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My letter to Tyler Hamilton


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Me - I don't buy the "he's alright if he 'cesses up". He lived the life, earned the salary, bought the houses, owned the cars, savoured the fans and generally lived it large by cheating.


To make it fair he should donate all his corrupt earning, cars, houses, etc to charity and start over. THAT is putting things right.


Him 'cessing up and keeping all the loot is like a bank robber being let off scott free and allowed to keep the cash - or perhaps a more appropriate example is would be a local politican being found guilty of corruption, let off scott free and allowed to keep all his ill gotten gains. Oh wait - that happend all the time. But none of us are happy about that right? None of us say - that poor Tony Yengeni - he should not have gine to gaol and he should have kept the Merc.


This shallow - oh all right I'm sorry - I doped - let's all hug bullsh!t drives me crazy.

:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

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The one by TNT1 I included above. He doped, luckily avoided a ban, doped again, got banned, doped a third time, got banned and then retired because of it. He just kept doing it. No different to Ricco. Cycling does not need people like that in it. If you want to respect and admire a doper/former doper then chose someone like David Millar. If I remember correctly he doped, was caught, said he was sorry, served his 2 year ban and is back riding. I have heard he is quite outspoken now about anti-doping.


Some bedtime reading for you: http://www.cyclesportmag.com/features/david-millar-interview/




I live by the old adage - fool me once shame on you - fool me twice shame on you. Tyler's fool me thrice action gets nothing but scorn from me. Floyd too - what a douche bag.


Millar, Vino, Basso and co I can muster minimal respect for but ultimately they also boosted their careers/earnings/stature by cheating...

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Does anyone know if riding a 29er is more difficult if you have only one (testical)?


It seemed to work when Lance won an MTB race on one!

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Does anyone know if riding a 29er is more difficult if you have only one (testical)?



Wow - you really are brave, combining two contraversial subjects in one thread - 29ers and LA (uniball).

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Guest coenie

When will the cycling comunity wake up accept that they ALL dope.....the whole lot...so far LA was the best at it...Contador is on the line....almost got caught....thus the 2nd best doper so far....


Doping or not, they are still amazing at what they do

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Does anyone know if riding a 29er is more difficult if you have only one (testical)?


Don't intend finding out ;)

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No one comes clean without a motive. The motive being, in most cases, money. It's funny how it's only the people that blew all their (and the public's) money on appeals that come clean.


Sure, everyone fell for the "I believe Tyler" campaign... Are we really taking him seriously again?

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Tyler, just like Floyd before him, has now realized that he can make more money by singing like a canary than by keeping up the 'I was framed.... I ate my twin.... believe me... I'm innocent.... (insert Bambi-eyes here)' bulltwang! These guys will sell their grandmothers to the highest bidder!

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I live by the old adage - fool me once shame on you - fool me twice shame on you. Tyler's fool me thrice action gets nothing but scorn from me. Floyd too - what a douche bag.


Millar, Vino, Basso and co I can muster minimal respect for but ultimately they also boosted their careers/earnings/stature by cheating...


I agree.


They ultimately did but they also did their time and are hopefully not doping again. Unlike Tyler. He goes straight back to it.


Also WTF dope when you know you going to get tested for winning?

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They should just legalise doping for the coming tour.


The result should be everyone finishing with better times as they now have the extra performance.


If times don't really improve then we can conclude they were all doping.


Case closed!

Edited by Me-rider
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Road cycling as a competitive sport makes no sense to me. Either you are doping or you are born with genetically higher levels of V02 or whatever it is that makes you faster.


Having a hero in a sport like this is just plain foolish.


Why limit your argument only to cycling? Higher VO2, or more talent, is necessary in all sports to shine. Then having a hero in any sport is just plain foolish.


Doping or not (for the record - I believe doping is wrong), I also believe that cycling is still one of the most wonderful, but also most painful sports you can participate in, because in the end it's only you and the bike and pushing past your limits.

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New York - American cyclist Tyler Hamilton has surrendered his 2004 Olympic gold medal after confessing to doping, the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) said on Friday.


"I can confirm that Tyler Hamilton has given his gold medal from the 2004 Athens Olympic Games to USADA and that we will continue to work with the IOC and the USOC as appropriate concerning the final implications of our overall investigation," USADA chief executive Travis Tygart said in a statement.

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Its easy to sit on the fence and criticize another persons mistakes - finding fault is easy when someone limps and stumbles and you still have fleetness of foot, how do's anyone know what his motives are, have you carried his load on your back, have you stumbled under the weight, if not you have no right to pass judgement.


I, like Intern have immense respect for someone who stops living the lie, stands up and says "I made a mistake", "I am sorry and I want to clear my conscience and move on". Thats admirable.


To compare a sport cheat to a rapist or a corrupt politician is not really a relevant comparison, and since when are we all so rightious and sacroscant that we cant forgive and forget.?


Good on you Tyler, I hope you rest easier.

Edited by GrumpyOldGuy
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Its easy to sit on the fence and criticize another persons mistakes - finding fault is easy when someone limps and stumbles and you still have fleetness of foot, how do's anyone know what his motives are, have you carried his load on your back, have you stumbled under the weight, if not you have no right to pass judgement.


I, like Intern have immense respect for someone who stops living the lie, stands up and says "I made a mistake", "I am sorry and I want to clear my conscience and move on". Thats admirable.


To compare a sport cheat to a rapist or a corrupt politician is not really a relevant comparison, and since when are we all so rightious and sacroscant that we cant forgive and forget.?


Good on you Tyler, I hope you rest easier.


A few reasons really...


1) He only 'fessed up when faced with a federal investigation - until the poop was approaching the fan he was tjoep stil - maintained his innocence until the government's gun was placed against his head... Thats not admirable - thats chicken ****. IF he had done it of his own free will then in some perverted manner you could consider it admirable...


2) I have NEVER doped - I have cut out my little provincial/national niche in cycling without a single illegal drug - I have kakked off, sweated bullets, puked and generally suffered my way to victory and failure. I did it clean - why is it so hard for him? I have also never cheated at work - never bribed, stolen, defrauded etc anyone in the world. So I can get through my career AND my cycling without cheating. Why can't he?

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A few reasons really...


1) He only 'fessed up when faced with a federal investigation - until the poop was approaching the fan he was tjoep stil - maintained his innocence until the government's gun was placed against his head... Thats not admirable - thats chicken ****. IF he had done it of his own free will then in some perverted manner you could consider it admirable...


2) I have NEVER doped - I have cut out my little provincial/national niche in cycling without a single illegal drug - I have kakked off, sweated bullets, puked and generally suffered my way to victory and failure. I did it clean - why is it so hard for him? I have also never cheated at work - never bribed, stolen, defrauded etc anyone in the world. So I can get through my career AND my cycling without cheating. Why can't he?


Who knows, and who gives you or anyone else the right to pass judgement on his actions.?


I find it very pious that so many people are quick to judge, to thump their chests in indgnation and proclaim their self rightiousness, but how dos anyone know what keeps Tyler, Floyd or anyone else awake at night or what motivates them to change their mind, today, next week, next year.?


Life is not a stagnant pool, we change, we learn, we progress, we make mistakes, we repent, we look away, we regret, we have remorse and sometimes we are forced into situations beyond our control.


Yeah, its easy to kick a man who is down, to take his healing motives and turn them around to suit our indignant selves, to build our ego on their destruction,..but, Yeah, no matter, "Let he without fault Cast the first stone.!"

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