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Cyclist killed in front of his Son.

Big H*

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Thoughts and prayera with the family...


We should stage a trap to kill these mofo's and then just bury them in the veld!!!!!!


It is just not cool...

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This was not performed with racial intent but purely criminal intent.


How do you know this ?


Also irrespective of colour, it's pure savagery ,they type of heartless,emotionless individual I would not want near me and my family.


So let's just put skin tone aside for a while and look at it from another angle, would you allow a rapist, satanist, child molester and whatever else you can think of in to your house ?


Till our mates take their not so rich and dark cultures and remove them from society, we will sadly be running around the same old marbles till the end of time.

But then again, I will even go as far as to say that the word culture is just an excuse to carry on with savagery.


I certainly don't see Vikings running around in this modern age raping and plundering villages.

I don't see headhunters running around modern society taking heads randomly as they feel fit.

I can't remember when the last time was I saw a guy walking in to a bar with a club which he used to take a chick home.


Bottom line, the world is changing things are evolving and we have to adapt, killing people for the hell of it (irrespective of race) does not belong in our society.

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That write up left me just a little more than angered and over-emotional.

There is no fun in losing a parent, and for something as art as a bicycle ,even worse.

These are savages with no morals and sense of respect for their fellow humans.


As much as this might piss some off, there might just have ben some degree of sense in the method of madness with that segregation years ago,


I agree that the murderers are savages and this story also leaves me feeling very emotional but it's unfortunate that your definition of savage seems to be race orientated. The savages responsible for the senseless torture, mutilation and murder of defenseless civilians during the Kosovo/Serbian war were white. The savages responsible for the Holocaust were white. The savages in the IRA were white.


Let's leave the racial stereotyping out of the discussion and instead focus on the origins of a culture that gives rise to these senseless killings - whether they be here or anywhere in the world.

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I agree that the murderers are savages and this story also leaves me feeling very emotional but it's unfortunate that your definition of savage seems to be race orientated. The savages responsible for the senseless torture, mutilation and murder of defenseless civilians during the Kosovo/Serbian war were white. The savages responsible for the Holocaust were white. The savages in the IRA were white.


Let's leave the racial stereotyping out of the discussion and instead focus on the origins of a culture that gives rise to these senseless killings - whether they be here or anywhere in the world.


Perhaps you should take the blinkers off your own two eyes and see where I repeated three times that I use the term savage irrespective of skin, unless of course people have been lying to me all this time and Hitler actually was black.

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wht is more disturbing is the racial slant this thread is taking. This was not performed with racial intent but purely criminal intent. The views expressed by some supporting the introductionof apartheid is appalling as a means to eradicate these crimes.


Not just this thread that is taking this slant... It is the whole of SA taking this stance. BBBEE has not been good to me, It is felt by many that because I am white, I am advantaged. My father went to the "grens" often when I was young. He would come back and beat me senseless. My mother and father was divorced when I was 4, as he was just not the man she married. I did not get a tertiary education, maintenance from my farther was never paid, and to my shock I learnt that my Mother and Stepdad (awesome guy), ran a shebeen to keep things going.


Yet we all go from strength to strength and do not fall to crime. I have worked hard and is busy studying part time.


Criminals are of all color, but as Gummibear said, the crimes against whites is so freakin brutal!


It is high time that the government do something about this. Start by taking away prisoners' rights to everything once found guilty, and let them do hard labour exposed to the elements. It is because currently crime pays for the elite who gets released earlier due to overcrowded prisons.


In this country, some are more equal than others, and until that is not sorted, there will be a racial tone to everything.

Edited by RooiWIllie
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Perhaps you should take the blinkers off your own two eyes and see where I repeated three times that I use the term savage irrespective of skin, unless of course people have been lying to me all this time and Hitler actually was black.


Easy chap - you really are quick to fly off the handle and become personal and sarcastic in your replies aren't you.


When you say that going back to a segregated society, a segregation based on racial classification, might be the solution to savagery like this, then I'm afraid you're branding blacks as being the only people capable of such savagery i.e. exclude them from our society and the problem will go away. Sorry chap but that the blacks aren't going away and even if they did there are plenty of white savages out there who will perform some savage act and ruin your illusion of a civilised white society.

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Easy chap - you really are quick to fly off the handle and become personal and sarcastic in your replies aren't you.


When you say that going back to a segregated society, a segregation based on racial classification, might be the solution to savagery like this, then I'm afraid you're branding blacks as being the only people capable of such savagery i.e. exclude them from our society and the problem will go away. Sorry chap but that the blacks aren't going away and even if they did there are plenty of white savages out there who will perform some savage act and ruin your illusion of a civilised white society.


Hey sometime, do you call people chap to their face, have some respect.

I will also bank that you are the type of individual that call the blacks every name under the sun behind closed doors.

Reading your responses here I would even segregate myself from you, is that a problem, no not to me, my life my choice.


Now to dissect your ramble.

Did I mention anywhere that the blacks should go away ?

Is this how you actually really feel ?


Now also explain to me what my " illusion of a civilised white society" is.

I am keen to hear your side of my story.

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Let's leave the racial stereotyping out of the discussion and instead focus on the origins of a culture that gives rise to these senseless killings - whether they be here or anywhere in the world.


It's not all over the world.

Headlines in our paper today and on News24 there were 3 murders in the headlines.



Edited by gummibear
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If you think that crime isn't racially intent you are lying to yourself. Sometimes I am sure it isn't but in most cases it is. How is it that the white population only consists of 9.2% out of nearly 50million people. Out of the 50 people being killed every day in South Africa I would like to know if it is only 9.2% white people, cause that would be logical.


We are the rape capital of the world. And we have some of the highest baby and child rape figures in the world.


There has been over 4000 farm murders in South Africa since 1994. How is that not racially intended? that is roughly 2 farmers getting killed (and most of the time it's torture and the wife and 6month old baby will get raped and then killed) every 3 days!


While a baby and his babysitter was killed our president was trying to get rid of a painting with his genitals (which imho is more than fair if you have so many wifes and children you can start your own school).


Malema is singing kill the afrikaners and no one says a thing. The south african girls hockey team plays against England and guy behind the cd player puts on "die stem" instead of the national anthem and there is a huge outcry. Die stem has nothing to do with apartheid. I was written in the early 90's.


Why is it that the black population continuously makes a very big mountain, blames apartheid and feeds the nation with hate towards the white population whenever something small happens. Rape and murder is never spoken about, farm murders are never spoken about, raping a 5 month old baby is never spoken about.


I haven't seen a white politician going on about farmers or white babies and wifes being killed like that.


I am sick of not being cared about when the white population is the majority who fuels sars pockets. I am trying to move on from apartheid (of which I wasn't apart of so by the way). I don't want to keep being reminded how my nation messed things up. Are the Americans also being reminded about their dirty past? Are the Britain's also being reminded that they started black labour?


I want to move on can the black population please do the same?

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Sometimes I am sure it isn't but in most cases it is. How is it that the white population only consists of 9.2% out of nearly 50million people. Out of the 50 people being killed every day in South Africa I would like to know if it is only 9.2% white people, cause that would be logical.


Read this (down at about page 12): http://www.mrc.ac.za/crime/cvi_second_review_ch7.pdf Would appear that's about right, but unconclusive.

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If you think that crime isn't racially intent you are lying to yourself. Sometimes I am sure it isn't but in most cases it is. How is it that the white population only consists of 9.2% out of nearly 50million people. Out of the 50 people being killed every day in South Africa I would like to know if it is only 9.2% white people, cause that would be logical.


We are the rape capital of the world. And we have some of the highest baby and child rape figures in the world.


There has been over 4000 farm murders in South Africa since 1994. How is that not racially intended? that is roughly 2 farmers getting killed (and most of the time it's torture and the wife and 6month old baby will get raped and then killed) every 3 days!


While a baby and his babysitter was killed our president was trying to get rid of a painting with his genitals (which imho is more than fair if you have so many wifes and children you can start your own school).


Malema is singing kill the afrikaners and no one says a thing. The south african girls hockey team plays against England and guy behind the cd player puts on "die stem" instead of the national anthem and there is a huge outcry. Die stem has nothing to do with apartheid. I was written in the early 90's.


Why is it that the black population continuously makes a very big mountain, blames apartheid and feeds the nation with hate towards the white population whenever something small happens. Rape and murder is never spoken about, farm murders are never spoken about, raping a 5 month old baby is never spoken about.


I haven't seen a white politician going on about farmers or white babies and wifes being killed like that.


I am sick of not being cared about when the white population is the majority who fuels sars pockets. I am trying to move on from apartheid (of which I wasn't apart of so by the way). I don't want to keep being reminded how my nation messed things up. Are the Americans also being reminded about their dirty past? Are the Britain's also being reminded that they started black labour?


I want to move on can the black population please do the same?


Ja, thats the funny thing, how many stories have you read about a gang of whites torturing an elderly black farmer (or anyone black for that matter), raping his wife, torturing them and finally killing their children and everyone? Not many I'll wager...


The ANCYL is full of hatred and the current sloths that 'govern' allows this to be broadcast far and wide across the nation with no repercussion, Julius wasn't booted because he is racist and a half wit, he was threatening to upset the gravy train.


Thats the only time anything happens, when the gravy train looks like its starting to drip dry...

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Hey sometime, do you call people chap to their face, have some respect.

I will also bank that you are the type of individual that call the blacks every name under the sun behind closed doors.

Reading your responses here I would even segregate myself from you, is that a problem, no not to me, my life my choice.


Now to dissect your ramble.

Did I mention anywhere that the blacks should go away ?

Is this how you actually really feel ?


Now also explain to me what my " illusion of a civilised white society" is.

I am keen to hear your side of my story.


Chap/Sir/Boss/Dangle/Oom/Boet/Bru - take your pick - just a form of address - no disrespect intended.


You can answer all of your own questions by explaining what you meant when you wrote this "there might just have ben some degree of sense in the method of madness with that segregation years ago,".

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Chap/Sir/Boss/Dangle/Oom/Boet/Bru - take your pick - just a form of address - no disrespect intended.


You can answer all of your own questions by explaining what you meant when you wrote this "there might just have ben some degree of sense in the method of madness with that segregation years ago,".


You really are at a loss of words aren't you.

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You really are at a loss of words aren't you.


I think I would also like to know what you meant.....

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Now might be a good time to go and have a look at this:


I'm Whitey and I apologize


If it going to take one person to fix things then let it be me.


On behalf of all white South Africans past and present, local and abroad I would like to apologize to all Non White South Africans regarding the attrocities and hardships of the past. We are sincerely sorry for what we did. Now can we please all just get over ourselves and get on with this thing called life?

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It's not all over the world.

Headlines in our paper today and on News24 there were 3 murders in the headlines.




Really? Do you know what's happening in Syria at the moment? Do you know what's happening in Iraq? How about that Anders fellow who murdered all those innocent children in Norway? How about that man in France who killed a father and two of his sons in front of their school? How about the regular school killings coming out of the States?

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