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Things I've learnt from commuting


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Almost took myself out cold this morning, whilst almost changing a car door opening from halfway to all the way to the bonnet........ Cars were parked parallel on the left of the road and to allow vehicles to pass me on the right, I am staying on the left of the lane. As I reached the boot of this vehicle, this guy swings open his door and literally jumps out. I VERY quickly swerved to the right whilst the guy almost jumps onto his roof from fright. Phew... close call for me. If he is a blood doner, he better go and update his details as his fright would have caused a change in blood group.... ^_^


Lesson learnt : When cycling, be very careful of doors opening and when driving, have a extra look before opening my door....


And be carefull swinging away from a car door - it's straight into traffic (from behind) - coulda been real ugly.

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I need something to store my clothing in at work. I use a bin at the moment but it does not work for me. Walking into an office with wrinkles isn't cool.

Anyone know where I can find a "kassie" to keep my clothing in at work. Should have a space to hang my pants, and to keep 4 pairs of shoes at the office.

I am even thinking about getting some wood and doing a DIY job on it.

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I need something to store my clothing in at work. I use a bin at the moment but it does not work for me. Walking into an office with wrinkles isn't cool.

Anyone know where I can find a "kassie" to keep my clothing in at work. Should have a space to hang my pants, and to keep 4 pairs of shoes at the office.

I am even thinking about getting some wood and doing a DIY job on it.

I find plasticland usually has some kind of storage solution, and they are very reasonable.

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Plasticland... Why does that sound like I place near Onderstepoort...

Thanks will have a look there.

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one thing I have learnt from commuting is don't throw your water bottle at stupid people...it's a waste. I have gone thru too many bottles making motorists "aware" of my presence...

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I am in Portugal at the moment I see they have placed lanes in for runners and cyclists . They have two lanes next to each other .Red is for runners and Green for cyclists . Spoke to some cyclists and they said it is for commuting to work mostly people who use it to go to work and back and are not serious cyclists . The guys that are serious still have to ride on the road as their speed is to fast for them to ride in these dedicated lanes and may cause accidents .

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one thing I have learnt from commuting is don't throw your water bottle at stupid people...it's a waste. I have gone thru too many bottles making motorists "aware" of my presence...


Idiotic behavior ,

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Idiotic behavior ,


So is browsing the net on your phone whilst driving and hitting cyclists....I have been hit by idiots not paying attention.

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I need something to store my clothing in at work. I use a bin at the moment but it does not work for me. Walking into an office with wrinkles isn't cool.

Anyone know where I can find a "kassie" to keep my clothing in at work. Should have a space to hang my pants, and to keep 4 pairs of shoes at the office.

I am even thinking about getting some wood and doing a DIY job on it.


Some time back I bought a suit from Edgars. The zip-up cover that came with that suit is what I use to keep all my clothes for the week at the office. I'm very lucky to have a shower room at the office that no-one uses except me. So I can keep a plastic container with all my cycling stuff, I've got a wooden bench where I can hang my stuff and my shoes go underneath.


But the suit cover works like a charm. See if you can get your hands on one somewhere.


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So is browsing the net on your phone whilst driving and hitting cyclists....I have been hit by idiots not paying attention.


True but it's seems like throwing water bottles and aggravating motorist seems like a common occurrence from your post.


It's not worth it, when commuting it's up to you to look out and be aware for your own safety. There is no right or wrong when you are a cyclist on our roads , only dead or alive.


I prefer being friendly and polite, and after a few years of commuting the same route people tend to remember and recognize you. I found most motorist now to be very accommodating.


Behavior like yours makes life difficult for the rest of us, next time the guy you pissed off ( him being right it wrong in that situation is irrelevant ) sees a cyclist he goes into a red mist and tries to run me over just because I'm also wearing Lycra.


You ain't going to teach any one a lesson while you are on a carbon fibre bike.

Edited by Jaws677
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I'm on the same route every day, and obviously pretty much the same time each day, so I see the same faces - the same Comrades runners who eventually become so familiar we great each other every day, the same taxis who now give me a hoot if they see me, and I'm sure the same multitudes of car owners going to work and back each day (they recognise me, even if I don't notice them).


With that in mind, I never show aggression (even if I'm cut off or nearly taken out), I am always happy/smiling and very polite in my actions when moving through traffic, and I always greet and thank people who give me room or wait for me to pass at an intersection.


Besides the fact that I get home in a great mood, no matter what *** I had to deal with at the office, I am also making friends out there.


And for a cyclist on our roads, that's golden.

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For me, the times I spend on my bike weaving through the traffic, hopping curbs and watching the sun rise/set on my bike each day, are the most precious moments of my day. It's where I start to feel 'whole' again, especially after a hard day. These are the times when I'm stoked to be young, alive and kicking. Doesn't matter that I'm now a middle aged man, when I'm on my bike I feel 12 years old again on my 80's bmx. No ways I'm going to let a stranger ruin my ride by getting me riled up. The next curb I hop and that idiot is already a distant memory :).

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I need something to store my clothing in at work. I use a bin at the moment but it does not work for me. Walking into an office with wrinkles isn't cool.

Anyone know where I can find a "kassie" to keep my clothing in at work. Should have a space to hang my pants, and to keep 4 pairs of shoes at the office.

I am even thinking about getting some wood and doing a DIY job on it.


Most office furniture places have those metal lockers that are used in workshop/gym changerooms.



I had a spare wardrobe at home which I bought to work. It stands in my office and contains my PPE clothing and equipment which I need when I visit our mining sites and my office clothes and shower stuff for when I commute by bike.

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So is browsing the net on your phone whilst driving and hitting cyclists....I have been hit by idiots not paying attention.


I had the dubious pleasure of landing on a stunning blonde's Merc SLK boot lid when she drifted in front of me while she was texting.

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I had the dubious pleasure of landing on a stunning blonde's Merc SLK boot lid when she drifted in front of me while she was texting.


I hope she kissed the sore places better. :-)

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I hope she kissed the sore places better. :-)


Unfortunately I was so relieved not to land under her car's wheels that I missed that opportunity.

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