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So you kick my car and run


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The OP IS a cyclist... There's no excuse for anything he said leading to the offender kicking his jammy and making a runner! The chap on his bike is being a pr1ck.


I have been commuting by bike for years and will tell you straight up that there are certain lights I will yield to but simply not stop at if it's safe to cross. Not because I have a fetish for breaking the red traffic light law, but simply because it is a greater danger to me to move with the traffic as the light changes because of narrowing shoulder, weird traffic flow intersection or similar obstacle in that particular road directly ahead. i.e. I make sure I am through the danger point ahead of the traffic still coming from the light. I can understand others taking a similar view, but the spot under discussion doesn't warrant this.

Edited by Tubehunter
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Yup! Name and Shame time!


What bike? what colour?

What kit? what helmut?


I think it was FRAIL. Remember when he "attacked" that cop car? He was peeved with the OP cos he insulted his wig.

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Kicking is largely ineffectual. Wing mirrors are in fact removable items when you apply force correctly.


The ones with strong springs can be a hassle though.

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Maybe he was also a chef on his way to work, pre 6:19? Otherwise, live and let live (or not, as the case may be). Why rile your day because of someone else?

Uh oh....Leet ?? :unsure:

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I feel your pain having to cycle on busy roads and lots of intersections. I stay in a one traffic light town and it takes me a couple of minutes and I am out of town with clean fresh air and lots of forest plantations and beautiful green mealie lands :rolleyes: Cycling should be relaxing and a way for stress release

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Wayne. Not to burst your bubble, but it is my growing opinion that Charles got it wrong.


There appears to be VERY LITTLE discernible attrition in that particular gene pool. In fact i would go as far as saying that the thinking mans gene pool is now, more than ever, under severe threat.


Red Data kind of threat! The OP may have more simply assisted by assisting Charles theory along. :thumbup:


Darwin had it 100% right and humans have been cocking it up ever since. We now spend massive amounts to make depressed people live, make sick people better, make old people live longer, and on more warning labels for idiots who would otherwise turn litigious. Little wonder we're so f-ed.

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What time tomorrow? We riding over the mountain starting in front of CTICC so should be fun watching 2 roadies going at it.


I had a poephole (aaaarrrggghh cant remember his number plate now but could be clarks-wp_) in a black beemer slowly squeeze me into the pavement this morning. If you cant see my LED Lenser pulsating in your mrror then you shouldnt be driving.


I too will wait for him tomorrow.


To the OP, was there any damage to your car?

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Darwin had it 100% right and humans have been cocking it up ever since. We now spend massive amounts to make depressed people live, make sick people better, make old people live longer, and on more warning labels for idiots who would otherwise turn litigious. Little wonder we're so f-ed.

I assume then that if a loved one takes ill, or becomes depressed, you'd be happy to sit by and adhere to Darwin's "fittest will survive" ideas then? Sure, on one hand the planet is hugely overpopulated because of many factors, one of them being modern medicine, but I pray for your sake you never are faced with the decision to switch someone off, or watch a friend die of cancer.

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resorting to violence will only mean" i are baboon."what tickles me is that most cyclist also have cars and i presume drive them from time to time.it is not so much a question of cyclist vs car , but of cyclist vs fellow cyclist.sort of like Rocky2 fighting Rocky 4 who will win no one.I however do not have the answer and i doubt whether the solution will be found during the next few years.

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So this morning on my way to work,


I'm sorry but you're commuting, on your own, in a car, hardly a standpoint that deserves any respect from anyone, let alone a cyclist.


Also, you show me a cyclist who hasn't shot a red robot, i'll show you a liar.

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