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Midrand Safety


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Guys. We know of the hotspot areas in Midrand but we still see people riding alone in them. Please spread the word to those you know. Bike shops need to do the same - maybe print a few A4's with warnings on and display them in shop. Awareness is critical here. If i see guys riding alone, I stop and warn them.


Danger areas in the Midrand region:

  • Summit rd (R562)
  • London Lane
  • Top section of Blue Hills/Sun Valley - Gallop Road

I just received this in an email:


Just a timely warning everyone NOT to cycle on London Lane near the first bend after coming off Summit Road, or indeed anywhere near that big open piece of veld which borders Olievenhoutbos, so that includes Monument Road (the dirt road off London Lane). We have had 2 recent incidents:


vCyclist stabbed, Sun 15 Jan +- 09h15. Ex Sun Valley resident Claire Hern was stabbed in the back when she sped up and the crook realised he could not knock her off her bike. She has a punctured lung and has been in ICU, now out and doing well. If not for the quick action of Val Last, one of our residents, she might well not have made it.


vCyclist held up on Monument Road, corner of London Lane Ring Road Tue 10 Jan. 21 year old going for a cycle held up at gunpoint, St. Christopher medal ripped from his neck, but before bike could be taken fought back. Chase by grooms and 4 by 4’s and participation at the end from Coin Security led to capture of the perpetrator and both medal and gun were recovered. Crook was carted off to jail.

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You have no idea. I live in the area and its been a battle for 5 years now and have been a victim three times. One succesful the rest, thankfully, not.

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  • 2 years later...

Sheeeeet! I cycle there alot!

I commute from centurion to sunninghill...

Now gotta find a safer route. dam!! oh well


Its so pathetic we live in a **** hole!

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Sheeeeet! I cycle there alot!

I commute from centurion to sunninghill...

Now gotta find a safer route. dam!! oh well


Its so pathetic we live in a **** hole!


It's safer nowadays .

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It's safer nowadays .


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All round :thumbup:

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I used to ride out there on my own all the time, right past Gallop and back down towards Lonehill etc. It was one of the places I used to feel I could ride on my own and did ride on my own at any time of the day, week day or otherwise.


I used to ride around 150km a week in that area. I miss it, I'm running out of places to ride on my own at the hours I can ride. f~**ing affirmative shoppers.

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  • 4 months later...

I have had some time on my hands the last few months and have taken to riding out there again. G Crowthorne, Sun Valley, ICB, Blue Hills. Weekdays only though and its quiet and seems safe. I keep a trained eye out for any dodgy characters and no bush whacking.

I don't see another rider or barely a car for the 3/4 hours that I am out there - but then most folk are at work

Weekends is when the dodgy bastards lurk mosty, but then its so random that can you actually pin it?

Stick to main (ish) tracks and routes and you ok

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  • 3 years later...
  • 6 months later...

MTBike Jacking - Trails between Mnandi & Summit Roads (Near Diepsloot / Riversands)



Group of 7 hit the trails around Riversands Sunday, 22nd April, 7:30 am. There were other group riders doing varied routes, pace and distance.



9:45 - "Prof" (retired) was the second last rider in the group and I was sweeping when 3 armed males blocked the trail just ahead of "Prof" - blocking the two of us from the rest of the group.



The visible firearm made intentions clear. We got off our bikes and put on the ground. My hands went immediately up into the air. The thugs then went for our back packs / Camelbak. For some reason "Prof" was stabbed on the right thigh - possibly for taking too long to get his pack off, or worse, to ensure there was no retaliation from other riders with the focus being on getting "Prof" immediate medical assistance. The scum then sauntered off without a care in the world; heading towards Diepsloot.



The assailants didn't check pockets, so my phone wasn’t taken -  thankfully - support was called in and with the effort of riders from the various groups we got “Prof” to hospital. He was stitched up and will be on crutches for a few weeks.



This was a totally random act. "Prof" rides a 12yr GT and my profile pic is what I was riding. Pretty hard not to notice.



The cops that arrived at the scene recommended going to Diepsloot police station to open a case.



The ordeal at the station, around 3 hours, was longer and more drawn out than the 60 second “jacking”. It took about 30 minutes for the five officers, behind the counter to decide where the case should be opened as the incident didn't happen on a road. Two other SAPS stations were mentions. Trying to explain the exact location with the Google pin I dropped was impossible. Finally, common sense prevailed and the process of taking statements began - the case then would be transferred to the correct department.



While taking my statement an officer heard I was one of the victims of a bike jacking. He asked me the colour of the bike...bright yellow...he then grinned and said they'd found it. I was told to accompany him and a second officer to identify the bike. We drove into Diepsloot, in a dilapidated cop van, and finally pulled over alongside an even more dilapidated shipping container with “Diepsloot community service”, or similar, crudely painted on the outside. “Profs” GT and my fluorescent baby were resting against the entrance to the container. I showed the officers a picture of the Stumpie – fortunately had taken some photos at the Delta Dash the day before – confirmed - bikes located.



I was then summoned into the community centre container with 8 other community members and the two officers. I started getting very nervous. I was asked what I was going to do. I let them all know I was busy with opening a case and would proceed with it. The cops and the community members began discussing, in their home language, what I suspect to be how much cash they could get off me for the bike being “found” by them. I was asked the price of the Stumpie – I couldn’t lie as I had to give the price for the (case) statement.


Apparently, the assailants were trying to flog the bikes and the community members suspected the bikes were stolen. So, the community members weren’t the culprits. More than that I don’t know.



Back to the cop shop with both bikes and 8 community members in the back of the cop van. Finished the case statement. Then had to complete a “disposal of found item” document. The officer taking my details had to step away to a printer. One of the officers that had taken me to to the “container” asked, on behalf of the community members, if there’s anything I’d like to give them.



What to do? Get the ordeal over with or get the station superior involved as clearly this was a money-making scheme. Stolen bikes “found” by the community. Cops recover stolen items and then extort money from the victim while in the boundaries of their “playground”.


“I have about 600 cash. That’s all I have and will pay them once I have the bikes back”.



A while later both bikes were packed into the boot of my car. Walked over to the community members, thanked them each individually, and handed over the cash. I never have that amount of cash with me – I’m so damn grateful I had it though. The last thing I’d want to do is be escorted to an ATM to draw cash.



I walked backed to the counter and thanked the officer for her time in taking my statement and finalising the found item documentation. She gave me hope that there are good cops in SA!



Walking back to me car the two officers say, “don’t worry Sir, we’ll escort you back”.



****sakes! When’s this going to end?



While following me out of Diepsloot and back to Riversands, the cops put their hazards on and pulled over to the left of the road. I did the same. The cops then got out the vehicle – as did I. I was then asked if a have “cooldrink” for them.

“Guys, I just gave all the cash I had. My bag was stolen and there is nothing more I can give you”.



I was then let go…all my details – ID number, home and work addresses, contact numbers etc. – are freely available to anyone at the station wanting to get their “cooldrink” from me.




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Sorry to hear about your and Prof's ordeal! It does sound like an operation to make money. Someone probably realised that it is easier to intimidate cyclists for a 'bribe' than to sell-off stolen bikes.

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Hope your friend recovers fully and I'm glad you are ok.


Nothing else to say on the subject.



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Sorry to hear about Prof. Glad you got your bikes back.


My suggestion is to take the money extortion up with Command. Start by reporting it to a Station Commander at another station, then also try find out how to report it to IPID.


Sadly I do not trust our SAPS, and due to this I would not be surprised if a few members are behind the syndicate. Get a few cronies to steal a bike, they hand it in to an unknown member of the public, said member phones specific SAPS member who then arranges for meeting between bike owner and the public, money changes hands and gets split between the thieves.

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