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Things I've learnt from commuting


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LOL the cycling shorts leaving you in a pickle.


Mine tore in the front a few years back. I was on a MTB trail and shorts got stuck on the seat. Ripped it open. Got home all red, but was glad that we stayed on the outer limit of Bronkhorstspruit that day. Only passed a few cars but non saw what I knew....


Worst thing about cycling to work and back... Hail. Got caught in the outer part of the hail storm last week. Trees are your friends when the hail is falling. Got a huge scare when it went blue infront of me. Few seconds later the thunder assaulted my ears. A little wee made it out, but didn't matter. Was soaked.

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When municipality dig on our usual route to lay pipes. Things are gana get dirty, specially when its just been raining then its wet and dirty

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When the municipality digs, look for gap jumps! Life and lemons and all that .... there was this sweeeet jump in Duncan Street, took met forever to build up the courage to try it. Did it the one tuesday morning, barely cleared it, that afternoon it was filled back up :(

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Must say, this morning with pretoria under a fog blanket.... What fun to commute in the fog... Wanted to say I saw something in the mist, but then I will be called a racist again.

Also found a puddle of mud makes it 1000 harder to stop (in the mud). Almost cycled into a bakkie who pulled out of a driveway without looking

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Found this one out last night. People do not enjoy it if you vomit near / on or over their cars.

Did a uphill stretch, but felt a bit gagga at the top. Stopped at a red light, tried to drink some water, but my body had another idea. A jet of water came out of my mouth, but it was not water only. I upped my water intake before the ride home and paid for it...

Never felt that bad for doing something over a car... And the bonk that follwed was no fun at all...

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  • 4 weeks later...

When going on holiday, remember to remove bananas from back pack.


...or else ...


going on the critical mass last night, quickly put on my backpack (contains all tubes, spares etc in case on breakdown) ...then i found soft sludge next to my beer at the half way mark ... aiiiiiiiiiii

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  • 2 weeks later...

That reminds me... I need to check my backpack... Thing my lunch from last year might still be in there

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That reminds me... I need to check my backpack... Thing my lunch from last year might still be in there


Potential for overshare here !!

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I have just moved house and now live 3km from work. So commutting to work is simply not worth the effort of packing clothes and the like anymore. However, I now use my bike for all my other running around (shops, restuarants etc).

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I have just moved house and now live 3km from work. So commutting to work is simply not worth the effort of packing clothes and the like anymore. However, I now use my bike for all my other running around (shops, restuarants etc).

[/Quote] Well, if you aren't cycling, I hope you are walking at least? If you cycled I doubt you'll build up a sweat, so no need to even wear cycling kit or take a shower when you get to work, the Europeans do it all the time for over much further distance.

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Well, if you aren't cycling, I hope you are walking at least? If you cycled I doubt you'll build up a sweat, so no need to even wear cycling kit or take a shower when you get to work, the Europeans do it all the time for over much further distance.

Ummm no. I am not walking directly through Dbn CBD in a tie with a laptop bag. I drive. However, I do get up at 5am everyday and fit in 2 hours of a mix of running, weight training and riding before work. And another 1.5 hours after work a few times a week.

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Well, if you aren't cycling, I hope you are walking at least? If you cycled I doubt you'll build up a sweat, so no need to even wear cycling kit or take a shower when you get to work, the Europeans do it all the time for over much further distance.

Walking the 3km in full formal gear would leave me wet. It is hot in Dbn

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Ummm no. I am not walking directly through Dbn CBD in a tie with a laptop bag. I drive. However, I do get up at 5am everyday and fit in 2 hours of a mix of running, weight training and riding before work. And another 1.5 hours after work a few times a week.

[/Quote] Eish, that's commitment, well done. I've never been in Durban CBD so no idea what it would be like.

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I've been reminded this whole week how great the Cape town traffic is when the schools are closed. Easy peasy, no hold-ups, no aggro attitudes. Even Main Rd Southern Suburbs is a pleasure at 7 am. :thumbup:


Next week will be different with the soccer mums and captains of industry all back in the mix, dropping their kids off at all the surrounding schools. :thumbdown:

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