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Free Slipstreaming while training


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He can be glad I did not execute plan B by feathering my brakes a bit, as he was sitting virtually on my wheel.


You would risk injuring or disabling a person because he wheelsucks.... :o


I will get banned for sharing my thoughts on that. :angry:

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lol...this thread...HAHA!!! If someone wheelsuck me in training....i stand up and sprint so the bike move around so badly he cant suck anymore....he been dropped....case closed! He had his 5min of fun....If I wanted wheelsucking, I would cycle with a bunch...otherwise I am stubborn and leave me alone cause I don't want you around...once went to Stellenbosch and overtook this bunch...look around and they all sucking on me in the headwind was about 7 of them....guy nogal told me I have a good pace and I must keep it up....so I took a sip of my drink...threw a attack as hard as i could in the headwind and just saw them drift off....

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lol...this thread...HAHA!!! If someone wheelsuck me in training....i stand up and sprint so the bike move around so badly he cant suck anymore....he been dropped....case closed! He had his 5min of fun....If I wanted wheelsucking, I would cycle with a bunch...otherwise I am stubborn and leave me alone cause I don't want you around...once went to Stellenbosch and overtook this bunch...look around and they all sucking on me in the headwind was about 7 of them....guy nogal told me I have a good pace and I must keep it up....so I took a sip of my drink...threw a attack as hard as i could in the headwind and just saw them drift off....


Prob won't make friends with this post - but here goes


Now I remember why I'm not a roadie anymore....

Honestly what the hell is up with everybody?

My opinion is that anybody that has the need to ride somebody of their wheel ey etc (except having fun/training/racing or with friends in good spirit etc) has got some serious ego problems.

You don't prove anything to anybody.


Just my opinion. The few times I do train on the road I like to meet new people etc have a chat. I don't feel the need to prove a point.


I think people that react in this way ( feathering brakes or sprint away when somebody comes and sit on you wheel) are an absolute disgrace to cycling.

Prob the same guys that don't follow traffic rules and upset motorists as well.

Like those guys that ride 3 or 4 abreast stopping traffic and when a motorist gives a polite hoot to ask for just some space they get the finger from the cyclist - yeah I've seen it a couple of time.

Seems like some people just have inherent attitude problems...


Live and let live people.


Rant off

ps= I may be generalsing and I don't know the circumstances of the cases mentioned hre, but there seems to be an attutide problem these day. Maybe it's just society in general....


Edited by Bergbok
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Just my opinion. The few times I do train on the road I like to meet new people etc have a chat. I don't feel the need to prove a point.



Yeah. Some of the best rides I've had have been when joining a group, or having some dude join me. You meet some decent folks that way.


But you are right, maybe it's just society in general. I was riding yesterday, and some groups past me, and I couldn't help thinking that the f*&kwits were riding their bikes in the exact same manner that countless cyclists complain about motorists driving their cars. I guess most of these morons drive their cars the same way the ride.

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Why call it wheelsucking. What if the other person just happens to ride the same pace as you right behind you. What if the person at the back moan that you sit infont of him the whole time while he is trying to get a proper ride in.

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Guest Iron

Dude , just ride harder and try drop him , its better training for you ( is this not what you would do in a race if someone was on your ass ).


I Dont see this as a problem but as a opportunity to be better, i love it when someone hooks onto me , i then try see how long till i can drop him, if i cant i know i need to train harder ;) .

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Guest agteros

Maybe the real problem is tied in the 'free' in the title? ;)


Need to remember to take a bag of 5c coins with the next time I go out on a ride. Give one to everybody I sit behind for a while. Should solve the 'free slipstreaming' problem

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Thank heavens I ride mountainbike, at least we train and dont pissy pants about slipstreaming. ;)


Just joking roadies lol, still have my roadbike!


Major over reaction though! Jeez just ride, so what if he sits on your ass, if you dont like it tell him to pass or eff off!!!

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tip of the day, whatever you do, don't go anywhere near a hubber out training. You may just pee him off, and he might cause you to crash!

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tip of the day, whatever you do, don't go anywhere near a hubber out training. You may just pee him off, and he might cause you to crash!

Yeah, and people think the biggest risk out training is being hi-jacked or hit by a car. This is nuts.

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I think people that react in this way ( feathering brakes or sprint away when somebody comes and sit on you wheel) are an absolute disgrace to cycling.



What do u do in real life when a motorist drive on ur as....you play with the brake light.


Maybe that day I don't want to go out to make friends...maybe I want to cycle alone that day....consider those things...I am sure thats what he meant....that he wanted to be alone...maybe next time they should ask rather if they can join, just to ASSUME that they can sit in the back...

Edited by MTB_Roadie
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when a roadie sits slip on my back wheel, I jump the pavement and head off on a single track. Woooweeeeeeee.


There are fairies, and then their are faeries...........

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I don't see any problems.If every road user,including cyclists,use warning signals before (manouvers) changing line or turning,this problem doesn't exist. Before you make any turn on the road,you have to know what(who) is behind you,this time was another cyclist,next time could be a truck...Think about that.Good luck guys.

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Ahh roadies, what a laugh. A buddy and I were out training one evening when he thew an oyster without looking, and when he heard something he spotted a roadie had been slipping him. So make your presence known, because you never know what may be flying your way. BTW I have no issue with someone slipping me.

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What do u do in real life when a motorist drive on ur as....you play with the brake light.



Um, you only do that if you are a bit daft. What you should do, is ride (or drive) in a controlled and predictable manner, and gradually easy up the pace and let the other person overtake.

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