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[Event] Die Burger Mountain Bike Challenge

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I think Dangle summed it up properly when he said something along the lines of missing the days when we'd all just rock up at races and ride old hardtails and no-one knew any better - but now everybody wants to be a pro. I miss those days too.


A few years ago I did the To Hell and Back in One day event (basically the normal To and Hell and Back, but just done in 1 day, instead of 2 days). There were about 50 of us riding it and the morning we were all standing on the rugby field talking k@k while waiting for the start. So when they eventually fired the gun to signal the start, everybody was still just standing there, not moving, still chatting away. So eventually after about 30 seconds, someone said: "Ag ok, lets go ride". What a cool way to start a "race"! I felt the spirit of mtbiking that day.

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A few years ago I did the To Hell and Back in One day event (basically the normal To and Hell and Back, but just done in 1 day, instead of 2 days). There were about 50 of us riding it and the morning we were all standing on the rugby field talking k@k while waiting for the start. So when they eventually fired the gun to signal the start, everybody was still just standing there, not moving, still chatting away. So eventually after about 30 seconds, someone said: "Ag ok, lets go ride". What a cool way to start a "race"! I felt the spirit of mtbiking that day.

Cool story :rolleyes:

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All ready for tomorrow. Had such a hectic week I only got around to putting on new tubes tonight - still had to slime them ;)


All the best guys and remember, enjoy it! Its an MTB funride not a road race ;)

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I think Dangle summed it up properly when he said something along the lines of missing the days when we'd all just rock up at races and ride old hardtails and no-one knew any better - but now everybody wants to be a pro. I miss those days too. Of my bikes my simplest cheapest nastiest boneshaker is still my favourite and gets used the most...if you see me pushing what resembles a dikwiel up Botmaskop be sure to say Hi!


:D :D :D


He he Well I still rock up at races with a (very) old hardtail AND I don't know better. :rolleyes: I guess I am still in those days :P

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Finished my first mtb event today! biggrin.gif


Whoohaa. What a well organised event, and on a perfect day in Stellenbosch!!


Many thanks to anyone involved!

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Finished my first mtb event today! biggrin.gif


Whoohaa. What a well organised event, and on a perfect day in Stellenbosch!!


Many thanks to anyone involved!

well done to you.


i thoroughly enjoyed myself today. i rode the with my son on his first 30km event and was it fun to see him moan and groan

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My first mountain bike race and I enjoyed it. Thank you Burger and everyone who helped organize this race.

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What a perfect day it was for MTB'ing. Did the 30, was waaayyy too flat & easy! :rolleyes: Agree that it was a well organised event. Next year i'm doing the 42!

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I rode the 60 started in E with a friend (his first race too) he is buggered never had any holdups on the single track

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Did this event for the first time....42km....I done a few events before and this one just had a lot of climbing...pushing your limits! I loved it!! This is what mountainbiking is about, making you suffer!

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Did the 60km again this year and was pretty poked by the time I hit Pappagaiberg. Still managed 7min faster than last year so couldn't have been too bad. The multitude of short steep climbs really do hurt the legs.

btw, did anybody else have problems with the farm kids after crossing the calvert under the stellies/klapmuts road?

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Did the 60km again this year and was pretty poked by the time I hit Pappagaiberg. Still managed 7min faster than last year so couldn't have been too bad. The multitude of short steep climbs really do hurt the legs.

btw, did anybody else have problems with the farm kids after crossing the calvert under the stellies/klapmuts road?

Yup the clap hand and the ask for sweets? flippen irritating ,and when you give nothing they shout "You white people never give anything" Then I told the litei "Loop K@K" which was probaly the wrong thing to say

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Great event & great weather. I compared my Garmin results with last year and found the 60km route to be 3km further than last year. Anybody else found the same?

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Loved the race and did the 42km. I'm rather unfit (chest problems) and really had to motivate myself to get the middle waterpoint and I was very disappointed with it. The 4x4 Germans where excellent but there was no music, no champagne and no OBIES!


Will have to work a bit on my training but doing it again.


And the weather allowing views of Cape Point was more than I could ever ask for.

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