as well 😀
  19. Bike riding is resumed...a few bike niggles...a few fitness niggles...the bank holiday nearly over but happy to get a few hours in...had to meander around the overgrowth at times...but glad the sun is out..been a difficult last month or so...thank god for my bike now...it's needed..
  20. great riding from Healy...rode very well....looked at ease when he got his breakaway
  21. Trying to get a mechanic and working office hours means mtb is out of action...the road bike also giving hassle...might have to take 🏃‍♂️...
  22. the route will be good....the base is in Slanghoek...the trails there are technical but very rewarding.. enjoy all... the food and drink...hospitality are excellent around the Rawsonville...enjoy the event
  23. a well known local bike shop here in #croydon#wallington uk...Very disappointed being honest...had a major service done etc...ok these things happen but....
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