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You are the only arsehole and wanker!!!!!!!!! What we need is guys playing because they ARE the best players!

So f-off and go and watch some soccer!

its funny how the 'rugby public' always bring up soccer when their game is criticised.

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so we lost to the All Blacks and are now firmly entrenched in the no2 spot in WORLD RUGBY ' old boys club'.

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its funny how the 'rugby public' always bring up soccer when their game is criticised.

Even funnier in that they were both brought here by the "colonialist devil"...... Edited by Delgado
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Even funnier in that they were both brought here by the "colonialist devil"......


Funny, there were more Maoris at the game last night than aborigines at the game last Saturday, wonder why?


Oh I just remembered, they could not be there as the Ozzies prefer to keep them drunk and in reserves

Edited by eccentric1
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In the context of post apartheid south africa?


Sorry, when I encounter people on a daily basis who where dispossessed of their land and income, I can't help but have no faith in a team of Bothas...


You meet aborigines on a daily basis????

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@TNT! (Troll ne troll) and the biggest disgrace of wit ou's are the cyclists. Absolutely terrible. lol. Somehow I don't think they'll notice if you don't support them.

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@TNT! (Troll ne troll) and the biggest disgrace of wit ou's are the cyclists. Absolutely terrible. lol. Somehow I don't think they'll notice if you don't support them.


Hy moes eintlik DND gewees het

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You are the only arsehole and wanker!!!!!!!!! What we need is guys playing because they ARE the best players!

So f-off and go and watch some soccer!


Sin Bin for you, Fats...

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Books threw the game away, the AB's absorbed all the first half pressure then outclassed us in the second half.

As for the South African All Black supporters, it irritates me no end, but that will always be part of our rugby, people like supporting a winning team, but I know better to not get into a debate over this here, it does not end well. I'm also not sure if it is about politics anymore, some years ago perhaps, but the new bread of South African supporters just want to support a winning team, and it is not just black South Africans that support the AB's, many whites too. I say good luck to them, just don't be surprised when you get gears from fellow Saffa's

I just wish the Boks could get some consistency. The biggest difference I find is that when we get onto the back foot we don't stick to our gameplan (albeit flawed), we start playing emotionally and make silly knee jerk decisions on the field, the AB's never panicked, they stuck to their guns, and their back line is something special, things of dreams, we may have one or two game breakers, but the damn All Black side is full of them led by a true legend of the game.

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so we lost to the All Blacks and are now firmly entrenched in the no2 spot in WORLD RUGBY ' old boys club'.

We always have been and always will be second to the All Blacks, with a few stints at no 1 in between. A question though to everyone: Is that such a disaster? We are still a great rugby nation, maybe too demanding though which is fine, as nobody should go out there and try be second best.

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We have too many forwards in our backline. And why is it that when established kickers walks into the Bok team that they suddenly cannot kick. Fire the kicking coach I say. And the defence coach as well.

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the last Bok team to play rugby was the one that Carel Doep coached. since then our players are of the opinion that they are able to run thru/over a player. the biggest culprit is Jean de Villiers as he should know better. italy,argentina and japan play with more flair and creativity in the backline than us.

our game plan is so predictable it is unbelieveable. i couldn't believe that with 5 minutes to go Pienaar was still kicking up & unders from the base of the scrum. is this the best meyer can come up with, if so , then he has no faith in his backline to get over the advantage line on their own ball.

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Our backline is week due to injury mainly .Playing against the best backline in the world .Simple really .You need strong tacking centres like Frans steyn caliber .When our backs are strong we win .when they are week we lose

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Our backline is week due to injury mainly


Yes. that's the cause of the fail. Especially cause no team we play against ever has injuries.

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Yes. that's the cause of the fail. Especially cause no team we play against ever has injuries.


You didnt hear the Wallabies Complain about all their injuries.......

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You didnt hear the Wallabies Complain about all their injuries.......


I hear lots about injuries, and then teams go on and win matches.


I think these guys who represent our nation, should include more players of colour, and stop whining like scolded cats, and actually win some matches.


I have the same complaint about our cricket team.

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