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Racing on a Sunday is a sin


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I do eat apples. Not my favourite fruit, but have 1 every now & again. Not worried about the 'fall to prey to religion)-haha


@ 2. I don't go to church. As I feel that I don't learn from it. I rather do my own studies on certain subjects / chapters / books in the Bible & some mp3 material. thing is most of us have got an upbringing that had a certain religous view. So most of the time if someone comes with a 'new' idea that's upstream it will seem unconvincingly. Was just voicing my 'left field' view(s)


5. If someone would at least spend a fair amount of time on the subject & with an open mind the subject of religion / faith seems to be not so far fetched after all.


Bottom line: We are either a result of creation or a cosmic 'accident' . Are there any more options?

Ah, your post explains a lot .

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Why do you think a person needs a personal visit from a deity to receive inspiration? Don't you receive personal guidance and inspiration from God through prayer and faith?


I receive inspiration every Sunday morning when I ride into Jonkershoek forest and after a few seconds between the trees, the only thing you can hear is your heart beat and the wind in the branches. Who needs a church building when we've got nature.

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Why do you think a person needs a personal visit from a deity to receive inspiration? Don't you receive personal guidance and inspiration from God through prayer and faith?


I mean that's the whole point of being divinely inspired. Not everyone needs to be like Old Mormon Joe and receive visitations from dead American Indians and Jesus and whatnot.


Inspiration can come from anywhere, be it Yoda, God or Buddha for that matter


I don't pray and have very, very little faith in religion, but I do believe in a God. I've been through and seen enough to have my reasons. Also in saying, I respect what other people do and their choices.

Edited by Caerus
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This thread has really blown apart... What we need to bring about some sanity is ... The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch


The instructions for its use can be found in the fictitious Book of Armaments, Chapter 2, verses 9-21,

"And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, "O LORD, bless this Thy hand grenade that with it Thou mayest blow Thine enemies to tiny bits, in Thy mercy.

And the LORD did grin and the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths and carp and anchovies and orangutans and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats and large chu... .

And the LORD spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin, then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."




<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/nzrc5Zbclpg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Edited by stratus5
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You know, I find the bit about the "apple" the most significant part in the Bible.


Me thinks, the "apple" is different for all of us. Man, I don't even think it was an apple. To me that "apple" signified something else. Could be fame, fortune whatever. God said, stay here with me and forget the apple. The choice is YOURS. Man said "No way, I want the apple" So he took it.


Then God said fine, do it your way. I am outa here. Then man felt sorry and God said fine. Let us set up some rules. Plenty of rules. Man said: "We can't do all of this. We want freedom from these rules." We want a choice.


So God send Jesus to set us free - Right, you now have a choice: You are either with me or against me. The choice is YOURS! Just like in the beginning when the choice was YOURS. Have the apple, don't have the apple.


The funny thing is that when the poop hits the fan, God gets blamed for our choices: Drunk guy crashes into a car and people die. Why didn't God prevent it? What, you don't want to be in charge anymore?


Man gets cancer. Why did God not prevent it? Huh? Look at the way we live our lives. How we don't all get cancer is beyond me! We crap where we eat man!!!


God gave you a choice. Just be thankful for that at least.

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You know, I find the bit about the "apple" the most significant part in the Bible.


Me thinks, the "apple" is different for all of us. Man, I don't even think it was an apple. To me that "apple" signified something else. Could be fame, fortune whatever. God said, stay here with me and forget the apple. The choice is YOURS. Man said "No way, I want the apple" So he took it.


Then God said fine, do it your way. I am outa here. Then man felt sorry and God said fine. Let us set up some rules. Plenty of rules. Man said: "We can't do all of this. We want freedom from these rules." We want a choice.


So God send Jesus to set us free - Right, you now have a choice: You are either with me or against me. The choice is YOURS! Just like in the beginning when the choice was YOURS. Have the apple, don't have the apple.


The funny thing is that when the poop hits the fan, God gets blamed for our choices: Drunk guy crashes into a car and people die. Why didn't God prevent it? What, you don't want to be in charge anymore?


Man gets cancer. Why did God not prevent it? Huh? Look at the way we live our lives. How we don't all get cancer is beyond me! We crap where we eat man!!!


God gave you a choice. Just be thankful for that at least.

After all this time and we eventually agree :)

Just don't call it an apple :o

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After all this time and we eventually agree :)

Just don't call it an apple :o

As long as we don't become friends mate - I would hate for that to happen...:D

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After all this time and we eventually agree :)

Just don't call it an apple :o


The Bible describes it as a fruit, so not necessarily an apple, but lets agree for purposes of this thread that it was an apple .......... just now calling it a fruit starts off a whole debate about gay cyclists :offtopic:

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Speaking of it being a sin to race on Sunday, remember when Rupert and Morne were sponsored by Deo Gloria?

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Being Human is all about Choices


Ether God created earth or it mistriously evolved over bilions of years. The latter is a theory that i cant understand so i choose to believe that God created it.


SO from the point where i believe that God exist i choose that either God created people to Love them or to use them as servants. I choose to beleive that he loves us.


So if you believe in God you have to find a way to be in right standing with him .You either choose a religion with rules that say if you do all this you will be in right standing or you choose to accept Jesus who say that you cant keep all the laws so he paid a price so that you can be in rightstanding. I choose Jesus-much easier and i am lazy.


When you choose Jesus and he promise you eternal life you either choose to obey his word and receive the blessings with that or you choose that eternal life is enough and you dont need to follow his rules. Youl still be saved but you will suffer the consequences ,however thats your choice. Just dont go and Blame God if you do not keep the rules and then find something is not working out.

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You know, I find the bit about the "apple" the most significant part in the Bible.


Me thinks, the "apple" is different for all of us. Man, I don't even think it was an apple. To me that "apple" signified something else. Could be fame, fortune whatever. God said, stay here with me and forget the apple. The choice is YOURS. Man said "No way, I want the apple" So he took it.


Then God said fine, do it your way. I am outa here. Then man felt sorry and God said fine. Let us set up some rules. Plenty of rules. Man said: "We can't do all of this. We want freedom from these rules." We want a choice.


So God send Jesus to set us free - Right, you now have a choice: You are either with me or against me. The choice is YOURS! Just like in the beginning when the choice was YOURS. Have the apple, don't have the apple.


The funny thing is that when the poop hits the fan, God gets blamed for our choices: Drunk guy crashes into a car and people die. Why didn't God prevent it? What, you don't want to be in charge anymore?


Man gets cancer. Why did God not prevent it? Huh? Look at the way we live our lives. How we don't all get cancer is beyond me! We crap where we eat man!!!


God gave you a choice. Just be thankful for that at least.




Good explanation. The choice is yours & remains yours until...


Would still like to hear the answer to the either created or cosmic 'accident'... anyone have another / better explanation?

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